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I'm tired, and I can't handle this anymore. The hate, the pain, the wars and terror and AIDS and how no one cares about those who suffer, because they are too worried about themselves. The politians, who don't care about us, they just want to say anything that would keep them in office. The gay bashers, and the idiot religious zealots who are out of touch. WHY BOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you all think about the issues facing us, and our country, and why do I need to live to see this ****?? I can't do anything, noone listens, people are just ignorant. I hate people who think we are going to hell. I hate Bush. See, hate is a powerful word. Why do people use it? I've made an committment to ending it before year's end, if things don't get better. Anyone else feel this way. And please, anyone who hates gays should not answer this. No ignorance. Thank you, and good bye.

2006-09-13 19:29:25 · 13 answers · asked by urbania05 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

13 answers

I take life one day at a time.Maybe you should try that and stop letting the weight of the world be on your shoulders.We all want to see things get better for us but change has always been slow.So take it one day at a time.

2006-09-13 20:47:04 · answer #1 · answered by BuckFush 5 · 3 0

I have been fighting for gay rights and women's rights for over 30 years now.. and have seen many things. I do not know how old you are, or why you have decided to end it all by years end.

This is a cowardly way out you know. We all hate Bush.. don't you want to be around to see him impeached? Don't you want to see him tried for his war crimes?

Do you even believe in hell? (I don't by the way.. you can make your own right here .. and maybe that is what really ails you at this time.. have you made your own hell?)

Has it occurred to you that you can unmake it? If you are of a Christian bend, then look up the local Metropolitan Community Church and talk to the pastor there. (that is a gay church you know) If you do not have a religious preference, read Ching Tao (that is pronounced dow) and see if it makes sense to you. If it doesn't, then study it longer.. until you do understand.
I dated a woman (long long ago) who converted to being a Jehovah's witness.. they told her she was going to hell. she tried to slit her wrists.. I found her and saved her life (she did not know the right way to do it for success) I ran into her 15 or more years later.. still breathing.. seemed pretty happy... had found someone.. was making a life for herself.
Before you take an action you cannot reverse, do me a favor ok? Make a list of what you want in your life, what would make you happy. (don't be generalizing about world peace, society changing just be about what you personally want.. a boyfriend, a life mate, companionship, what kind of work you want to do, things you want to create perhaps.)
Then write down a plan of how you can find or get those things. Keep in mind the US is not the only game on the planet. Gays are accepted well in Sweden, the Netherlands.. and other places as well.
My own life plan when my parents no longer need me to take care of them, is to move to Europe. I have buried two lovers and a son here and have wanted to make my home elsewhere for a long time now.
Usually when someone tells folks they want to kill themselves, they actually are asking for help and are not certain sure they want to take their life. I am going to hope this is the case with you. There is help out there.. but you have to go get it. Start with the pastor at the closest MCC I mentioned before, and if need be, go to a therapist. Preferably a gay one.

2006-09-14 03:08:39 · answer #2 · answered by Silvatungfox 4 · 5 0

have you thought about moving to another country? i don't mean to be facetious (sp?). I'm not gay, but a lot of times i do get really fed up with the ignorance and bigotry of people. most other first world countries are a lot more tolerant. even quite a few of third world ones too for that matter. yes i have traveled to them, and yes i wouldn't mind living there at all. thailand, for example, is a very cheap (but beautiful!) country to live in and has a very tolerant culture. if you don't want to go far, canada is a very tolerant place too. i just came back from vancouver. they have a large, open, vibrant, and proud gay community in a tolerant and beautiful city. property's expensive though... Well, whatever happens i wish you the best, and all i can say is don't let the ignorance of others ruin your own happiness.

2006-09-14 02:42:09 · answer #3 · answered by student_of_life 6 · 6 0

I believe that it's worth hanging around in part because I have to. I have to believe that things can get better, and eve more, that I can be a part of them getting better. Believe it or not, progress HAS been made. I don't know how old you are, but 50 years ago....things were a lot worse than they are now. I feel that I owe it to the generation who risked arrests, beatings, firebombs, death: I owe it to those people who risked EVERYTHING they knew so that people would start to take notice. People would start to see us as people. I owe it to them to at least try. I do get discouraged as all hell, but in my worst times the only thing I really think about is moving off to Canada, or Europe.

2006-09-16 03:03:30 · answer #4 · answered by Atropis 5 · 1 0

Please do this before you give up hope- watch the sunrise, see the ocean, watch a thunderstorm approaching and allow your tears to fall with the rain, tell the people you care about that you love them; listen to these songs: Hold On (REM) Full Of Grace (Sarah McLachlan) Where Is The Love (Black Eyed Peas) Move Along (The All American Rejects). Peace be with you, and keep hope alive.

2006-09-14 10:46:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

stop feeling helpless, you control your life. you may not be able to change your world but you can certainly change how you react to it. you need to see a counselor, contact your local/national gay and lesbian center almost all have psychologists to help you sort out these feelings of helplessness, i feel for you man i really do but you have to get off your *** and do something proactive to change the way you feel, maybe you should volunteer with an hiv center or gay and lesbian network so you'll feel less alone and see that your life's not so bad. we've made far too many advances for you to give up so easily, gays have survived persecution for centuries , we're seeing light at the end of the tunnel now, so this is not the time to give up...........good luck!!!!!

2006-09-14 03:10:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Don't worry about it. It not just GAYS who deal with this crap. Its everyone. We deal with different bullshit everyday. If you are comfortable and happy being gay then more power to you. Who cares what the world thinks. You should only care how you feel. There is always going to be the NAYSAYERS. It will never go away. Just brush it off your shoulders.

2006-09-14 03:24:16 · answer #7 · answered by PROLADY 3 · 4 0

What we do not look for, we do not see. I find it hard to believe that your life has nothing of joy, contentment, or satisfaction in it. Instead of worrying about the negatives you can do nothing about look for negatives you can do something about. Obviously no one person can change the world, but it falls to each of us to change our little part of it. Better still, look for positives to which to cling. I've been through dark times, come closer to suicide than I now like to remember, and I held to the thought that "This, too, shall pass away", and, in time they did. Life may not be much, but it's all we have, so make the most of it.

2006-09-14 02:51:37 · answer #8 · answered by rich k 6 · 5 0

first of all if you want to end it all i am not going to stop you but before you do just think about one thing...............here is what you will miss in life...the good times you could have had as you grew up with your new friends. a chance to tell that bible thumper off .....a chance to go and help someone with aids and see with there eyes how hard life could be ........but you know i think you would miss being loved the way you want to be loved for who you are.......

2006-09-14 08:43:35 · answer #9 · answered by Dee H 2 · 0 0

Because of other peoples views and ignorance is no reason to end your life You have to much to live for, do not dwell to much on other people, concentrate on making yourself happy and not other people, YOU are number 1, not them, PLEASE DO NOT FOCUS ON THEM, maybe join a pflag group for more insight, I have tried suicide and did not succeed, I am grateful now. Please talk to someone, God keeps us here for a reason, a reason we do not know, but I have touched many people's lives since I was spared and maybe that is the way it is supposed to be.

2006-09-14 07:59:46 · answer #10 · answered by Finally home 2 · 0 0

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