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or just in case i get crazy i'll swallow the whole bottle just to end the 'suffering'... what other options do i have? we're far from the city and therapists. and besides therapists might cost humunguous.

2006-09-13 18:13:38 · 20 answers · asked by maiax 3 in Health Alternative Medicine

20 answers

I know your pain.

I have suffered panic attacks / anxiety for years. However, I am taking paxil and it has changed my life.

You won't go crazy and swallow the whole bottle to end the suffering because once you are on them your feelings of panic and going crazy (man, have I BEEN THERE!) will be dramatically reduced and you won't have those "what if" feelings any more. email me. We'll talk. I really feel bad for you because I dealt with it for so long and know exactly what you are feeling. My mom and one of my brothers also suffer.

2006-09-13 18:17:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, to get meds in the first place, you'd have to go to a psychiatrist, so the best bet is to start there. He or she can probably find a therapist that your insurance can cover, or one with a sliding scale, and if it's determined that medication is needed, he or she can start you on really low or controlled doses.

Not everyone needs the meds; some need just medicine, some need just therapy, and some need both. That's for you and your doctor(s) to determine. And not every medicine, or every doctor, will work the first time. It's a long process.

Talk to your general practitioner, but you do have options. And good luck.

2006-09-13 18:23:36 · answer #2 · answered by LCG 4 · 0 0

I am also in a rural area. Do you have a diagnosis of any mental illness? Have you been suicidal? If yes, you may want to check out your local Mental Health Authority (MHA) to see what options you have (that can be for free!). If you go to your doc, and you are sure that it is only anxiety, he/she may give you something (even samples for your anxiety attacks). Anxiety and all mental health issues are serious though and I would recommend going to see someone who specializes in them (a psychiatrist) If you have an addictive behavior it is important for you to discuss that with your psychiatrist (potentially through MHA) There are meds that are not as addictive. Remember, if this is something that you are needing physiologically and physically, you may not be necessarily addicted to it. I would really sit down and think about how you are feeling now (suicidal and all), and compare to how you would feel about the semi-potential addiction that you may or may not have to these meds. I am always of the opinion that the more people you have for support the better you are in the long run; so be sure to explore your options for psychiatry/counseling. Good luck to you!

2006-09-13 18:22:30 · answer #3 · answered by Celeste B 3 · 0 0

You will be fine a lot of anxious people do not want to take meds.If you want to try some Saint Johns wart and kava kava it might help and it is available at most stores.Do not be scared to take meds though they may help just like everything else everyone puts a stigma on taking meds.As long as you try to work on the panic attacks problem while taking meds,because taking meds is like putting a band-aid over it only helps for awhile.Try doing some research into panic attacks and see what works for you in ending them.You are not going to die of a panic attack or go crazy just try to relax and listen to some mood music,and try to take some alone time for yourself even if you can only get 5 or 10 minutes it helps.Also I ran into this site the other day you can try it
they talk to you until you hire them and it is pretty good.It is on line or the can email or talk over the phone to you and it shows there degree in what fields they are in and are required by law to show them if you ask.Hope I helped a little God Bless

2006-09-13 18:19:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are online therapists you can access if you aren't near any. I would be willing to bet there are some closer than you think. If you have health insurance, therapy co-pays are usually reasonable.

There are several anti-anxiety medications that are not physically addictive and generally aren't that harmful in overdose. Cognitive Behavioral therapy with a qualified therapist is excellent for anxiety. It has helped me greatly to deal with panic. This coupled with medication should help you alot. It works pretty well without medication as well. You deserve to live free of this. Go to your family doctor and ask them to point you in a good direction for treatment.

Also I recommend a book called the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne and the Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns .You can order these on Amazon.com.

Exercise and a good diet work wonders on anxiety. I used to take walks when I was anxious to work out my nervous energy. Regular exercise helps the brain work at its peak.

I don't know about many proven alternatives to these treatments. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has TONS of research to back it's efficacy. Many of the medications used for treatment of anxiety have been used for years and have also been proven to be effective. Good luck and don't give up!

2006-09-13 18:24:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You don't need a therapist. You need to go to one visit to get a prescription, then they just have you come in every now and again to make sure the meds are working fine. And you don't really get addicted to them. They are usually non-narcotic. You may need them for awhile, but trust me, it's better than living with panic attacks.

2006-09-13 18:17:27 · answer #6 · answered by Amanda 6 · 0 0

panic attacks are really scary things and people don't know what they are like unless they've had them....don't worry though you don't always have to have meds to help. try some herbal remedies that can help like st. john's wort and whenever you feel a panic attack coming on don't PANIC, relax, recognize what it is and take a few cleansing breaths, slowly in and out, after awhile they will lessen in severity and frequency if you find you just can't handle them then you do need to seek professional help. hang in there

2006-09-13 18:16:58 · answer #7 · answered by hell_in_a_handbasket 3 · 0 0

First cut back on caffeine and sugar ,especially if paired together.Too much can mimic an anxiety attack.Iam not sure if you are a man or woman .So if you are a woman you might notice your nervous around the time of your period.And this is an especially good time to watch what you eat****Always remember to try to take deep breathes.I use a trick of breathing into my cupped hands , it stops you from hyperventilating.You might want to try yoga ;it will teach how to stay calm.If you think you need professional help , go see a psychologist .Good luck in finding your own way, that is what I did.

2006-09-13 18:30:56 · answer #8 · answered by Gail S 1 · 0 0

ok...I am a long time sufferer of general panic disorder. Panic attacks and me are old time enemies, but I have grown to deal with my anxiety and here is what I experienced with the meds.

You can do whatever you want, but I hated being on Paxil...It was addictive and caused many side effects. When I was on Paxil, I did not care about anything. My ethical side went ka-put. I maxed out all my credit cards and began sleeping with weird guys off the internet. I only dreamt in orange and grey. I felt no passion or lust for life, just nothing. Mind you, it took away my anxiety, but everything else, too. When I finally got off Paxil, I got my life back, but I had to declare bankruptcy.
Anyway, I am scared for people to take meds for depression or anxiety because they increase the risk for suicide. My husband's co worker just shot himself because 3 months earlier he was depressed and the doctor prescibed him Zoloft to take it away. My own doctor gave me some samples of Zoloft, and in it comes a pamphlet describing that some users may become suicidal. How is this a means to solve depression and anxiety, I do not know...I don't know why the FDA approves this stuff.
Anyway, dealing with Anxiety...when you're having a panic attack, go stand outside for a minute or so and concentrate on the scenery. Start preoccupying your mind with simple questions like, "what color is the grass?" or "what color is the roof of my neighbor's house?" Let your thoughts calm down and regroup. Also, what helps, if you have a spouse or someone who can give you a simple neck or head massage, this can help tremendously. I don't like the idea of deep breathing, because it leads to over breathing and hyperventilating, and in my opinion, it makes me feel worse. Try calm breathing through your nose, not your mouth. Just remember you are not dying, and you are fine and normal.
I also use a homeopathic remedy called Hyland's "Nerve Tonic"...it does not have any side effects and is non addictive. Go to your drug store or go to www.hylands.com. ...it costs less than 5 dollars.
Good luck...I wish for you lots of calm warm happy times and lots of success in dealing with your panic attacks.
email me a danyell0706078@yahoo.com if you want to chat.

2006-09-13 18:34:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am in the same boat right now. You need to take the pills. Do you have anyone you can trust your pills with? Have that person hold them for you. If you do not get the pills for anxiety, it can cause you a lot of problems. I have bad anxiety, a thyroid problem, that they call a "Thyroid Crisis." I also have a heart condition and have to take heart pills. So, whatever you do try to get yourself to take the pails for your own good and for anyone that cares about you. You can find a way to get help without all of the money being paid out. You do not have many options, I have been told that you can suffer with it but, after so long it can be the cause of your death. Email me if you want to, I have a long family line of anxiety problems. s_otnes@yahoo.com I could use someone to talk to right now, if you feel you want to.

2006-09-13 18:21:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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