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How could they be genuine,the us can hardly launch rockets in to space now.
Also why didn't the russians bother landing there?

2006-09-13 21:43:59 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

49 answers

No, they're not fake, no the holocaust is not fake and no, 9/11 is not fake. The only thing that is fake is wrestling on TV, but ironically, people regard it, attend it and watch it as though it were real.

I think that liberalism destroys people's ability to distinguish truth from falsehood and fact from fiction.

2006-09-13 21:46:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

well now this is a good question - i guess its all about perception! But in response to Marty K there has always been good reson to doubt the moon landings, i don't believe there is anyone (other than some very odd individuals) who would believe that 9/11 or the holocaust were faked!!!!

The moon landings were somewhat odd, the first man to actually step on the moon would have been the cameraman and how can a flag wave/fly (whatever the word is) where there is no gravity? I'm yet to actually make my mind up either way on this issue but I do tend to believe that the moon landing was either faked entirely or the one we get to see from tv footage is fake - the real landing came later or could not be televised for some reason

It will always remain one of the worlds big conspiracy theories right up there with JFK, Marilyn Monroe and Lucky Charms (just how lucky are they huh?)

2006-09-13 23:38:27 · answer #2 · answered by Rock-Chick 2 · 0 0


The Americans are no good at special effects.

Anyway Werner Von Brown the lead scientist behind the program was a German, worked for Adolph and his chums, It was a German project with its roots in the V2 ballistic program, Both Yanks and Ruskies used surplus V2 rockets for their initial forays into space, so you could say Hitler the politician not only created the concept of a united Europe, but put men in space and made Sky TV possible,
Not bad for a weasly little Charlie Chaplin look alike who really wanted to be an architect eh.
(I am looking on the positive side here, relatives of the 6, 7 or 10 million Holocaust victims will have a less positive view)
But back to the question.

No they were genuine.

See Thunderbirds for special effects from the moon Landing era

2006-09-13 22:59:37 · answer #3 · answered by "Call me Dave" 5 · 0 0

Of course they where fake! There is so many reports that there is no wind on the moon, but in the film of the landing the flag is flying like there is a strong wind. With all the problems they are having with getting space shuttles up there now, there is no way the first moon landing was real.

2006-09-13 22:50:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Definitely. As far as I am aware there are no spotlights on the moon (check footage) there were no cameras on the outside of the craft therefore how did they get picture of first guy coming down ladder. The camera they used for the stills had to have the film threaded through which was impossible in those big gloves. And finally 70% radiation would kill you. There was a programme on TV they called NASA and asked about the suits. They were not radiation proof! Also to take off again would cause all moon dust to block engines. I think that they did go there but they simply did not land and did not get out

2006-09-13 22:01:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

And how come there arent many recordings of the landing?
I've heard that the last available copy of the video was recently taken out of a vault in Sydney.
The video of man landing on the moon, is suddenly so rare?

2006-09-13 22:17:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not sure about the Russians but I know the moon landings are not fake..,my father worked for Nasa and wrote procedures for the Astronauts..,I got to see many things the viewing public did not and that offends the hell out of me when people want to question it.Some people need to get a frickin life and stop looking for conspiracies in everything.

2006-09-13 21:56:09 · answer #7 · answered by halfbright 5 · 2 1

I can't believe that there are so many people that beleive this.
How can someone ask a stupid question like, "who filmed him getting out of the capsule/down the ladder" ?
There were no cameras outside of the capsule I agree, but it was fairly simply to have a camera emerge from the ship and do the filming.

2006-09-15 00:10:07 · answer #8 · answered by PeteB 2 · 0 0

Who knows, its likely. But perhaps some things are real, and I'm sure many of us would want to believe this as real. On the other hand, if NASA wanted to shut up the conspiracy theorists, they COULD do this easily, by getting some satelite photos of the landing sites...

2006-09-13 23:46:36 · answer #9 · answered by stj 4 · 0 0

sure i do the reason of it is ther is a radiation ring that could have given all the astronuts many varieties of maximum cancers however out their life and this hasnt happened. yet another concern is in 2000 nasa mentioned they didnt have the techno to bypass. so how did they in 1969? and final 86% % made it on primitive computers and mediocore navigation yet with techno thats hundreds of thousands circumstances greater powerful in trouble-free terms approximately 28% of mars missions made it

2016-12-12 08:11:47 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Not only that but I believe the moon its self is fake too.
The world is only 7900 years old and flat as well.....and some day, some day the Dogers are coming back to Brooklyn.

2006-09-13 23:37:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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