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12 answers


2006-09-13 13:38:13 · answer #1 · answered by Evo_Morales 2 · 0 1

Someone had better start reading the history of war in Afghanistan. I could find info going back to 1500 BC. This country has been at war forever.
Muslim armies went into India through the Khyber Pass back in AD 1000 and war continued for centuries. We have the first Afghan war with the British (1839-42). In January 1842, the Afghans slaughtered 16,000 British and Indian troops as they retreated through the Khyber Pass. Then there was the second Afghan war (1878-79). In 1919, we have the third Afghan war. Basically, there was war against the British from 1930 to independence in August 1957.
Most of us know what happened to the Russians. The second biggest superpower in the world left with its tail between its legs. I must add that the Afghans had a lot of help from the Americans.
This country will never be conquered, and the warlords will not stand for foreigners telling them what to do. I don’t know what the solution is, and I do feel deeply sorry for the poor Afghan people. But I don’t think that the country is worth one Canadian life. Everything will be as it is 20, 30, 40, maybe 100 years from now.
I am not anti-military and I support our troops 100 per cent. I cry every time a member of our troops is killed.
And that has been a lot lately. I support the a Billion $ reward theory. God knows, the government is outsourcing everything else.

2006-09-13 21:08:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well since we can't withdrawl from either it's a mout point, if we leave either country it would plunge that country and possiblly the entire middle east into civil war..... now for the real reason "WE" won't leave.... ya know how sidish the investers got when we were having problems in Isreal and Iran and how high oil prices got, just think of what would happen if the entire middle east was in war, we'd be paying 20 bucks a gallon and I'd be walking my a** 5 miles to work everyday.
Now that said we can't leave either country untill there is a STABLE government in place.

Now do I think that we should have invaded Iraq, no there was never any true reason to do that, there were no WMD's. There were no ties to terrorism or al-Quada, but there was oil and there was a dictator that we didn't like and that did some questionable things to his citizens....but then again how is that different from what we do to our own citizens with illegal wire taps, and secret cia prisons throughout the world.

Was there a reason to invade Afganistan... yes, they had bin Lauden, they didn't want to give him up therefore they got the snot stomped outta them.

Bottom line we're going to be in the Middle East for a long time, at least until they both get stable governments in power and the ability to defend themselves.

2006-09-13 20:59:24 · answer #3 · answered by jmdavis333 5 · 0 0

No I do not think that we should withdraw from there. I am one who thinks we should withdraw from Iraq. For one last they knew that was where Osama was and he is a tyrant. Don't get me wrong Suddam is too, but we are in Iraq for the oil. I don't care what anyone says. Bush is just trying to finish what his father couldn't, plain and simple! Either way there will never be peace in the Middle East no matter what we do. Look how long the wars have been going on over there. What makes anyone think we are going to change that?!?!?

2006-09-13 22:21:58 · answer #4 · answered by pinky2879 2 · 0 0

President Clinton promised America over three times that he would capture Osama Bin Laden. Bush promised that sam for at least one instance. Osama Bin Laden hasn't been captured yet. This show that presidents do a really bad job of keeping promises.
We need to withdraw from Afghanistan, and post a bounty of 1 billion dollars for the head of Osama. Let the private sector deal with this.

2006-09-13 20:48:09 · answer #5 · answered by chris 4 · 1 0

As much I don't like us being in either place, I feel we should still continue with the quest of ending terrorism. We all have different opinions on this subject, but if we continue we loose in some aspects and if we withdraw, we loose in some aspects.....Our presidents, whether it be Clinton, or Bush, do have a much harder job than most of us give them credit for....Back when we had WW I & WW II the media was not up the presidents asses, with every breath they took and criticized them with every decision they made...these days we have what the media shows us...I know that some people whether it be here or in the states or other countries, believe we should pull out and nuke them all......in the long run, that is not the answer...All I know for us to do is PRAY!!!! Regardless of your religious beliefs, Pray for our leaders and the safety of our troops, and their families, and for ourselves, and I know most people would not agree on praying for our enemies, but they also should be prayed for.....NONE OF US ARE PERFECT......Most of us have faults we would rather the world not know about........Some people want to show the world they are supposedly the BIG BAD ASSES of the world........ We need to continue with what we have begun......altho WE WERE NOT THE ONES WHO ULTIMATELY STARTED THIS...I agree yrs ago something else should have been done about some people known to be a threat to our country, but that simply is not how it was, IT IS THE HERE AND NOW.....We can continue to blame....blame.....blame, whomever about what we don't believe is right......BUT HONESTLY ARE SOME OF US TRULY SUPPORTING THE CHOICES OUR LEADERS HAVE CHOSE FOR OUR COUNTRY AND FIGHTING FOR OUR FREAKIN' FREEDOM, WE SO TAKE FOR GRANTED........BY WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE HERE IN THIS WONDERFUL COUNTRY OF OURS, GOD BLESS THE USA, GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-13 21:18:37 · answer #6 · answered by no_doubt! 5 · 0 0

The problem in Afganistan is more real for us than the problem in Iraq was. We don't need to withdraw, but we do need to go ahead and ELIMINATE the taliban and any others suspected of being terrorists. Just DO IT!

2006-09-13 20:39:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Unfortunately, many Americans, like other people in history, don’t want to face the disquieting truth about the dark and ominous direction in which their nation is currently headed. They simply wish to bury their heads in the sand and not analyze too closely the logical implications of the president’s and the Pentagon’s position. They don’t want to face that we are now traveling in uncharted waters with respect to dictatorship.

2006-09-13 21:46:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Thats a tough question but I think if were going to occupy it should be Afghanistan not Iraq. We are letting Osama get away with murder.

2006-09-13 20:38:24 · answer #9 · answered by Krusd 4 · 0 1

for your information, we should have never gone into Iraq, but now that the evil deed is done, we better win in both places, and that may prove to be a lot more difficult than we ever imagined

2006-09-14 02:27:46 · answer #10 · answered by acid tongue 7 · 1 0

i like the nuke idea. i'm in the military, and i think that its funny that i hear more civilians complain about being at war than soldiers. all of my friends and co-workers are proud to serve their country by killing terrorist. and dont get me wrong. i know that not all civilians are complaining. i think we should stay till the job is done, and done right, not put our tail between our legs and run just because it is taking longer than the complaining group of people (most of which havent spent a day in the military, serving there country) think that is should have taken.

2006-09-13 20:46:46 · answer #11 · answered by aj 2 · 1 2

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