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How many of you believe that the 'terrorist' attack was done by some newbie pilots that may or may not known all that was required to fly a large jet aircraft.

Those who do beiieve can you explain how someone who was just learning how to fly was able to be so precise given that planes as big as those involved would not likely 'stear' easily.

I understand that a pilot of any large aircraft has to have so many hours of experience in a single engine light aircraft before they are allowed to fly as a copilot in a large jet.

In fact i believe you need to get your private pilots lience before you can go to get a jet aircracft lience before you can get a multi engine jet aircraft lience.

Then there is the issue that the fires that were burning were releasing black smoke indicating that they where not hot fires (probably less than 1000 degrees fahrenhiet and steel melts at over 2000 degrees fahrenhiet)

The fuel flashed off on impact and did not contribute to the fire.

2006-09-13 12:55:17 · 14 answers · asked by concerned_earthling 4 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

The people who said that the steel did not have to melt and that the weight of the building make a good point

The fires (in my opinion) where low heat less than 1000 degrees fahrienhiet.

The steel pillars are an inch thick I beems. Would a fire of less than 1000 degrees F be hot enough to weaken the sturcture enough to make such a structural failure so quickly.

Wouldn't the building fail to the side of the hottest portion of the fire first.

That is the side of the impact would fail before the other side and the buildings would fall in that direction.

The point I am t trying to make with the color of the smoke is that the hotter a fire is the whiter or clearer it is. Dark smoke is a sign of incomplete combustion and the darkness are particles that are taking some of the heat away with the particles.

When I say the fuel flashed off you can see a big fire ball exiting the building when the plane hit. That was the fuel flashing off.

@ 19 hr I don't expect any more answers VOTE

2006-09-14 08:42:27 · update #1

14 answers

i believe the Twin Towers collapsed because of those retarded suicidal terrorists crashed into them

2006-09-13 13:00:25 · answer #1 · answered by alphabet soup 4 · 0 2

The first thing you should understand about the aircraft that were used is that they had a modern control system that is called "fly- by-wire". Computers maintain level flight until you put pressure on the joystick or yoke. Microsoft Flight Simulator teaches you how to use the control systems in these aircraft. Even auto-pilot controls are covered in the manuel. The terrorists did indeed have one of these manuels and had obviously practiced on this program. The day it occured I speculated that they had done this and was proven correct.

As for the fire, there is a lot of different material in a building like the World Trade Center. Not all the fire was burning in a single location. There would be different temperatures in different parts of the building so smoke would indedd be produced.

To say all the fuel flashed off on impact simply isn't true. The fuel contributed greatly to the fire and the terrorists knew it would. Why do you think they chose planes that would be fully fueled?

Steel doesn't need to be melting to fail. I have seen the results of simple building fires and steel distorts, bends, and cracks without melting. The weight of the structure above was basically dropped on the rest of the building when the few bolts that actually held the framing together failed.

2006-09-13 20:18:22 · answer #2 · answered by Sketch 4 · 1 2

The twin towers had an unusual structure---i believe the center section, not outside steel girders, were what held it in place, but I believe that didn't weaken it--what weakened it were two jets being crashed into the towers and exploding like bombs. I don't know of any type of structure that could carry the load of a 737. And I've heard that actually steering the plane is not the hard part--it's landing it, and the terrorists didn't care about that part. They did take enough lessons to know how to steer, and they weren't the original pilots--they took over after the planes were in the air, and you don't have to have a license to be a terrorist. And even a flash could set off any of the many flammable items you'd find in an office.

2006-09-14 12:56:02 · answer #3 · answered by cross-stitch kelly 7 · 1 1

Having a license really has nothing to do with fact that they hijacked these aircraft and flew them into the towers. We are very good at training pilots and I have no doubt we trained these men well. Consider this, once the aircraft impacted and the fire ball from impact and fuel weakened the building structure at that level, those support beams would caved inward, starting the collapse of the upper levels because there was no longer support, the collapse of the upper floors caused enough weight to cause the pancaking of each floor until the total building collapsed. Yes I do believe what we've been told in that regard.

2006-09-13 20:08:13 · answer #4 · answered by Alterfemego 7 · 1 2

I can't believe the amount of brainwashed people who answered this question so far. I guess Bush and co. really have done their job, haven't they?

It was TOTALLY an inside job. There were bombs placed all inside those buildings to weaken it's structure. What about the building that fell a few blocks over--like hours later? Wake up people.

Furthermore, the hole in the pentagon had no openings from the wings of an aircraft--it was a small, round hole. Sounds like a missile to me. There was no shrapnel on the lawn--not even skid marks from the plane or its tires.

What happened on 9/11 was a travesty, but it wasn't "terrorism" by the middle east--it was terrorism within our own government.

2006-09-13 20:32:52 · answer #5 · answered by Ana 5 · 1 1

Your theory (or whoevers it is) can and has been debunked over and over and over again.

As another answerer mentioned....steel doesn't have to melt to fail. In fact, it doesn't have to melt at all. If the rivets and welding fail.....the buildings are nothing more than giant erector sets without the connectors.

Your theory was devised by someone looking to put the blame on our government (Namely Bush) for contributing to these attacks...which is also untrue. Perhaps there were more terrorists inside the towers that detonated other bombs after the planes hit. That also has not been proven.

As for a plane hitting the Pentagon and being totally disintegrated....well let me tell you. I was at the Flight 93 crashsite hours after it happened. You couldn't find anything bigger than a cracker there....and you couldn't prove or disprove it came from an airplane. Perhaps aliens captured Flight 93 and dropped a bomb on Pennsylvania that day to cover it up.

2006-09-13 20:41:55 · answer #6 · answered by tjjone 5 · 1 2

Man this is a deep subject,but i think those towers were dropped with set charges like in a planned demolition.there is too many things that dont add up.OK why the did the pentagon get hit in the only section that was built to take a direct hit..we will never know the truth..

2006-09-13 23:16:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

IT WAS BOMBS IN THE BUILDING THAT MADE IT COLLAPSE!!! It was an insurance policy sort of, it the owner couldn't have the buildings, nobody could. I guess you colud also say its a conspiracy. There was a bomb on every floor, and the owner blew it up. Planes could not make such big and strong buildings just collapse.

2006-09-14 16:51:50 · answer #8 · answered by Princess Gemini 4 · 1 0

Come on, the buildings imploded on themselves and barely effected other buildings around them. If the planes had hit them with that much force why didn't they topple over and crush the buildings around them, it had to be an inside job. What I want to know is, why, in the photos of the Pentagon, can't you actually see a plane? A thing that big just doesn't disintegrate or disappear that easy.

2006-09-13 20:16:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

What are you trying to say....that the Twin Towers collapsed because of some other reason? The terrorists highjacked the plane...do you need a pilots licence to highjack a plane? Black smoke is also caused by burning oil and rubber...ever see a tire burn...the smoke is black. I am sure there are many other materials that burn black also.

2006-09-13 20:01:10 · answer #10 · answered by Lisa 3 · 0 2

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