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I have never in my life seen such hate for America as we do from the liberals in the present age. The distain they have for all America stands for and their constant assault on the fabric of freedom our nation was founded on boggles reason. It is easy to compare the terrorist attacking America with the liberals.They both seem to seek Americas destruction with the same vigor. They are close allies in seeking the destruction of America.

2006-09-13 17:38:37 · 27 answers · asked by dwh320 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

27 answers

well, i too think that the libs hate america. that is all they complain about, wanting to make us like the rest of the world, the euros especially. the sup court even rules using foreign law when deciding cases. thats what lib judges do because the libs/dems cant win an election or get anything passed so they have to legislate from the bench. the best thing bill clinton did for america was show us what the liberal democrats were all about, and that folks brought out the decent folks to vote these stalinists out of office.
thanks, bill!

2006-09-13 17:56:56 · answer #1 · answered by afterflakes 4 · 4 3

It not only makes no sense but so many are being pulled into their mania. My family are good decent people yet they tend to go towards the liberal's view. I think they hate Bush so much they are willing to take the country down for it and if they don't wake up that'
s what is going to happen! I think we are also in an age where we are at war in the Religous realm and we have the President who prays and this brings the evil ones out against him.

2006-09-13 17:57:01 · answer #2 · answered by Brianne 7 · 3 1

Ok, my opinion (which I'm sure someone will report me for) is libs hate this country right now because the conservatives have control. They are not getting all of their programs funded therefore they actually have to work. They would much rather have the rich people work, steal their money (in the form of taxes) and redistribute it among the lazy and unproductive. They say they are progressive, I ask progressing towards what? If they get control we will be headed for destruction in the same way as the fall of Rome. It's just like the old adage....Liberals want to give men free fish, conservatives want to teach the men to fish so they can take care of themselves.

2006-09-13 17:59:53 · answer #3 · answered by Cinner 7 · 4 2

President Bush Lied, Clinton Lied, All politic ions lie. 9-11 didn't happen, It was OK'd by the government, I spent 30 years in the Marines fighting for this great country, and it hasn't changed, The politicians are more worried about what's "correct" than the truth. I give up. Thank God I'm old and will be worm food soon. I'm tired of seeing this great country torn apart, I seen it while I was in Vietnam and the 30 years I spent in places fighting you will never hear about. Semper Fi. God Bless America.

2006-09-13 18:04:29 · answer #4 · answered by basscatcher 4 · 4 2

That entire claim of yours is full of grade-A sh*t. Liberals don't hate this country, just because we may not agree with the President doesn't mean we hate this country. In fact, it's patriotic to dissent. We do NOT have any such disdain for all this country stands for, once again that is nothing more than an bunch of lies that came out of the mouth of an ignorant buffoon like Rush Limbaugh. Have you really been that brainwashed by that moron, in additon to the idiocy seen on Fox News Channel?

If you want to talk about this country's destruction, then I'd like to see how bad this country has gotten because you claim that the liberals are ruining it. The nincompoop running this country is making sure that his rich cronies and any other wealthy person gets ahead and lets them get away with anything illegal for until one of us blows the whistle. He don't give a damn about the middle class and the poor. Poverty and violent crime has gone up, the rich are living in areas that were originally occupied by poor people and the middle class. Because of that, they're stuck finding an affordable place to live someplace else if they're fortunate enough to find one or they're in the streets for until they can get their life back on track. The only thing that I can say is that each time we had a democrat running this country, things were much, much better.

2006-09-13 17:57:33 · answer #5 · answered by iwannarevolt 4 · 1 5

Where is your evidence for this provocative statement?

From where I stand it is the conservatives that are trying to undermine the First Amendment, take away people's right to a fair trial, undermine America's standing in the world. Isn't that eroding the fabric of freedom.

I don't think you know much about the principles on which your country was founded. Freedom, tolerance, reason, the rule of law, separation of church and state, innocent until proven guilty. Any of this mean anything to you?

2006-09-13 18:36:23 · answer #6 · answered by Zardoz 2 · 0 4

Actually they don't hate America...Honestly. I truly believe in my heart that Rush Limbaugh, Ann Colter, Michael Moore and Hillary Clinton all LOVE America. I think that what you are feeling right now is a bit of insecurity because your party which for a long time had held power (6 year president Bush and 12 years congress) is having its butt handed to them. They have ran the deficit up to an astronomical level, gotten us in a needless war and basically lost the trust of the American people.

Remember my friend politics is like a pendulum.....the middle is where most of the sound and prudent judgments come from....when the pendulum swings too far in either direction the American people realize it and cause it to come back toward the middle which is where the sanity is!!!

Good luck to you!!!

2006-09-13 17:51:58 · answer #7 · answered by dharmabear 3 · 4 4

I am a Republican and its my fellow right wing brothers that are being miss led by this president. I love the United States of America and we are trying to protect it and everything freedom stands for from being destroyed by the false, miss-led, right wing Christians that are trying to impose a theocracy just like the terrorists are trying to do in Iraq. Fundamentalism is the enemy, christian or Islamic or whatever. They are JUST like THEM! We need to conserve the true America from these conservative wolves in sheep's clothing. They are the anti-Christ and legions are following them straight to hell, Blindly, these people that think they are true Americans and "Conservative" are ruining everything that America stands for. And they don't even know it! They even write things that are completely backwards on the computer.
The United States is in grave danger of being driven to destruction by rank and file Republicans. They have fooled too many people that think they are real Republicans. They are the Devil. Its so sad so many are fooled. Only real Conservatives can see it. Pray for enlightenment, or burn in everlasting fire. Save America before its too late. Save yourself. Pray for the ability to Love again and not hate real Republicans.

2006-09-13 18:13:04 · answer #8 · answered by Alex 1 · 2 4

Liberals hate America? Just because we disagree with the current administration?


I don't hate America. I just wish to see it run for the interest of the people that live in it, not for the people that have the most money and are in government offices. THOSE are the true American haters. The ones that use it for their own benefit.

2006-09-13 17:45:49 · answer #9 · answered by volleyballchick (cowards block) 7 · 4 4

I love my country. I support our troops. I disagree with the current administration. They have done more to destroy the USA, as we know it. Do not compare me to a terrorist. If you wish to do some comparing, since that is all your intelligence will allow, compare the current administration to Nazi Germany. The results may astound you. It's rather frightening.

2006-09-13 18:14:55 · answer #10 · answered by Schona 6 · 1 3

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