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Ok, I dont soley agree with outright torture. But some methods, should be able to be used in order to protect our country. To make someone uncomfortable for valuable information that will save lives, can not be automatically called torture. We cant give them treats and expect them to start telling us things. Thats not going to happen. You have heard about all these people crying out for human rights for these people, but why? Even if we do 'torture' a little and get priceless information why is that so wrong. No we will not go to the extremes other countries and our enemies do like electrocution or cutting off limbs but if making them very uncomfortable is torture then so be it. THats what we need to do. These guys dont care about the rights of innocent people so the least we should be allowed to do is make them very very uncomfortable to the point of making them talk. We can not relax on issues like this. We dont want another 9/11. Bush has done a lot to prevent another attack.

2006-09-13 15:21:09 · 12 answers · asked by Bucfan 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Everyone is anti bush because its the 'in' thing to do now. But i guarantee the guy has woke up every morning with the though of, how can i protect america and kill more terrorists today. I agree he has made some mistakes but youd better believe wed be worse off if not for him and probably wouldve been attacked again on our home ground. The funny thing is, all his critics, who speak out against everything he does anymore just to do it no matter if they are right or wrong, they have no answers themselves on how to fight terrorism or keep us safe. So before you bash Bush, remember he atleast has balls to stand up for what he believes in and to take the fight to the terrorists and use any means neccessary. Though I for one believe we need more troops over in the Middle East and we need to force Pakistan somehow to allow us in thier country. Because they are a big reason the Taliban have become stronger and how Bin Laden is being safe havened.

2006-09-13 15:25:00 · update #1

Many of the things we are doing is not torture. Its just not. Making them uncomfortable and be littleing them is not even close to torture but people have freaked out about it.
And you say Bush is a liar, give me proof. Thats all celeberties say but even they cant answer as to what he is lying about. If you are talking about Iraq then you are still wrong. We went with our sources of information from spying and what not and it turned up false. But what if it were true and we had not acted? With all the terrorist activity in Iraq do you still think we are wrong to fight there? These bastards need to be dealt with. Staying home and not taking the fight to them is not going to win the war on terror

2006-09-13 15:28:52 · update #2

We have done things like make them listen to the Red Hot Chili Peppers for long periods of time. Thats torture? Apperently to some. But even if we step it up a notch and not harm the person physically it should be fine. These are terrorists or suspected terrorists. They have no rights. They gave up thier rights when they chose to live the life they have

2006-09-13 15:31:08 · update #3

We already have gotten useful information by our tactics, which are not torture to most people.
So it does work to a degree.
And Nettie you are wrong. We are following the GC but this is also a different war. They have already tortured, beheaded, you name it countless lives. They dont follow rules of war. Dont you get it? There are no rules for these people yet we still show mercy at times for human rights. But that needs to change and we need to continue to adapt and add pressure. No we do not and will not become like these people but you can not bring up the Geneva Convention in this war. They already have not followed that and will not. They want us wiped off the map along with Israel because we promote freedom. They hate us and nothing we do will change that. People blame Bush for them hating us, which is dispicable but cracks me up at the same time because its so ignorant. They have and always will want to anihalate us. We need to do whatever we can to protect ourselves and worl

2006-09-13 15:49:50 · update #4

12 answers

I don't agree with torture either, but I do believe it's ok to make them very uncomfortable if it helps get information. They don't mind one bit making us uncomfortable or taking innocent lives in our own country. I also agree with you about Bush. I think he has a sincere heart and has done everything he can for this country.

2006-09-13 15:41:18 · answer #1 · answered by country nana 3 · 1 1

Torture is the least effective method of extracting information. Beyond that, it's just plain wrong. We are better than terrorists because we don't lower ourselves to their level.
Bush has done little to prevent another attack. The recommendations from the 9/11 commission report have been largely ignored. Bin Laden remains free. You say we are "taking the fight to the terrorists"- are you assuming all terrorists on earth are in Iraq?
Bush wakes up every morning thinking, "how can I make myself emperor?"

2006-09-13 22:32:50 · answer #2 · answered by Schmorgen 6 · 1 0

Your arguments are so childish and narrow minded, that does not deserve an answer !
So here is a question for you :

Would you still stick to your guns, if the tables were turned, meaning, if the terrorists, should get their hands on a bunch of US military personnel ( and / or some Innocent sympathisers ), and torture them ( sorry ! make them u n c o n f o r t a b l e !)
to get valuable information ?
Would you scream "blue murder", since it would be us that receives the torture !

Edit to coragryph :

Not everything that is legal in one country, is right or humane ! I know you are a lawyer, but you were a human being first! In many countries torture is legal ( or not so illegal ) , but is torture right ? Do not fall back to your laws and constitution, they are only "words" written by men, and can be rewritten! or as we see today, totally ignored!

2006-09-14 05:14:24 · answer #3 · answered by Morbeous 3 · 0 1

aside from the obvious moral implications of torturing people (what you call making uncomfortable), using torture to obtain information doesn't work.. it has been shown that the person being tortured will say anything to stop the torture or discomfort.. oftentimes invaid information is given, which just makes the whole process more difficult.. also, diplomatically it has a negative effect. how can we expect other countries not to torture our troops if we do that to them. it is also just bad for our reputation around the world, which is an important thing when trying to unite in the face of danger, terrorism, whatever... it is also illegal, which puts us in a sticky situation...

there are a lot of reasons not to use torture to obtain information from foreign troops.. in my opinion, none of these even matter because torture is inhumane.. but to each his own.

edit: not all torture is physical.. mental torture is just as damaging.

2006-09-13 22:34:29 · answer #4 · answered by butwhatdoiknow 4 · 0 0

Bush has done nothing to prevent another attack, but that's beside the point. You were asking about "torture" versus "uncomfortable".

Here's the simple rule. If it is legal, they can do it. If it is not legal, they cannot do it. I know that's a radical concept for a lot of people, but work through it and it should make sense. The current laws define what can be done, and what cannot be done, legally.

Here's another radical concept. If the current rules, based on existing laws and treaties, don't work, they should change the laws, rather than just ignoring them. Another stretch, granted, but it's worth taking the time to think it through.

Option 1. Obey the rules, and change them if necessary to allow what you want to do. Or Option 2. Break the law.

Which makes more sense for a government that is supposed to be enforcing the law, and for elected officials who have sworn an oath to ensure that the laws are faithfully followed end executed?


I've proposed plenty of alternatives. So have other people. And all of those proposals start with not breaking the law. If you want details you can check out the links below. Or just ask.

And your statement about them not having rights shows just how badly you don't understand the law. Or have even bothered to read the Constitution. But you apparently are convinced you are right, no matter what facts or law or reality people present to you.

2006-09-13 22:26:41 · answer #5 · answered by coragryph 7 · 1 3

you have to assume that many of them know nothing and will make stuff up to prevent being tortured.

you have to draw a line somewhere. While we are at it, why not torture them for info, and then kill some of them so the others will talk. When they talk, we can put them in jail for life with no trial.

Torture like everything else I said is undemocratic and not right. We cannot promote democracy, justice and goodwill without practiving it our selves.

2006-09-13 22:24:29 · answer #6 · answered by billyandgaby 7 · 1 2

the US used the Geneva Convention fighting against the Nazis in WW11 and won the war,,,, read the rules for the treatment of prisoners of war, the sick and the wounded,,,,,, without upholding the rules of war,, we go backward to,,,, 1864,,,,
remember the same rules that apply to torture of enemy combatants also apply to American Soldiers,,,,,,,,,, Bush wants to give all the military country's of the world, the right to torture US Troops in combat, medical personnel, the hospitalized,, sick and wounded....... Bush longs for the barbaric, biblical, medieval days

2006-09-13 22:37:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

As far as i'm concerned, if you planned on killing as many innocent men women and children as you could, you're free game. close the door to the interrogation room because i dont even want to hear the screams and gurgles. If they think they'll either be dying or going to America for warm meals, A/C, and an otherwise fairly fancy trip to jail, why on earth would they want to stop their bull ****?

2006-09-13 22:28:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't understand the hostility towards this at all. I think making prisoners "uncomfortable" is quite a cheap price to pay for information that may save innocent lives.

2006-09-13 22:24:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

If we torture we become worse then them as we should know better. Do you actually know what goes on in these interrogations. I don't and I cannot believe the president as he is a liar. He has lied about many things so what would stop him from lying about this.

2006-09-13 22:25:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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