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wont come again

is this true would the medicine kill it ,

and isnt 6 little though, I dont know

have yours cycstersis, been cured by medincine, do you think i will be cured, because I ' ve had repeated attacks

2006-09-14 02:42:00 · 9 answers · asked by chrstian jesus is god 1 in Health Women's Health

9 answers

if you mean 'cystitis' - which is a Urinary Tract Infection (i.e. not a sexuallly transmitted disease) antibiotics will 'cure' it real fast. also drink LOTS of water and cranberry juice - its painful going to the loo but the sooner u get rid of it, the less pain in the long run..

2006-09-14 02:45:26 · answer #1 · answered by Frankie 4 · 1 0

You had cystitis, and were prescribed 6 antibiotics? Sorry do you mean 6 antibiotic tablets (6 days worth) or you've been given 6 types of antibiotics.

If you have 6 tablets then this is about a weeks worth or medication, so I guess that is about right. But it depends on the type of infection you have, whether they have taken a urine sample and cultured it to find out what type it is and then given you a specific type of antibiotic.

In my experience they give you a general type of anti-biotic and it is no better then they try another type or eventually culture a urine sample.

Yes, I have cystitis cured with medication but not always the first type that they have given me, sometimes it's only responded to the 2nd of 3rd lot of antibiotics.

If you are getting repeated attacks then you need to look at your lifestyle. Are you drinking enough water? Do you always empty your bladder after having sex? Do you always wipe your bottom from the front to the back after going to the toilet? Do you regularly drink unsweetened cranberry juice?

You may find this website helpful...

I hope you feel better very soon.

2006-09-14 02:56:46 · answer #2 · answered by Alfa Female 4 · 0 0

My friend Rose was about 50 when she first came upon a new natural kidney healing program. Her life had been devastated, literally ruined with stage 4 kidney disease. She had no life, no job because she was too sick to work, not enough energy to see her friends and sat around most of the time watching TV. She basically was waiting around for kidney failure and to start dialysis. She is much better now. She followed a natural method with great results. Visit this site if you want to know more http://kidneydisease.toptips.org

2014-09-18 13:05:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not sure what you are asking - are you asking if a course of 6 tablets is enough?

It depends on what antibiotic it is. a 3-day course of 1 tablet twice a day (ie. 6) of trimethoprim is a common regimen

2006-09-14 02:49:00 · answer #4 · answered by Alex 1 · 1 0

i bought some over the counter stuff. it was a very short course and it has never returned and that was 3 years ago. plus i was getting it all the time. so i am sure that what the doctor gave you will be plenty.

2006-09-14 02:45:14 · answer #5 · answered by tinawells_uk 2 · 0 0

are you talking about cytitis as in a urine infection? well iv had a couple of them and been given about six antibiotic tablets to clear and i can honestly say they clear it within a day of taking them remeber to drink plenty of fluid aswell lo hope you fell better soon its got to b the most uncomfortable thing.

2006-09-14 02:46:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If it is cystitis...& I am not sure what you spelled, it can come from rough sex, or sex with a full bladder, you will get it again, if you continue doing those things. Empty your bladder before fooling around, & take positons that go a little easier on you...or, he could be too big...I had recuring attacks & broke up with him & dodn't have them again. He was rather long...

2006-09-14 02:47:17 · answer #7 · answered by fairly smart 7 · 0 2

there is a Chance that yes it will come back but drink more water and cranberry too

2006-09-14 08:41:37 · answer #8 · answered by munchie 6 · 0 0

I think you mean Cystitis....a painful infection of the urinary tract.

Alkalinisation of urine
Alkalinisation of urine may be undertaken with potassium citrate. The alkalinising action may relieve the discomfort of cystitis caused by lower urinary tract infections. Sodium bicarbonate is used as a urinary alkalinising agent in some metabolic and renal disorders (section

What is cystitis?

Cystitis is an infection of the bladder, but the term is often used indiscriminately and covers a range of infections and irritations in the lower urinary system. It causes burning sensations during urination and a frequent need to urinate.

How do you get cystitis?

Infection from intestinal bacteria is by far the most frequent cause of cystitis, especially among women, who have a very short urethra (the tube through which the urine passes from the bladder to the outside). Normally, urine is sterile (there are no micro-organisms such as bacteria present). Between 20 to 40 per cent of women will get cystitis in their lifetime.

However, it is possible to have bacteria in the bladder without having any symptoms. There can be several reasons for the bacteria settling in the bladder. When a person is unable to empty the bladder completely by urinating, it is called urine retention. The small drop which is always left behind may contain bacteria. Conditions that may make it easier for the bacteria to travel through the urethra include those listed below.

Toilet hygiene

Particularly common among females, as they have a shorter urethra than males and it is situated relatively close to their anus (back passage). Women and girls must dry themselves from front to back, towards the anus - not the other way around - to avoid leading bacteria from their intestine into their urethra.

Congenital deformity in the urinary system

In the case of repeated infections of the urinary system, particularly among boys and young men, the individual should be checked for a congenital (present from birth) deformity somewhere in the urinary system which prevents the complete emptying of the bladder.

People with a catheter

Everyone with a catheter (to drain urine) will have bacteria in their bladder, usually without symptoms. During the change of catheter, small lesions (damaged areas) may appear, which may increase the danger of infection (cystitis) and possible blood infection.

Men with an enlarged prostate

An enlarged prostate (male sex gland) prevents the bladder from emptying completely.

Pregnant women

If pregnant women have bacteria in their urine, their urine should be cultured twice, regardless of whether or not they have any symptoms. If the same strains of bacteria occur, they should be treated. Otherwise, there is the risk of kidney infection and pre-term delivery (if near the due date).

Other causes

'Honeymoon' cystitis

Cystitis in women related to increased frequency of sexual activity.

Venereal diseases

Gonorrhoea and chlamydia infections may cause symptoms similar to cystitis. Cystitis-like symptoms among young sexually active men may be caused by venereal diseases.


Particularly among people who have been in North Africa or the Middle East. The bladder may be infested by parasites - schistosomiasis or bilharzia (river blindness). The symptoms are similar to cystitis, but there are no bacteria in the urine.

Postmenopausal women

Due to lack of female sex hormones in postmenopausal women, a range of changes take place in the whole body. A consequence of this is that the urinary system is more easily irritated by cystitis.

Contact dermatitis

Women using a deodorant or other potentially irritating material on their genitals may develop cystitis-like symptoms.

What are the symptoms of cystitis?

Burning sensations or pain during urination.

Frequent urination.

Cloudy and foul-smelling urine.

Pain directly above the pubic bone.

Children under five years of age often have less concrete symptoms, such as weakness, irritability, reduced appetite and vomiting.

Older women may also have no symptoms other than weakness, falls, confusion or fever.

Who is at special risk?

Women or girls who do not practice proper toilet hygiene.

Pregnant women.

People with a congenital deformity in the urinary system.

Men with an enlarged prostate.

People using a catheter.

Good advice

It is important to drink sufficiently, so the bladder is flushed thoroughly.

During urination the bladder should be emptied completely. It is a bad habit to sit on the toilet bent forward and reading while urinating.

A trick is to place yourself backwards on the toilet, so you lean against the wall. This posture is more suitable in securing a complete emptying of the bladder than the usual sitting posture.

Warm clothes on the lower part of the body will also help prevent cystitis.

As a prevention, it may be helpful to drink cranberry juice every day or take capsules. There is no doubt that this simple and natural treatment brings relief to many women with cystitis. It is thought that the cranberry juice works by preventing common bacteria from ‘sticking’ to the walls of the bladder and so preventing infection taking hold.

Urination immediately after sexual intercourse will flush out most bacteria from the urethra.

Try to urinate at least once every three hours. Women who avoid urination for long periods suffer from more infections of the urinary system.

What treatments are available?

There are a number of products available from your pharmacist to treat cystitis. These can be used unless a woman is vomiting or if there is blood in the urine or if a woman is pregnant in which case she should consult her doctor. Usually, a single course of treatment clears up the problem, but if symptoms persist after trying an over-the-counter remedy then you should consult your doctor.

How does a doctor diagnose cystitis?

The most important examination of urine is done by chemical testing (dipstick test), which is very quick, and by urine culture where the specimen is sent to a hospital laboratory to grow and examine the bacteria. The specimen must be fresh. It is also important that the woman has separated her labia (lips) during urination, to avoid bacteria from the skin and vagina contaminating the specimen. If there is inflammation, the doctor will identify bacteria and red and white blood cells in the urine.

In the case of repeated, inexplicable, infections of the urinary system, a referral should be made to a hospital for tests such as ultrasound scanning or X-rays of the urinary system and cystoscopy (telescopic examination of the bladder).

Future prospects

Some people, particularly women, may have repeated infections. To avoid this, follow the good advice above. Women who have more than two episodes of cystitis yearly may benefit from medium term use of an antibiotic as protection against infection. The effectiveness of long-term antibiotics (over 12 months) has not been clearly established.

Interstitial cystitis
Dimethyl sulfoxide (dimethyl sulphoxide) may be used for symptomatic relief in patients with interstitial cystitis (Hunner's ulcer). 50 mL of a 50% solution (Rimso-50®—available on named-patient basis from Britannia) is instilled into the bladder, retained for 15 minutes, and voided by the patient. Treatment is repeated at intervals of 2 weeks. Bladder spasm and hypersensitivity reactions may occur and long-term use requires ophthalmic, renal, and hepatic assessment at intervals of 6 months.

2006-09-14 03:54:59 · answer #9 · answered by heleneaustin 4 · 0 0

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