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2006-09-14 03:23:48 · 2 answers · asked by mcleod.william 1 in Computers & Internet Internet

2 answers

No they would not. Universities /. Schools (that I am aware of) has a firewall. And inorder to use a proxy, you have to connect to a proxy. Thus that sort of connection is not tolerated within campus/schools (from my consent)...

The only way I could think of accessing the outside world is to find one computer within the local area network of the school/campus that have access to some of the outside world. Once you find this computer (usually linux), You can tunnel your way to the outside world. That is what I do for my campus.

There is one public server on our campus that can access remote desktop sinc ethe firewall in that area of campus is not blocked. But in my area (engineering side) it is blocked. From saying this, I wanted to tunnel all my bits from my LOCATIONA to the other LOCATIONB. LocationA and LocationB has different LANS but they are part of the Local University MAN. So I can freely do anything within the same MAN. A MAN is simply a metropolitan Network thus a bunch of LANS within same network.

So What I do is that, I TUNNEL using Any SSH Client, I set up the outside port and inside port as well as the destination.
I usually conncet to localhost:911 when I Remote Desktop. What that does is that it creates a TUNNEL of bits of data from my computer to the local lan computer thru the port 911and on the other computer it acccess that world!:) Works very nicely!

If you need any help on that, let me know.. Maybe proxies will work if your site administrator is stupid. If you are connecting to a PROXY that means it is making a tunnel from your computer to that proxy then to the outside world. Try finding a LOCAL proxy that does that. But in any case SSH Tunneling works flawlessly.

Good Luck

2006-09-14 03:35:02 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0


2006-09-14 10:25:18 · answer #2 · answered by winnner_of_heart 3 · 0 0

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