Alternative and complimentary therapies work to balance the energy in the body. Reiki, acupuncture, herbals, homeopathy, massage, crystal therapy, sound energy healing, Alexander Technique, Rolfing, magnetic therapy, aromatherapy, Rubenfeld system, TCM, yoga, Tai Chi, sound energy, color therapy, healing touch, past life regression (to name a few), and meditation all work to manipulate energy to bring the body back into balance. Einstein said, "There is no matter." The farther scientists delve into the composition of "stuff", the few "pieces" they find.
There's a book called Power vs. Force by Hawkins that discusses the technique used to determine what strengthens the body and what weakens it. You can get it at your local library or bookstore.
Hope this answers your questions; if it just causes more, please feel free to email me.
2006-09-14 04:22:52
answer #1
answered by ohio healer 5
It is pretty tough to give you a complete list of therapies and what they do, there are quite a few. However, I run a health food store in Arizona and have a radio talk show about health that's been on the air for 11 years and I can give you some excellent sources both on the internet and at the book store that will fill your need. First, Life Extension Foundation has a website and they produce a wonderful magazine every month filled with information about various treatments and whether they are valid or not. One of the finest books available is one written by Dr Linda Page called "The Healthy Healing Handbook". It is in it's 20th edition or so. In this book she describes the various treatments available and how they work in the first section of the book. The second half of the book is devoted to different conditions and what foods to eat, dietary supplements to use and then body work that would be suitable. If you like listening to talk radio about natural health you can tune in to my show on every Saturday morning or you can go to and listen to not only my Naturally Good for You Radio Show but other wonderful shows about natural health. There is an archive on the healthradionetwork site that lists all the shows of recent weeks so you can listen to any of them at any time. Hope this helps.
2006-09-13 21:14:15
answer #2
answered by docwatson 1
See Encyclopedia or Natural Medicine - Murray & Pizzorno
Prescription for Natural Cures - Balch & Stengler
Alternative Cures - Bill Gottlieb
Magnet Therapy - LAwrence & Rosch
Miracle Cures - Jean Carper
Dr Atkins Vita-Nutrient Solution
That ought to cover a good part of it!
Good Luck!
2006-09-14 03:43:49
answer #3
answered by Mad Roy 6
k i have quite a bit of knowledge in these alternative therapies: Magnetic-therapy, Crystal Healing and Far Infra Ray therapy. in a jist, this 3 therapies are related. they help to improve one's blood circulation. and its all scientific, not some old folks' stories. i have heard a lot of people that enjoy these therapies because of the benefits as well as no side effects at all. i can provide you with more info bout it by emailing me at in the mean time, check out the website for some interesting articles
2006-09-14 04:10:18
answer #4
answered by fyrdaus 2
Below is the most comprehensive and complete website on the matter:
Just click on the therapy you want to find out about and you will get a very detailed description about it.
Happy reading!
2006-09-14 04:33:41
answer #5
answered by marie J 6
Morning Lulu You are the undisputed, greatest ever, magnificent 360 page diva ever Thank you Lulu for bringing so much joy and fun into Yahoo.
2016-03-17 21:12:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
use Ganoderma and Maggno pure natural products full of energy and hundreds of other elements which could make engergetic, disease free, sexy, you looks much younger than your age and enjoy life fully You can search about Ganodrema lucidium and its efficacy in internet while Maggno is just being launched by indian company.
2006-09-15 02:11:20
answer #7
answered by avinash c 2
Chinese medicine has various therapies and can be used in many conditions:
2006-09-15 16:27:37
answer #8
answered by tcmrose l 2