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How come the government can afford 320 billion for a war on foreign soil, but it can't come up with the money to rebuild a city here? If New Orleans weren't predominantly black would the outcome be different? Would they care if it were rich white people displaced and homeless? Oh, yeah, that's right. They fixed the rich white peoples' neighborhoods. F**k the ni**ers and the poor.

2006-09-13 16:07:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

25 answers

It still looks the same because it's the peoples responsibility to fix it, not the federal government. New Orleans has received millions of dollars in aid from various agencies. Ask Blanco and Naglin where that money is. They've basically done nothing to start the rebuilding process. They'd rather everyone did it for them. How come Mississippi was able to rebuild without the help and aid?? Race has nothing to do with this. There are white people and other nationalities that lost just as much as the blacks did. How come so many refuse to move back to that city?? Maybe you should get that racial chip off your shoulder and get caught up on your current events. The government AND the American people did everything they could for New Orleans. Now the people and the local and state government need to do something for themselves and with all that financial aid that was designated for that area.

2006-09-13 16:15:24 · answer #1 · answered by HEartstrinGs 6 · 2 1

New Orleans looks a lot better than right after Katrina, so the basis of your question is flawed. Nevertheless, it is also true that the wealthiest area of town (Uptown) was on the highest ground and therefore had some of the least flooding. But look at some other areas where there is some wealth, which I define as middle to upper-middle class. Broadmoor, Lakeview, and parts of New Orleans east all had significant flooding and these areas are still in the beginning stages of recovery. Therefore, your claim of recovery being related to race is also flawed; there is not a direct correlation.

These areas are also plagued by the problem that so many are waiting to see what to do based on what others will do and this slows down the recovery process. Recent activity by the city to take control oh homes which appear to have no rebuilding will accelerate the recovery, but these folks are months behind those that began their work in 2005.

Last, keep in mind that areas above the flood zone did not need flood insurance. Those who live in a flood zone but have no mortgage do not need flood insurance. But, over 80% of the city had flood waters of one foot or more, so their homeowners insurance rightfully did not cover those damages. Flood insurance in flood zones costs approximately $300, it is about $1200 in flood zones. If a homeowner did not have flood insurance, then some of the blame must fall on them as well.

I do think that New Orleans would have had more help in the early days if the city were given its due consideration, but it cannot be blamed on the race issue any more than it can be blamed on communication problems, a total failure on FEMA's part, and a host of issues which are already well known. Instead of complaining, I challenge you to come down here. Spend some money, talk to some locals, maybe even volunteer some of your time.

Good luck.

2006-09-14 13:04:31 · answer #2 · answered by sir velvet 4 · 0 0

Because living below sea level with dirt holding back the water is not a good idea. The outcome might be different if a lot of rich people lived there since they would have the money to rebuild and would not mind if it got wrecked again - look at they way they build on the sides of hills in Cali.

The government didn't fix the rich areas, the rich areas were above the flood level, any "rich" areas that needed to be fixed were done so with insurance or their own money. This was not a conspiracy, it was the result of poor planning, it makes more sense to live on dry land. The only thing "the Goverment" did wrong was to build the levees in the first place.

2006-09-13 16:21:51 · answer #3 · answered by Tony Z 3 · 1 1

I think there are two better questions. One is why do you build a city below sea level in a hurricane area? Also why should the government be the one to rebuild a city? I don't see it in the constitution about rebuilding cities. This country is based upon self and community reliance not the government. This is backed up by the fact the founding fathers wanted a small federal government. The government is nothing more than a bandit of thieves, so rebuild your own city. I would say this if it were predominatly white, asian or whatever. If you want your city rebuild do it yourself not look to the federal government. Also I don't support war of any kind because it ussually leads to more problems then it solves.

2006-09-13 16:13:25 · answer #4 · answered by Jason 3 · 5 0

Probably because the money that is suppose to be going to clean-up & rebuild is going where all of the money has in the past....In the pockets of the Governor, the Senators, the Congressmen & the Mayor of New Orleans!!!
Besides that, WHY should "MY" tax dollars go to rebuild a city that over the years has KNOWN the levees would never handle a major storm & yet when provided with "MY" tax dollars to do something about this problem, THEY POCKETED "MY" TAX DOLLARS!!!!
I do NOT "owe" New Orleans or the people of New Orleans anything. If I do not purchase insurance on my house & it burns down are THEY going to pay to rebuild it???? I think NOT!!!
As for the white/black thing, SHUT UP!! EVERYONE IS SICK OF THE WHINING!!!!!

2006-09-13 16:28:57 · answer #5 · answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6 · 0 0

Have you been to New Orleans? Or are you just another ignorant person who doesn't have the facts. I believe plenty of rich white people lost from Katrina. Maybe if the people were helping instead of looting things would be better. Maybe if New Orleans was built above sea level things would be better. Maybe if more of the people who left came back to their homes and helped rebuild rather than just taking the aid and insurance and relocating things would be better. Please have some facts the next time you use the race card as many minorities have taken offense to what you just stated.

2006-09-13 16:26:34 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 2 0

It's because the insurance companies won't pay for those homes. There was a special on TV about it, people getting like $2,000 for homes that were worth $30,000....

The insurance companies say that many did not have flood insurance, because most insurance companies have not offered flood insurance-- or offered it only at a very high cost-- for at least 30 years, especially in those areas where there is most chance of flooding!!!! The only benefits some had were for wind and rain damage, and the worst of the damage was due to flooding.

The reason that some of the rich people are rebuilding is 1) Like Fats Domino, they were wealthy and not spending all the money they had.
2) They were smart enough to pay extra for flood insurance coverage.

2006-09-13 16:17:03 · answer #7 · answered by mia2kl2002 7 · 2 0

You can give a big Thanks to your Republican president for the state of the nation! We're in the war because of him...New Orleans isn't fixed because of him.....it goes on and on! Not only didn't the Republicans fix what''s broken ....think about them not even rescuing those poor people hanging on roof tops and dying on that bridge and at the convention center. And I would have to say that race and socioeconomic background was definitely a factor. If it was on Long Island, Boston or most anywhere else but the deep south, there would have been immediate help. We had help for the tsunami victims right away...less than 24 hours. The news crews were pulling them off roofs and dropping bottled water...but FEMA couldn't get through !!! And by the way, since Bush started this war to distract us from the fact that he couldn't catch Bin Laden, he has thrown all the money at that. There is none left to protect us at home !! He has most of the milatary tied up over there!! Think about everything you hate about this administration when you hit the voting booths next...vote the right way and change it for the better.

2006-09-13 16:33:38 · answer #8 · answered by oldtrash06 4 · 0 2

Well you know. It's the white persons fault for everything. I thought white people were the only ones who were racist. Way to play the race card. If you haven't noticed. Everyone along the coast in the other states are in the same situation, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Everyone. Way to preach hate. If you don't like where you are at, Then move

Oh I forgot,,, didn't your mayor say it would be a "chocolate city" ?
What the heck does that mean?
I bet the crap would hit the fan if a white person said a city would be a
"vanilla city"

2006-09-13 16:14:33 · answer #9 · answered by RACHEL 2 · 4 0

Katrina is certainly one of Bush's biggest domestic failures. But then, there are so many failures of this administration, how can you begin to count them all?

Homeland Security (FEEMA's parent), is nothing more than another failure on Bush's list. There is absolutely too much red tape in this type of bureaucracy. Too much money rolling out the back door, billions of dollars lost & stolen and no paper trail to track it down. Trailers full of ice & water still being rented. Ships being rented but never occupied by displaced Katrina victims. A thousand trailers purchased by the Govt, our tax dollar$ at work, still sitting on lots somewhere, but never shipped to their destiny. Failure after failure. Promises of rebuilding a city that will never happen. Sadly, the war overshadows the Katrina victims.

Would Bush have cared if they were rich, white folks? Of course, but it wasn't. Another travesty was not forcing the insurance companies to cough up the money for the losses. Not just a Bush failure, but a Congressional failure as well.

The Bush war on terror? What can I say? I suspect when Bush meets his maker, there'll be he!! to pay. One can only hope......

2006-09-13 17:35:32 · answer #10 · answered by Nancy L 4 · 0 2

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