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It is against humanity of other country people. They want to rule the other countries either directly or indirectly. Stupids. For reference see this link given below.


2006-09-13 18:39:44 · 14 answers · asked by Karma 2 in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

screw you, you dont know what your talking about. we see the world just fine and no, everyone else is against US just cuz there jealous. we watch out for other countries because were unstoppable, so we might as well be good samaritans.

2006-09-13 18:43:10 · answer #1 · answered by Cole 3 · 2 3

Yes; that's exactly how we are, now please, PLEASE; tell this to every useless piece of crap individual from every failed country on the planet that is banging down our doors trying to come here to make better lives for themselves.. the USA is the WORST country in the world! Stay away! As a matter of fact, every complaining immigrant here should grab another one and run FLEEING back to their place of origin where it is surely MUCH, MUCH BETTER!

Your little blog reference is cute. It makes a couple of points.. and fails on several more. (The Atomic attack on Hirosima actually saved over half a million lives... both US and Japanese. A land assault would have taken years and been far, far more bloody. And it wasn't to 'teach a lesson' It was to end an unprovoked war)

"Reference sources" are those written by leaned individuals in respected institutions, not just a fellow crackpot shouting from his dusty little mom's-basement corner of cyberspace.

BTW; I've been all over the world, and I NEVER dis someone elses culture, I'm fascinated by them all. Travel some, little puppy, come and see the US. Maybe you'll learn a little about this that you have no idea what you are talking about. You may hate us, but the homoginized humanity that has become American culture leads the world in pretty much... well, everything. (okay, maybe not energy efficiency or public education, we really, really SUCK at those, but pretty much everything else!)

2006-09-14 02:18:52 · answer #2 · answered by Backstage Guy 2 · 1 0

It is hard to look past the last two wars which were both lost for the same reasons and harmed thousands and thousands of people. They have tried everything possible in Iraq but act like they do not want to win this war. And the Republicans want us to just go on and fighting the same war in the same way while our soldiers are being killed.
Our Army is almost destroyed and they want to continue having our boys ride around in death traps and getting blown up. The only explanation is that the Republicans are praying for some luck and break because they just can not create it.
It is pitiful and wrong, and the Whitehouse leaders must be held accountable for their carelessness.

2006-09-14 02:01:17 · answer #3 · answered by zclifton2 6 · 0 0

Democracy in USA (America is a name of Continental) is not same in other state in this world.
USA has'nt had Kings or Ruler. So, USA is perfectly selected by the people of USA.
All USA people said that their country is best democracy in the world.
Then, we look the view of USA people on Islam countries especially in mid-east e.g. Palestine, Syria and Iran.
They said democracy in Islamic countries "is not purely democracy" , why not ? because no human right, free press, free to speech, people gathering, etc.
Well look the reality, people in Islamic countries have a right to wear hijab and full attire at any time they want. But the USA government banned naked on the street. Then, the people in USA have no right to use their own skin as a clothes everyday and everytime they want.
Press freedom - no such press freedom in this world even in USA. Why ? If CNN reported everyday about the bad things about Israel or White House especially when the day of selection is near, what will happen to the Editor? Get higher pay!
Free to speech - also no such free speech in USA look what happened to Malcom X. Patriot Act is also banned people to have such rights.
Muslim people in USA are also been abused. Their right have been crumpled and destroyed by their own country and government. Ironically, they are also paying income tax and make a vote in the Presidential Selection.
In USA, democracy has been used to give right to mass majority holder a freedom to kill and destroy other countries which also a democratic like Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran and Syria.
Then it means, USA people is still dreaming with virtual film done by Bush.
Outsiders can't make any harm to USA people but USA people have a right to kill and destroy all people in this world (except Israeli).
Nevertheless, USA people is the terrorist. They are the new threat to the world nowadays.

2006-09-14 03:02:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Karma, since you've decided to keep posting the "keep fooling people link" I thought I'd like to post just who is fooling who... That person is you and here's why:

1) Karma answered a question recently about a person who wanted to become Muslim. Karma told that person they were basically stupid and were going to hell for considering that faith.

2) The word karma is based upon Hinduism & Buddhism and neither of those religions believe in hell. The word karma is the total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence and is regarded as determining their own destiny.

The origin of the word karma has Indo-European roots which means that every deed and action has consequences. Now, why would a person who believes in hell pick the name karma for themselves, especially when their avatar wears an outback style hat? That style is Australian, not oriental or Indo-European!

Seeing how Karma is so "familiar" with karma, he should appreciate being reported to Yahoo! Answers for abuse for: a) inciting hatred towards others, b) insulting other participants and c) not asking a question. Three abuse reports for each supposed question asked should have the desired consequence of having him suspended from Yahoo! Answers. Hey, how's that for real karma?

YA is not to be used as a soap box for ranting or raving, but for actually asking or answering questions. Verbally attacking an entire group people from countries other than one's own is not what this site is for. I personally take offense to the tactics he uses and refuse to sit idly by while he continues his tirades.

2006-09-14 02:17:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, I will not see the link below....Karma. By the way the name is America, with the 'A' caitalized. If we are so much against humanity why are we the most generous, giving nation in the world? Whenever there is a disaster somewhere in the world, who do they call for help? AMERICA!!!! If you wish to post questions to us Americans in the future, you might want to learn proper grammar....Karma.

2006-09-14 01:54:26 · answer #6 · answered by Cinner 7 · 0 2

What an idiotic question!

Only an abysmally ignorant lib-tard could pose such idiocy...

If people hate us so much, why do they keep coming here from all over the planet?

Let me guess, you are a, "victim" of the modern American public school system, right?

Maybe you are a towel head fresh out of the madrassas?

2006-09-14 01:49:53 · answer #7 · answered by juandos 3 · 0 2

It is the Conservatives who ruin Americas' reputation throughout the world.

There will always be two Americas. Liberals make America great and the world really loves the Liberal side of America. But when most of the world thinks of the Conservative side of America, I think they get a headache.

Conservatives want to impose Christianity on the entire world, just like what the extreme Islamists are trying to do.

2006-09-14 01:47:38 · answer #8 · answered by p2prox 4 · 1 4

America is concerned with inflow of money by whatever source. It has nothing to do with humanity,democracy etc.

2006-09-14 02:03:13 · answer #9 · answered by dharap123 3 · 1 0

What an educated viewpoint, .......at least in your own mind.

It does not hurt to become an informed individual. You should try it.

2006-09-14 02:16:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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