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Please bear with me, this is long but I am sincere in seeking responses

Everytime that I read on these message boards that what happened on 9/11 was a act perpetrated by the Bush Administration it makes me curious how the people who believe that is what happened can explain two very basic aspects of the conspiracy.

First, how could a plan that clearly would have had to have so many people involved in the plan, be executed, without anyone coming forward and actually saying I have proof that this was an inside job? I mean, it would have taken a multitude of people from a multitude of agencies, the military, airline companies and the Bush Administration not to mention the passengers on Flight 93, their family, friends, more agencies who were all in contact with the passengers at one time or another during the flight. Yet, not one accusation or leak that this was a inside job. How can you explain this? Inside of Bush's Administration there have been more leaks to the press over

2006-09-13 18:16:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

the years for every little petty thing imaginable, almost on a weekly basis, and yet, a supposed plot that would have taken the involvement of so many people and there is noone that can claim to have personal involvement coming forward. Nothing. The only accusations come from those who clearly have something to gain by discrediting the Administration but can't and won't claim involvement.

The other aspect of the 9/11 Conspiracy that has me curious is if the Muslim men accused of hijacking the planes were wrongfully accused and there was one iota of truth to the claim, why hasn't the Muslim community coming out of the woodwork denying the claims? I mean, think of the political advantage and the world wide support the Muslim (Islamic) cause could gain if it were proven that President Bush and his Administration were behind what happened on 9/11 nd those who stand accused were actually innocent.. There has never been a protest stating that this was not perpetrated by Muslims.

2006-09-13 18:17:09 · update #1

There has been Muslims who have denounced the attack by fellow Muslims and defending the Islamic religion as one of peace. Yet, not one protest for the "wrongfully accused" Muslims. Not even from any of the Muslim Clerics. Bin Laden laid claim to the attacks himself and proclaimed that the acts of 9/11 were perpetrated in the name of Allah. This would also have had to make Bin Laden part of the Bush Administration plan. Somehow I just can't imagine Bush and Bin Laden working together on this.

Anyone, please, give me logical answers as to why what I just presented to you does not have merit.

2006-09-13 18:17:35 · update #2

And.. just so you know... if I don't get any logical answers to this post from people who believe Bush was responsible, I am going to continue to post this as a new thread until I do. This isn't a game to me like it is to some of you. If you are going to use these boards as a soapbox to make your claims you should be willing to backup those claims and give me real answers, not rhetoric.

2006-09-13 18:30:44 · update #3

Oh, and by the way, do not bother to post links to different websites making claims that this was an inside job. I simply want answers, reasons, explanations to why what I have asked of you does not make sense.

Good Luck....

2006-09-13 18:48:12 · update #4

I am sorry folks... I would loved to be able to pick a best answer. I can't... Most of your responses were excellent. None stood out above the others but I received no answers from the eople I most wanted to.

I'm not done yet though.

2006-09-17 03:29:07 · update #5

13 answers

I agree with you 100%, i cannot stand people like that, it is just very disrespectful to the lives that were lost on 9/11 and it astonishes me that people can say such things. What pisses me more off is that people actually listen to these nutcases because they somehow find ways to make themselves heard.

And another thing to add to your counter.
How can you say that it wasn't the right plane that crashed into the pentagon? I mean, has anyone TESTED how planes crash into buildings? how can you determine what gets blown up or not? Also, we should the governemnt release the tapes of the plane crashing into the Pentagon? Same as why would you want to see Steve Irwin die??? It is just very disrespectful and i strongly wish for people to not to listen to these un-educated fools.

2006-09-13 18:21:43 · answer #1 · answered by JtoJ 4 · 1 0

Well, first thing first.
a) The 9/11 problem was inherited by Bush Administration from Clinton Administration.

b) Second, there is some bureaucratic misinterpretation/mismanagement's among the passing of papers as political maneuvering is concerned.

c) It was Bush Administration who is covering the Military High Brass for the doubts I have on the Political ground of profiting.

d) The War Arsenal needs some renewal... it need to dispose the old war arsenal and bring in the new ones.

e) Graft and corruption is hard to tackle, so if you could not tackle them, join them as the saying goes.

f) And for the Press, **** the press freedom... any news is good news as long as it sells.

g) Freedom and Liberty is for the capable and for the able only as I'm sure you observed that only the votes are counted.

h) Oil and Gas for the future served the main reason of all this power and might positioning. Which also served as the cronyism and puppet of the Government of the Nations involved.

i) and other else... as you can see the people in the streets of America... just live for the sake of living.

j) And also... I'm sorry for the observed views of mine that I have laid out to you... but I hope I have given some enlightenment of your own affairs.

2006-09-14 03:38:04 · answer #2 · answered by wacky_racer 5 · 1 0

The President of the USA is just that, the President of the USA. He is sworn to protect & defend her. NO WAY is he responsible. We have not only the Executive branch of the government but also the Legislative & the Judicial. It is constructed so that they act as checks & balances on the other. I think there are a lot of people there who maybe would be better off doing something else because of their own self interest & gain, but I know there are good people dedicated to the service of this country. There is no way President Bush could be involved w/o having been impeached. I don't know why everybody wants to blame the President everytime something happens they don't like. He is one man...He has a lot of power...but he also must have the support & approval of the two houses of Congress...as they must have his.

He IS the President of the United States & as such deserves our support, whether we agree with him or not. There is truth in United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

I also want to say there have been Presidents who went into office with very high ideals, but left as broken men because of the impossibility of realizing those ideals....because of being blocked at every turn by opposition & self-interest.

I am neither Democrat nor Republican ( I vote for whom I think the better choice) & I am very angry over criticism of something we can not possibly realize the magnitude of. True, we have our opinion, but is it just POSSIBLE that as Commander-in Chief of this nation, he might know at least a little more than we do? I think so.

One more thought...There are American people, in military & non-military positions & situations, every day putting their lives on the line trying to find Osama Bin Laden & to protect this country. Do not anyone dare to compare President Bush as a terriost working against his own country. I don't see how he does what he does...I am sure God & the prayers of His people must be sustaining him.

2006-09-14 02:21:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

while I agree with you and I don't believe in the conspiracy theory, I think that there were some odd things going on... that's where all this crap comes from... poor execution of investigations following the attacks on the scenes...

you see that they have some valid questions, that I'm sure have rational answers... the only problem is, no one bothered to investigate the rational answers and to find evidence... it's a huge crime scene in one way and I think it should be treated as such when possible...

maybe that's asking too much, it was such a horrible tragedy maybe it didn't even cross people's minds?

but when you have questions that no one bothered to try to explain... some people are naturally going to wonder why you didn't try to investigate it... like you would any other horrible event... and then people start wondering if there is a reason it wasn't investigated more...

now like I said, I don't buy it, but I think the sloppy job is more to blame than anything here... just my opinion... and granted the situation was far from ideal, so maybe it couldn't be helped... I don't know...

2006-09-14 01:36:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Um, you are looking for logical answers from people who possess not one iota of logical thinking. See Loose Change video. These are people who think that it wasn't enough of a signal that we were at war that two planes deliberately flew into the WTC, but then they had to sneak in the day before to plant explosives to make sure they then collapsed. As if killing thousands on the impacted floors and those above wasn't enough reason.

But then it gets nuttier. If all of that weren't enough reason to mobilize Americans against bin Laden, they had to take the extra step to demolish the WTC 7 building, with no occupants. As if everyone would be happily sitting in their seats, until they saw the WTC 7 fall, and throw their popcorn bowl down shouting, "The BASTARDS! How COULD they!?"

You see, none of it makes sense. Why? Because when they were fetuses, their mothers took some kind of anti-morning sickness medication that impaired the development of their forebrains. They are sick. They are paranoid. They are unreasonable. And they are angry. You should look up the video of the debate between Loose Change makers and the writers for Popular Mechanics. The PM guys are polite, while the Loose Screws are mean, vindictive, and do nothing but name-call and make menacing gestures.

2006-09-14 01:19:33 · answer #5 · answered by BrianthePigEatingInfidel 4 · 0 1

It's obvious.

All the people who were insiders - apart from the inner cabal of neo-cons - were attending a secret power breakfast in the Twin Towers when the planes hit.

You see, they thought that it was happening on the 9th of November - 9/11 to the rest of the world - but unbeknownst to them it was happening on the 11th of September.

Clever, eh? Just a little twist - genius.

So, in one go, all the potential whistle-blowers were killed, and the evil inner circle of neo-cons were able to ride to victory yet again.

You do realise that I am just making this up off the top of my head, don't you? Well, I'm just joining in the fun!

Here is the real answer - the conspiracy theorists are nut-jobs, driven crazy by their country.

God bless you America!

2006-09-16 05:47:30 · answer #6 · answered by Big E 3 · 0 0

Don't believe everything you read and especially here in the land of talking out of your behind (me incuded).

I am always amazed that Arabs haven't complained that the 9/11 terrorists actually committed suicide. Remember how upset they got over the Egypt Air flight that the pilot nosed dived into the ocean?? A precursor to 9/11 that never gets much attention. But the Arabs were all in uproar that there was no way the pilot committed suicide cause Arabs don't do that.....wow someone should tell the Arabs...

2006-09-14 01:22:07 · answer #7 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 1 0

Conspiracy theorists take all the results and make up details to fit the scenario and anything unlikely they answer with it is a conspiracy as if that justifies the statement. Just like with a cube you can fit it through a circle if cut off some corners (ignore/change/invent facts) and use a large enough hammer (saying it is a conspiracy as proof)

2006-09-14 01:21:56 · answer #8 · answered by ken 3 · 1 1

I have one word for this:


You know how many swear the man faked his own death, and is living fat and happy in some city in backwards, USA? I think of them when I see their "theory". It really drives me crazy. . .

I don't like the Bush Administration. I think they are self serving and rather short minded when it comes to the running of this country. But I don't think the man could have orchestrated such an event without someone coming forward with the memo proving it. Really, you know how much money the person stands to gain by writing that book??

2006-09-14 01:23:16 · answer #9 · answered by volleyballchick (cowards block) 7 · 0 1

I've been waiting for someone to post this kind of a question. You did a remarkable job! I've read all of the answers so far and (strangely) I don't see any of the "believers" answering you. You presented them with true and honest questions, no one will have the answer because there isn't one....Only their mantra...Hate Bush!

2006-09-14 01:31:29 · answer #10 · answered by Cinner 7 · 1 0

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