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This is my first baby so i am bit scared about labor. I would like to know how soon should i ask for an epidural, i wont know how much i am dialted until i get to the hospital but just to get some idea how far along can you really tolerate the pain 4-5cm???? or more?? Also when water breaks do you have time to shower and then get to the hospital , i wouldnt wanna be all dirty when going into labor. Also hwo soon can you shower after labor, right away or do u have to wait. sorry lots of questions but this is my frist time
so i really need everyone to help me with this please. Anyone wanna add anything please feel free to do so, anything that i should know other than this. Thanx all :)

2006-09-13 20:32:55 · 13 answers · asked by angel 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

If you are sure you want an epidural, you can start asking for it the minute you walk in the door. After all, it will either be yes or no. If your doctor has rules about when you can get one, he/she or the nurses who are taking care of you will let you know.

As for how much pain you can tolerate, I've seen women screaming like they were dying at 1cm (getting an epidural placed already) and women getting up to walk leisurely to the bathroom at 8cm in transition (unmedicated). Pain is subjective and is whatever the patient says it is. Remember, labor pain has a good reason, it's not some mysterious flu or useless period cramps. Each contraction brings your baby closer to you. Close your eyes and envision the cervix thinning and opening with each pain. Try to breathe through them and relax. You will want to fight and tense up but try to flow along with them much as if you were in the ocean riding the waves. If you fight them, they hit you hard. If you let them rock your body from side to side, they go by you easier.

Yes, you have time to shower after the water breaks as long as the contractions aren't coming hard and fast and the hospital is fairly nearby. No baths after the water has broken!!! You can shower after labor as soon as you are able walk well. If you had an epidural this may not be for 6-12 hours afterwards. Again, no baths until the bleeding has stopped which indicates the cervix is closed.

2006-09-13 20:37:19 · answer #1 · answered by BabyRN 5 · 1 0

Your water may or may not break before you get to the hospital. With my first, I had been in labor for 16 hours when I finally let the doctor break mine. With my second, my midwife broke my water while I was pushing. WIth my third, it broke on it's own while I was pushing.

You may or may not have time to shower before you leave. You can shower at the hospital if you really want to (did with my first) because being in the water actually helps some people cope in labor. I wouldn't worry too much about being "all dirty" when you leave for the hospital. You're going to be sweating, bleeding, maybe puking, leaking milk, etc. You're going to be a mess by the time labor is over and need a shower then! If you don't get one before you start, no big deal.

If you have an epidural then it will take longer until you can have a shower after the birth, obviously, as you won't be able to stand up and get to the bathroom. You'll have to wait until it wears off. If you have a natural birth, you can get in the shower pretty soon afterwards if you want to.

You can absolutely tolerate the pain beyond 5 cm if you are educated about labor, prepared with coping techniques and supported by your partner and/or a doula. I've had 3 undmedicated births. I'd suggest you make your decision about the drugs during labor.....after all, you don't take a Tylenol *before* you get a headache, right? And be prepared with other coping techniques to help you get farther along before you have the drugs AND also just in case something happens you progress too fast or there is another reason you can't have an epi. Most of the "natural birth horror stories" you hear come from women who weren't prepared to cope without drugs and then couldn't have them for some reason or another.

2006-09-14 08:30:27 · answer #2 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 0 0

If you can... avoid the epidural... it's not necessary. I went 48 hours without it and I can tell you that a little pain will NOT kill you.. and it definitely empowers you. I took the pain all the way to 100% effaced and 10cm dialated. Besides, epidurals increase the risk of a c-section.

About your water breaking... sometimes your water breaks days in advance, sometimes it breaks during labor, sometimes when you're already in the hospital... don't base yourself on that... base it on the contractions, on how far along they are between each other. Usually doctors tell you to go when they are 3 minutes apart. I went with a midwife, so I dont really know how it goes at a hospital. So shower before leaving. Also, about showering after, I am not sure.. again... I went with a midwife.

I really advice you to go without the epidural, because as soon as the doctors see that you "need" a c-section, they are going to stress it and do it. Most c-sections are not needed, so if you can prevent it... do it. You will do great, don't stress about it. I had my first baby 6 months ago, and people really make it sound worse than it really is. After it's all over, you'll forget all about it :o) Good luck!!

2006-09-14 03:42:16 · answer #3 · answered by Jan 6 · 1 0

The pain you have is not from your cervix dilating its from the contractions. You cant really feel your cervix dilate. As for the epidural it really depends what stage you are in. The doctors will know the best time to give you one. When i had my daughter i wasn't thinking about having an epidural but the doctor suggested it to me as i was in a lot of pain due to the baby being ready to come out(pushing on cervix) when i was only 3cm dilated. I cant exactly remember when i had it but my labour was only 6 hours and i had a shower within 1 hour of giving birth and i was able to walk to the shower. When your water breaks the best thing to do is go straight the the hospital, i have heard if you don't there are risks of infection. I think the last thing on your mind would be to have a shower. I had my waters broken for me by the doctor.
I had the gas when i first got in there and i regret having it as it hit me for six. I mean i was not really aware of what was going on and due to that i don't remember alot about my delivery, just bits and pieces. Things affect people in different ways.
With the epidural there are side affects so i would look them up before opting for an epidural maybe try pethidine instead. I often have lower back pain now and its been since i had an epidural. I'm not gonna lie it does hurt but just think what you get at the end. Its all worth the pain.

2006-09-14 04:32:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all you can ask for an epidural right away! Just don't wait until the last moment as the epidural won't kick in correctly. I tolerated the pain until I was about 8 cm dilated and was then given an epidural because the contractions were coming way too quickly! Just remember that your contractions can come without your water breaking. My first baby, my doctor broke my waters. With my second one my waters broke at home. I climbed into the bath which actually worked because the water seemed to soothe the pain.
Once you have had baby and he/she gets taken to the nursery (make sure partner goes with) to get cleaned up etc you can take a shower if you are strong enough. First time around the sisters had to clean me up because I was so weak and second time around I showered myself and felt absolutely fine. It truly is a blessing to have natural birth! Enjoy every moment. GOOD LUCK

2006-09-14 04:22:26 · answer #5 · answered by Slk 3 · 0 0

Some of us never had an epidural or any pain meds when in labour. some people have a high tolerance for pain. you should not go to the hospital until your labour pains are 5 minutes apart and regular or less, call the hospital when in labour and ask. You can shower right up to a few minutes before you deliver unless you have an epidural, and then you have to stay in bed afterwards. often the nurses will suggest a warm shower or whirlpool bath to help ease the pains while in the hospital. Sometimes your water breaks hours before you start labour. so, yes, its safe to shower after it breaks./ You will do just fine. and congrats.

Oh, if you have something that you do that takes your mind off things andconcentrates you on something else, bring that with you( if it fits in your suitcase and isn't messy)so no quilting, painting or pottery

2006-09-14 03:50:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

ok first of all calm down. I didn't even take an epidural because they slow labor down. Ok you will know when you go into labor because you will feel a pressure bearing down on your bowls and pelvic area and have pain like menstrual cramps only way worse. Please dont feel scared. If you deeply breathe in and out, slowly, through each contraction, you will be ok. you should go to the hospital when your contractions are about 5 minutes apart. do not wait after that no matter what. Do not even worry about a shower I can tell you that one now. Let the nurses/hospital staff give you all the help you need so that you can get plenty of rest. I will keep you in my prayers for this. Please remember to stay calm and breathe!

2006-09-14 03:39:45 · answer #7 · answered by sexy_lil_woman 2 · 0 0

About the epidural: Different hospitals have different restrictions on when one can be given. When my sister had her first child she wasn't able to get one until she was 4 cm. But with her 2nd son, (different hospital) she could get one anytime up until she was 7 cm. You'll need to ask your ob/gyn what their restrictions are. Next, when your water breaks, a shower is going to be the last thing on your mind, but yes you might have time, if the contractions are not too close together. And showering after labor. I had a c-section and I was able to shower right away (as soon as i could stand up), and anyone I have known has taken a shower as soon as they got enough energy to. Just No baths

2006-09-14 03:40:09 · answer #8 · answered by teeniey37 4 · 1 0

With my second birth, twins, I was dialated to 10 for 3 days before I had them. They gave me the epidural when they decided to. I really didn't get any say in it. My water didn't break on it's own, they had to break it. (With both pregnancies). My labor was awful with both pregnancies, but friends of mine have had very fast labor with very little pain. I think it helps if you're relaxed. The contractions are what will give you the pain, the closer together they get the stronger they are. They clean you up after birth but you should be able to shower the same day if you want. Good luck

2006-09-14 03:38:44 · answer #9 · answered by Hillaryforpresident 5 · 0 0

well with me...my water broke at the hospital so no time to shower anyway. you probably would want to go right to the hospital...after the baby comes youll probably be so drained that youll want to sleep for a couple of hours. after that youl want nothing more than to see your baby...then people will start comming to visit. a shower will be the last thing on your mind.
if you do have an epidural...which by the way i really recamend. ive had it with 2 of my 4 kids...its much easier. youll have to wait untill it wears off untill you get up to shower.
good luck and dont worry too much the doctor and nurses will walk you through everything.

2006-09-14 03:48:52 · answer #10 · answered by eightieschick70 5 · 0 0

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