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give examples of what makes a good parent

2006-09-13 16:43:25 · 18 answers · asked by shellshell 1 in Social Science Sociology

18 answers

Most parents are good parents and no parents are perfect parents,To me good parents are someone who is always there for their kids loves them with all their heart,Raises them to respect them self and others,Not to lie or steal or hurt any one on purpose,Be a kind decent human.

2006-09-13 16:49:08 · answer #1 · answered by mytifine_01 3 · 0 1

Of course there's such a thing as a good parent.

Someone who always puts the well-being of their children first. Someone who is demonstrably loving, of strong personal convictions, tough when needed, strict when needed, smart enough to recognize the line between parent and friend, and who is capable of being a living example to their children of a good, moral, successful, and happy person.

I've just described my mother.

2006-09-14 00:03:42 · answer #2 · answered by caylinn1996 3 · 0 0

At the top of this list, as a minimum, are the essentials:

Nutritional food.

Appropriate clothing.

Adequate Shelter.




(these will foster self-esteem).

Next, teach your child civic awareness and involvement. Responsibility to their community.

Support an environment where learning matters.

Teach your children that manners matter, NICE matters.

Teach your children the skills and value of resolving their own conflicts and the importance of sharing the issue with another when they can't resolve it.

Expose your children to the better aspects of the world. Art and Music and Creativity. Expand their understanding by opening them up to others' interpretations of the life experience.

Be consistent. I can't stress how powerful a tool consistency is. From bedtimes to homework, to rewards, to punishments, consistency is key.

Understand as a parent that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail and you plan to fail your child and, sometimes, you set your own child up for failure. Don't take your toddler shopping when he's tired or sick or hungry or even bored and expect him to act with the social graces of an adult. He has no concept of time AND his needs aren't being met. If he has a tantrum, you have set him up to fail socially and you bear the responsibility for his tantrum. Be smart.

Plan "you and me" days. Something special, like a movie or their favorite game or they get to pick dinner or choose the family activity. This really fosters a sense of belonging to the family and builds confidence.

DON'T yell at a child until you see them cringe or fight desperately to stand up in the face of your anger. The goal is not to break a child but to guide a child.

Do not be a miser with hugs and kisses and "I love you". They never get tired of those.

2006-09-13 23:59:25 · answer #3 · answered by badasslilnici 4 · 0 1

A good parent:
1. is NOT their child's best friend.
2. they pay attention to their kid and listen.
3. they ask where their kid is going and with who and will ask to meet the other kid's parents.
4. they go to parent teacher meetings even if the teacher is an @ss.
5. they help their kid understand their mistakes but don't humiliate them.
6. they don't buy their kid the fancy sport shoes but tell them why and even show them how to balance the checkbook or show them a family budget.
7. they read to their kids.
8. they know what their kids watch on TV.
9. they visit you when you're all grown up and re-arrange your spice cabinet with the best of intentions.
10. And they always know when you need a hug.

2006-09-13 23:51:21 · answer #4 · answered by Sara 6 · 0 1

Someone who understands the balance of giving the child the freedom to learn and discover outside the box while providing boundries so that the child can function well in society.

Also, the parents needs to try their hardest to accept the child for their own beauty and encourage them to pursue their own passions rather than molding them to be just like you.

2006-09-13 23:47:13 · answer #5 · answered by happyhead7 1 · 1 1

A good parent is someone who loves you unconditionally and with all their heart. They listen to you, guide you and are there for you when you fall. They spend time with you and do things you want to do. They comfort you when you are sad, sick or in pain. They discipline you with tough love when needed and are a good example for you, so that you will learn morals and values, so you will one day become a good parent, too.

2006-09-14 00:00:14 · answer #6 · answered by kb 4 · 0 1

Every time I talk about how bad my parents were someone looks at me like I'm crazy so they must have had good parents.

P.S. I think a good parent would pay for college.

2006-09-13 23:54:20 · answer #7 · answered by Dan C 2 · 0 1

What matter is the term "good". If the mind of the parent is "universally good" for sure that's the real good parent.
If the mind of the parent is good according to what they just follow or imitated, then their goodness is limited.

2006-09-14 00:12:36 · answer #8 · answered by ol's one 3 · 0 1

there are people who could be good parents...they are the ones who dont have kids. hahahaha. no seriously, most people arent good parents. good parents set rules, guidelines etc, and stick with them. good parents let thier children know that they are loved. they dont beat the kids but will spank them when need be. strong discipline and lots of love. i think to be a good parent you need to adults. i was a single parent for 4 years......if i had not found a wonderful person to share this experience with, to counter my faults and me to counter his, i was on the path to being a bad parent. and no tv for the kids

2006-09-13 23:48:14 · answer #9 · answered by jobugg257 3 · 0 1

Being a parent to your children and not simply their best friend.

Being able to successfully raise your kids emotionally, physically and financially into responsible adults.

Being able to say no when it is appropriate as well as pushing them and rewarding them too. Encouraging them to make the right decisions and making certain they are proud of themselves.

2006-09-13 23:45:14 · answer #10 · answered by Plasmapuppy 7 · 1 1

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