As far as I know - no UNLESS you are on other medications - as it does not mix with other meds well at all. In FACT, I heard that it does not mix even with other natural I'd ask wherever you purchased them what they can and cannot be taken WITH. If that is all you are taking though - and not taking more than a daily dose - I doubt it will be harmful to you.
2006-09-14 08:40:24
answer #1
answered by svmainus 7
"Although Ginkgo Biloba has many benefits, there are side effects too. People who should be wary around this herb are pregnant or lactating women. Ginkgo biloba pregnancy supplements have some side effects that include pregnant difficulties and difficulties nursing.
Because of the chance in having side effects when taking the Ginkgo biloba supplement, pregnant women have been advised not to take it. Experts are not sure what the effects of Ginkgo biloba are, and the herb as been the center of many controversial studies. There has yet to be a safe dosage established.
There is a study that was published in the September issue of Chemical Research in Toxicology. Scientists that participated in this controversial study said that they found an increased amount of colchicine, which is a toxic substance, in the placental blood in women who reported taking Ginkgo biloba herbal pregnancy supplements. All five women who reported taking the substance had a toxic level of 45 to 760 mcg/l of colchicine in their placenta blood. This is bad because it can lead to developmental problems in the fetus, or later on in life.
Although claims that ginkgo biloba pregnancy supplements should be taken seriously because of the potential negative effects it has on the development of the child, there are certain things wrong with this study. The study claimed that the herbal extracts caused the increased presence of colchicine in the placenta. This cannot be true because colchicine is not a component in ginkgo biloba pregnancy supplements. Therefore it seems impossible that ginkgo biloba be accused of causing the increase of colchicine.
The ginkgo biloba herb does, however, contain a nontoxic chemical that is the same as colchicines. Therefore, it is the scientists fault for not exerting enough effort in differentiating between the two. The pregnancy risks caused by colchicines could not have been caused by the usage of ginkgo biloba pregnancy supplements. Ginkgo biloba supplements need more testing and studies. The results of this test are not accurate.
Because one test is faulted does not mean that other test are too. People should not ignore the possibility that the ginkgo biloba supplement could cause some pregnancy problems there is still some risk of that.
Despite the numerous benefits one can derived from taking ginkgo biloba extract, still ginkgo biloba is subject to limitations. Although affect biloba ginkgo side had been rare and unverified, it is better to exercise caution in administering ginkgo biloba extracts to prevent possible side effects.
Affect biloba ginkgo side is known to occur in some instances when taking specific drugs. Ginkgo is believed to contain active ingredients that can trigger affect biloba ginkgo side. That is why to avoid affect biloba ginkgo side, ginkgo should be taken with caution and under supervision of people knowledgeable with ginkgo.
Some of the known affect biloba ginkgo side symptoms are headache, gastrointestinal irritations, skin reactions, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, et cetera. Concern about another possible affect biloba ginkgo side is control in platelet activating factor could increase risk of hemorrhage. Affect biloba ginkgo side could manifests in pregnant and lactating women too. Affect biloba ginkgo side could be noticed in children sensitive to herbal products.
To prevent possible affect biloba ginkgo side, it is best to consult healthcare provider if taking medications. Affect biloba ginkgo side is noticed in anticonvulsant medications. Affect ginkgo biloba side could lower the efficacy of anticonvulsant therapy in patients if taken in high doses. Patients taking anticonvulsant drugs such as carbamazepine or valproic acid to control seizures may be prone to possible affect biloba ginkgo side.
Affect biloba ginkgo side is associated with anticoagulant drugs. Affect biloba ginkgo side in anticoagulant products could be due to the blood-thinning properties found in ginkgo. Affect bilboa ginkgo side should be monitored when taking medications such as aspirin, clopidrogrel, dipyridamole, heparin, ticlopidine and warfarin.
Affect biloba ginkgo side could also occur when taking anti-depressant monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). Affect biloba ginkgo side can enhance both good and bad effects of antidepressant drugs. Affect biloba ginkgo side could possibly occur in using thiazide diuretics. Affect biloba ginkgo side may increase blood pressure during treatment. Affect biloba ginkgo side could also manifest in combining ginkgo with trazodone, another anti-depressant medication.
Affect biloba ginkgo side could be prevented if taken according to recommended daily dosage. Recommended daily dosage of ginkgo is between 40 to 200 mgs. daily. Increase in dosage for patients is necessary to get the optimum benefits. Standard ginkgo prepration contains 24% of flavonoids and 6% terpenoids. If using the above medications produced affect biloba ginkgo side, one should refer to qualified health representatives, consult a doctor or stop the use altogether.
Ginkgo biloba is relatively a safe medicine to use. Its tremendous healing potentials have been proven through time. While affect biloba ginkgo side is rare and unverifiable, it is better to prevent possible complications. Medical advice and recommendation should be heeded to prevent affect biloba ginkgo side.
2006-09-14 08:41:18
answer #2
answered by johnslat 7