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How long did it take until the baby came? What was it like when you checked into the hospital? Please tell me any info. I want to know what to expect. Any tips? I'm 39 weeks and my doctor told me to check into the hospital TODAY and she will try to induce me. What do I expect? I know I should have asked her more questions but I was in shock when she told me and excited so I couldn't really think at the time, she just told me yesterday. Any personal experiences would help! Anything that would help to ease my curiosity and nervousness would be GREATLY Appreciated! If your interested in points I will be picking the best answer for an extra 10 points today.

2006-09-14 03:21:07 · 16 answers · asked by NIKKI 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

16 answers

HI! I was induced at 38 weeks using pitocin. I had a very pleasant experience with induction. I thought that the labor went pretty smoothly, considering! I was in labor for about 9 hours, pushed for about 35 mins. Checking into the hospital was easy. They were expecting me so it was like checking into a hotel. Haha. I was nervous, but that was quickly overtaken by excitement when I first got to the hospital. Its natural to feel nervous. You'd be crazy if you didn't. Many people say induction is more painful from what I was told, but for me I was really comforted to know when I would have the baby, instead of having to wait till my water broke. I had a good experience. Just relax and be excited. That really helped get me through. Good luck!

2006-09-14 03:35:58 · answer #1 · answered by Rachael 1 · 1 0

I was induced at 39 weeks with my first son. I checked in to the hospital early morning 8 am. They put in an IV to give me fluids and the PITOCIN- that is the medicine that causes the contractions to dilate your cervix. Started some mild cramping then some light contractions. 2 hrs later had some stronger contractions so the gave me a shot of STADOL in my IV. It is a pain management medicine- not harmful to the baby but I has a small reaction ( very dizzy room spinning and my face was all itchy) It started wearing off about 1 or 2 hrs later. They came in and gave me an epidural. After that I was numb from the waist down. I read a magazine and visited with family and rested through the afternoon. at 5 pm my doctor said I was ready to start pushing so I told my friend on the phone I had to go have a baby. They back off the epidural a little so you can feel your legs some. I pushed for 20 minutes. My son was born at 5:26- then they clean you up and stop the epidural and you have all your feeling back in about an hour. Better than a 48 hour labor I bet!! You will do great. Relax and breathe and good luck with your new baby!

2006-09-14 03:30:44 · answer #2 · answered by therealprinsess 3 · 0 0

How exciting! I knew four days ahead that I had to be induced. The dr. had tried a hormone cream the night before and it didn't work. So, in the morning, they put me on pitocin (I hope I remembered that word right) drip. (I didn't know much about induction, but found out stuff later.) After a couple of hours, I guess, the contractions started, and if I remember right by mid-afternoon, it was pretty intense. There was a fetal monitor around my belly, and I just remember wanting to turn on one side to relieve the pain, and they wouldn't let me. Having the monitor on also hurt, but of course, that couldn't come off. Then, I was very grateful for that, because around 5 p.m. my baby's heartbeat went really low, and they had to prep me for an emergency c-section because the baby was in distress. They worked really fast, and did the surgery in time. I had a healthy baby boy! The cord was wrapped multiple times around his neck.
Now, what I didn't know about being induced until later --- the contractions are harder, hurt more and are faster than natural labour. With natural labour, the body goes through cycles, the contractions come in waves, so you are prepared for each cycle. With being induced, BAM, come the contractions. But they may give you something for the pain, depends on the situation. However it works out for you, just trust in the doctors and nurses - they've done this many, many times and have your best interests at the foremost. Good luck and Happy Birthing!

2006-09-14 03:37:55 · answer #3 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

As exciting as it is to be told "you'll have your baby today" you may want to examine the pros and cons of this procedure. With induction, your chances of receiving an epidural (if you don't plan on having one) is increased because the contractions are "unnatural" and much more painful. Also, your chances of "not progressing" is increased which leads to more contraction-inducing drugs. (Why has the doctor told you all through pregnancy to avoid drugs and now they want to pump your system full of them?) C-sections are much more common in induced labors. Most importantly, you are 39 weeks pregnant and your baby is not ready to come yet. I'm sure you're aware that baby's true age is probably more around 37 weeks. Your due date is calculated by your last period. You probably weren't really pregnant until about two weeks after your last period. It's true...ask your doc. Good luck!

2006-09-14 03:42:46 · answer #4 · answered by bergs4him 1 · 0 0

Hi! First of all, congrats! I am 38 weeks preggo and I have 3 kids but I was only induced with my first. I was induced by them breaking my water. When I first got to the hospital they gave me an IV and hooked me up to the moniters. Then the Dr. came in and broke my water (not that bad). I was in labor for 16 hrs. after that but ended up with a c-section because she was 10 lbs. and wouldn't come out. I don't know if they will be using pitocin to induce you or not but I have heard that it produces stronger contractions than normal. I wish you much luck and here's hopes for a healthy baby!

2006-09-14 03:29:27 · answer #5 · answered by mama 2 · 0 0

I just had a baby 4 months ago I was 39 weeks when I was induced because of Diabetes. I was scheduled to go in the morning but they didnt have beds so I went at 2 in the afternoon. I went in they gave me my bed they went over all my paper work with me. The doctor came in and inserted half of a little tablet into my cervix to start dialtaion. It didnt hurt,you have to lay down for 30 min. then you can walk around.after about 5 hours they came in and put the other half in.after thats I started hard labor thats when I asked for pain management they gave me a shot in the arm and about an hour later I delivered my daughter. so I was in labor from 3 in the afternoon until 12 am. nine hours.
I was also induce with my son 8 years ago. I started labor at home and they said that my contractions were good but I needed a little extra help I was in labor for 16 hours with him they broke my water and there he was. You will be fine, the procedure to induce you doesnt hurt at all. Just think in a couple of hours you will get to see that beautiful baby and every thing you went through will be so worth it. My advice to you is talk to your doctor about pain management as soon as they start the induction get all your options and ask what would be best for you. it is better to get it before the pain gets really bad and your pain level threshold is too high and it takes longer for it to kick in. you can even write down any questions from now till you get there and ask before you start. also I would eat before you go. I didnt eat with my son and I was starving in the middle of labor with my daughter I actually stopped at a drive through on my way to the hospital and ate there! Congratualtions and dont be nervous women do it everyday and the reward of holding your baby is awesome!

2006-09-14 03:41:12 · answer #6 · answered by ArmyWife 2 · 0 0

I was induced with pitocin and it made my contractions terrible, but my son did not respond well to the contractions, his heartbeat kept slowing down so they ended up doing a c section, it was about 6 hours from the time i was induced until i had my son but again that was by c section. i had a friend who was induced and it took almost 2 days for her to have her baby, not trying to scare you just telling you about some different experiences, its not something thats predictable but everything will work out fine and im sure youve heard it before but once you have your baby in your arms the last thing on your mind is the pain you just went through. everything will be fine, good luck.

2006-09-14 03:27:59 · answer #7 · answered by domsmom701 3 · 0 0

My first child was 2 1/2wks late & they had to induce me with pitocyn (sp). It was a very difficult labor & delivery. The first go around they had to restart everything all over, I got really ill. I couldn't dialate and they had to manually do it for me to get me going. I thought I would never want kids again.
My 2nd child I was induced with as well. He was 9lbs 1oz at birth & the doc took me a week before my due date. He was afraid that if we waited any longer that the baby would be over 10lbs. But, he was a breeze to have. Went in at 8pm and they started the induction by 10pm, very slowly. I had him by 4:30pm the following day. Didn't have epideral but had staydol (sp). It was great.
I'm 34wks w/ my 3rd child and he is going to induce me again, I tend to have big babies (no diabetes or any type of health issues at all). I don't have any concerns at all at this point. Everyone has a different labor and their not all the same. I wish you all the best of a speedy & great delivery. God bless and best wishes to your little one.

2006-09-14 04:31:35 · answer #8 · answered by blonde_bluekitty 2 · 0 0

You get admitted. Hospital gown. Examined. IV. Possible walking. Examined again (hundreds of times possibly, seems like). Sleep. When the time comes, doctor may break your water; not as bad as you imagine. Contractions usually mild to bearable. Time? Some women go quick to labor, some take days. My labors were short. Look at it as a learning experience and fright will not be there as much. Work with the pain at the end...Hope you have a beautiful baby...

2006-09-14 03:29:31 · answer #9 · answered by Patches6 5 · 1 0

I was induced w/ my son almost one year ago. They broke my water (it hurt bad) I don't want to scare you, I just didn't expect so much pain. After a couple hours they gave me the pitocin and I was dialting like crazy. I was induced at 9am and dialated to 9 by 7pm but, I couldn't dialate any more, they noticed the baby was going into stress so they prepped me for a C-section. I delivered a healthy baby boy at 8:45pm.

Good Luck, I will be praying for you and the baby!!

2006-09-14 03:33:09 · answer #10 · answered by jakesmom 3 · 0 0

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