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Why now? Is she finally tired of the @ss beatings, menages, and crack?

2006-09-14 04:52:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

15 answers

Recent reports have suggested that Karrine Steffans, the self-proclaimed "Video Vixen," may have caused the impending break-up of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown's marriage. But a source with knowledge of the relationship tells TMZ that it's Brown who has sought out Steffans for moral and financial support: He stays at her L.A. home "frequently" and Karrine actually ponies up for Bobby's pre-paid cell phone.

According to the TMZ source, there is in fact no romance between Brown and Steffans, and that outsiders are creating that illusion because of her past, in which she was known as "Supahead" by legions of R&B and hip-hop artists to whom she provided sexual services on the sets of their videos. She wrote a book about her experiences, "Confessions of a Video Vixen," which was a New York Times bestseller.

Steffans recently told the New York Daily News' Lloyd Grove that her relationship with Brown was "a really tricky situation" and called him her "dearest friend," but wouldn't admit to having a physical relationship. During the summer, at a concert Brown gave with fellow '80s artists Bell Biv Devoe and En Vogue at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles, Steffans was backstage and in fact took Brown home in her car. Brown had told the audience that he and Whitney were on the rocks and that he needed a "tenderoni" to take home. It appears he found that "tenderoni" in the form of Steffans. Brown and Steffans' encounter that night was caught on tape by a show called "I Married A Baller" on the TV1 network."

2006-09-14 17:52:47 · answer #1 · answered by laney45 4 · 2 0

I sure hope Whitney means it. At one time she was a beautiful and talented singer. Being with the wrong man, has made her personal and professional life take a major nose dive. I hope she's serious about getting herself together and once again be on top.

2006-09-14 12:41:39 · answer #2 · answered by cynthiajean222 6 · 1 0

It's the best thing she could do. If not for herself, but for their child. Sometimes you can get carried away with substance and don't even realize you have a problem with it. I'm sure after 14 years, she's finally fed up! Bobby's never been good for her.

2006-09-14 11:55:17 · answer #3 · answered by Shining Ray of Light 5 · 1 0

If that is what she really wants then I am sure that she is going to go through with the divorce.........just hope that she has Bobbi Kristinas best interest at heart when making decisions for her.

2006-09-14 12:29:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hell no you know she gone be back for some more crack! You know crackheads alway come back even if it means taking an *** whopping on the way out of the door!

2006-09-14 11:56:40 · answer #5 · answered by winter 1 · 2 1

I truly think Whitney has had enough. I pray she gets herself togethey. Rumors has it she has lost her voice, but I think its nothing a little rest couldnt solve.

2006-09-14 11:56:12 · answer #6 · answered by steak 3 · 2 0

It's very real.Karrine Steffans(supahead) has said that she and Bobby Brown have been seeing each other for months.

2006-09-14 14:18:32 · answer #7 · answered by Celebrity girl 7 · 1 0

they're both messed up crack heads. and even if the divorce gets finalized they will end up getting back together because they are both sooooooooo cracked out. they both belong in prison.

2006-09-14 11:55:38 · answer #8 · answered by 5 · 2 1


2006-09-14 11:54:11 · answer #9 · answered by Drewood 5 · 1 0

yes its bout time

2006-09-14 16:43:58 · answer #10 · answered by the_blue_martini_69 7 · 0 0

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