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There is a lot of insult and horse pucky coming from the conservative side of the house. Whatever happened to the educated conservatives?

2006-09-13 17:55:16 · 20 answers · asked by zclifton2 6 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

All they got is smarmy name-calling and cooked-up accusations.
90% of their advertising budget is going to put name-calling forward to drive the issues out of peoples attention. "Doctor Millionare" and "Macaca" are just the tip of the iceberg.

""Republicans are planning to spend the vast majority of their sizable financial war chest over the final 60 days of the campaign attacking Democratic House and Senate candidates over personal issues and local controversies, GOP officials said.

The National Republican Congressional Committee, which this year dispatched a half-dozen operatives to comb through tax, court and other records looking for damaging information on Democratic candidates, plans to spend more than 90 percent of its $50 million-plus advertising budget on what officials described as negative ads.""

2006-09-13 18:15:53 · answer #1 · answered by oohhbother 7 · 3 2

No. Every time I turn on the news I hear LIBS complaining about solutions conservatives propose. I wait and wait and wait to hear what they suggest the government should do to solve the problems America faces, but rarely answers ever come. They seem to focus so much energy on criticizing conservatives they forget to actually do the jobs the were elected to do. And on the rare occasion they actually have a suggestion, it simply involves spending more money on domestic issues, or ignoring the crazy dictators around the world. And claiming conservatives aren't educated is simply ridiculous. Most people are fully aware of the educational backgrounds of many prominent conservatives, including President Bush and Condoleezza Rice.

2006-09-14 04:02:32 · answer #2 · answered by mrs. h 2 · 0 3

I agree that lib-tards haven't a clue like the lib-tard that posed this silly question...

Conservatives are educated but the lib-tards have been spanked so bad in the last decade by conservatives that the lib-tards are reaching for exuses instead of ideas...

Lib-tards have been shown to be pathological liars, fools, and slanderers...

Murtha is a perfect example of that...

Dim-witted Dems claimed falsely that Bush lied about the Iraq-Al Qaeda connection and tried to foist off the idea that Bush supposedly made some claim that Hussein was involved somehow in the 9-11 massacre... Boom went that lie...

2006-09-14 01:09:31 · answer #3 · answered by juandos 3 · 1 2

EDUCATED CONSERVATIVE!! Your kidding right? Red states have the lowest SAT scores. What do you call a conservative at a college? A visitor. Ever notice that conservatives always want to dismiss research done at any college? Why you ask? They say "colleges are liberal? That's because the only ones who go to college are Liberals or moderates?

Here is the leader of the conservatives, click this and I rest my case. http://www.cutepiggy.com/george_w_bush.html

2006-09-14 01:01:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Conservatives are not for change, only for keeping people held back into the same old routine. Conservatives will just keep getting further and further from the mainstream and the middle of the road.

Democrats/Liberals tend to be natural middle-of-the-road types with progressive ideas and a belief that we can do better.

2006-09-14 01:02:11 · answer #5 · answered by p2prox 4 · 2 2

Conservative or liberal it's politics, and politicians are doing one thing and one thing only, trying to keep their jobs. No one actually cares about reform any more, lobbyists and big business runs this country. Just take everything that any politician says and accept that it's a lie, you'll get more sleep at night.

2006-09-14 01:01:58 · answer #6 · answered by one fine day 2 · 0 1

No, What have you done with your life? Here is an idea. You think GWB IS STUPID?

Well now, lets see if we can put a few things in perspective for those among us who are the truly imbecilic, moronic, ignoramuses who think GWB is stupid.

Shall we compare what a stupid guy has done to what any of you have done - don't worry this will take about a second.

Here is a guy who, out of of 300 million people, has been selected twice to lead the country and who serves in the most powerful position of anyone in the country.

The USA is the most powerful, both economically and militarily, country on a planet with over 6 billion people on it. Does that make him the smartest guy on the planet? Probably not. Does it make him smarter than you? Without a doubt.

But let's continue. Shall we?

While you might consider him stupid, he was apparently smarter than the 100 million or so democrats who tried to defeat him in his last 8 elections. Plus, he received higher grades in college than the latest 2 liberal candidates threw up against him.

So, if according to you he is stupid, how has he also accomplished all of these things against people who you must consider smarter than you or why would you vote for them?

I would challenge you to take a look at your own pathetic, monumentally insignificant and truly worthless life and tell us all what you have accomplished in a way of even the most remote comparison.

The purpose of the question is to find exactly where YOU must inevitably rank on the intellectual scale in comparison since you have virtually nothing, either in your past or future, which will come close to a single one of gwb's accomplishments?

Looking at it that way, if you consider him stupid and he has accomplished all of these things, it must kind of make you feel about as insignificant and worthless as a drop of water in the worlds oceans. Or, to put it in terms you can relate to, a piece of cow sh*t in the middle of a 100,000 acre pasture.

2006-09-14 01:11:44 · answer #7 · answered by basscatcher 4 · 2 3

every like hour or two one will post a half way decent question... they still have all the insults, but at least it's almost a thought process involved...

then you give them a thoughtful answer and then they just go after into you calling you names... God forbid they defend what you said with a counter argument...

granted though, there are a ton of stupid liberal questions on here too...

2006-09-14 01:29:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes, the Neo-Con are out of ideas and questions and even rational discussions. Seems that all day they have been on the attack in an ever losing battle. See link below:

2006-09-14 01:00:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

If the cons are out of ideas, then that means now both parties are dry.

2006-09-14 00:58:51 · answer #10 · answered by Dip Shït 2 · 1 2

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