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Furthermore.....We are led to believe that the wars in the middle east are directly as a result of a conflict between.... 3 factors....
Fundamentally OIL, palestinian and jewish/arab intollerance, and the Bush regime which has perpetrated the biggest sin of all by setting foot inside Moslem territory....so they(the Moslems) SAY?
As they are all supposed to be worshiping the same God would God approve?

2006-09-13 23:08:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

Don't kid yourself. I don't care at all.

2006-09-13 23:10:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For slug dance - there was a program on a few nights ago where the mother of a palestinian suicide bomber was over the moon that her son had become a so-called martyr. I laughed my head off at the end when they said that he didn't even get to set off his bombs - the israeli security forces shot his sad evil body to pieces before he could do anything!!!! yeeeeessss there is justice in the world! Good, but too quick though, should have given him a long tortuous ordeal of a death in a bath of pig's blood like he deserved.

2006-09-14 10:16:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good grief...Its spelt Muslim by the way...
I don't see how Muslim's are innocent in all of this after all the reign of terror and Genocide that Saddam Hussein poured over the Iraqi people is enough to make one chuck their gut's, not to mention the genocide he committed on the Kurds using Nerve Gas, killing over 300,000!

Then their is the Hezbollah's which are actually partially Afghanistan and Palestinian factions as well as Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian, It is not all one nation!

It is made up of all Muslim nations, and are you so stupid to forget the fact that had those terrorists in London a few weeks back managed to board 21 flights the devastation and the 1000's that would have been killed and 4 of those terrorists where British born!

Oil is only part of the problem where GWB and the American Corporate gun slingers are concerned. I agree Bush has done a great Job of sticking his *** out at the Muslim world for a good kicking as he and Blair made a mess of it all!

But as far as Israel goes they have a right to exist and a right to protect themselves, remember how it all kicked off to Begin with, with Hezbollah kidnapping 8 Israeli soldiers and murdering there Infantry officer! What was Israel supposed to do > ignore it!

Remember Israel is like a Bear stuck in the middle surrounded by a pack of blood thirsty hunters and all it can do to defend itself is fight its way out...
The Jews are regarded as pigs by all Muslims as are we..remember the term 'Infidel' and that Jihad(War) should be placed on all of us westerners...simply because we are not Muslim but of other religions, be it christian, Hindu etc

If you study the Koran you would see how the Muslim Priests have twisted it to their own sick agenda in making Muslim's believe in terrorising the West.
This ideal that all who give there lives in the name of 'Allah' will be greeted by a 100 Virgins in heaven is bullshit, after all who in their right mind walks into a crowd of innocent people, with a bomb strapped to themselves!

God does not condone murder of any kind and especially in his name as he created man as all equals, not indifferent and more special than the next because of their creed or culture or worshipping of him!

You should read the Torah, the Christian bible and the Koran to understand these things, even though in my eyes religion should be banned as it is man made and God is not a religion or an Institution, only mankind made him this through ignorance and to have control and power...

God is the creator! The Alpha and the Omega...

2006-09-14 07:22:38 · answer #3 · answered by celtic_colieen 4 · 0 0

I have studied with some very bright, well read and devout teachers , one of which lived many years with and around muslims, he has visited their places of worship, he has dined with them and he has studied their holy books.

My understanding from him is that Islam intends to convert or kill everyone on earth. I understand that all Muslims do not feel this way, only what would be considered the devout ones do.

Most people around the world don't agree or understand this, but they should talk with the Christians that have barely escaped with their lives from Nigeria or the Sudan. In many areas of the world people are asked if they will convert to Islam, if they say no they disappear along with their families.

In many countries it is illegal to be a Christian or even have a Bible. More people died during our lifetime for being Christians than all the other centuries combined. Over 150,000 Christians die for their faith each year.

America is at war with terrorism now, it may be at war with Islam in the future. We need to think about what we allow in the name of political correctness.

Their is an Islamic fundamentalist country called Iran, that has said they wanted to destroy a nation and wipe them off the face of the earth (Israel). This Islamic state hates America and is now trying to get weapons that could destroy many countries.

I believe in peace and love, I do not believe in being stupid enough to think that everyone does.

You asked if God would approve, no I don't think he would and I think thats why Bush is in the White House. I know many will laugh at that but I don't really care. If we don't have a strong Christian man in the White House, I think God may just allow America to be destroyed (maybe from within maybe from without).

I won't a man in the White House that gets guidence from God, one that has prayer meetings instead of orgies or card games or jaz sessions.

2006-09-14 06:38:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God has nothing to do with what's happenning there. It is the selfish bigotted I-am-holier-than-thou self proclaimed followers of the faith that are creating all the problems. There are millions more people there who would want nothing but to live in peace than those would wants to create trouble for others. May all this protoganist burn in hell

2006-09-14 06:26:13 · answer #5 · answered by ancalagon2003 3 · 0 0

Man made god in his own image and as man is intrinsically evil, then man-made God would approve.

2006-09-14 06:11:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes - loves a good masacre, does god. Just read the bible!

2006-09-14 06:14:41 · answer #7 · answered by Avondrow 7 · 0 0

Would any parent approve of their children fighting and killing each other?

2006-09-14 06:10:58 · answer #8 · answered by slug dance 2 · 0 0

Whew, youve had you geopolitcal spelling test for this week now haven't we LOL

2006-09-14 06:09:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

would god approve of the us firing missles into afganistan uprovoked like we did

2006-09-14 06:11:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It doesn't really matter as god doesn't exist.

2006-09-14 06:12:27 · answer #11 · answered by Roxy 6 · 0 0

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