first call all your credit bureaus and put alerts on them close all the fraud accounts and all major credit card companies have fraud restitution ie you are not liable for the charges. then let the police and secuirty teams for the credit cards work for you. they will because if you are not paying the charges they are losing money and trust me they dont want that.
2006-09-14 09:00:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You actually can buy indentiy theft insurance.. I think it is soooooooooo worth it! It is cheap and if it happens they will take care of it for you.. (all the legal and paper work and credit stuff) Also contact the 3 credit companies and put a block on your social security number so if anyone tries to pull your credit they have to contact you before the credit is pulled!! Good luck..
2006-09-14 15:52:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
you can get a kit from the FTC (search for "fighting back against Identity Theft")
I personally recommend getting Identity Theft Shield from
2006-09-15 00:15:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would go find the person, if they were working and paying taxes for me, I would get some credit cards in their name and charge them up, then leave them with the identity when paying time happened.
After all if "I" said the name belonged to that person, not me......
2006-09-14 15:47:43
answer #4
answered by agropelter 3
Call your credit card/debit card companies/bank and tell them you lost your card, do that every 4-6 months...They'll send you a new one with new numbers.
Also, check your credit report twice a year and make sure every thing is square. Close accounts you haven't used in years or forgot about.
Those things help A LOT!!!!
2006-09-14 15:52:55
answer #5
answered by joe b 3
Screw up your own credit before someone else does.
2006-09-14 16:08:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Not to let it happen to you...
2006-09-14 18:19:28
answer #7
answered by Cayman_tac 3