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25 answers

United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757-222, crashed in a field in southwest Pennsylvania just outside of Shanksville, about 150 miles (240 km) northwest of Washington, D.C., at 10:03:11 a.m. local time (14:03:11 UTC), with parts and debris found up to eight miles away. The media announced the crash in Pennsylvania resulted from the passengers of the airliner attempting to regain control from the terrorists. Has the international media agreed to ignore the anomalies regarding the fourth aircraft that terminated lethally in Pennsylvania? This quetion was asked back in 2001. Here is the answer:

1. A woman talking to her husband on the plane via cell phone said that he told her that he and some of the other passengers were going to try and retake the airplane. He let the phone dangle with the connection unbroken... an explosion is heard and then silence.

2. When we see the shot of the "crash" site on CNN there is nothing but a hole in the ground, a little smoke here and there and some folks wandering around in white protective suits. This is like no wreck site anyone has ever seen. No wreckage. No bodies. Not much of a hole.

3. The police officer securing the scene says that the wreckage is spread over nine miles. When asked he suggests that "maybe the wind blew it." The trees in the background show no wind movement. Not a leaf stirs, He says that "there is no piece bigger then a cigarette package."

4. A witness says that there was a small plane following the jetliner.

5. Either the black box isn't recovered or its contents are being kept secret, although the boxes from the WTC survived the 600 mph crash, a 1000 degree centigrade fireball and the subsequent collapse of the buildings on them - and are still readable.

Cheney announces that Bush ordered any planes remaining in the air to be shot down after the two impact the WTC. Later, after being informed of the attempt of the passengers to retake the plane, he says that they didn't have to do it... that it crashed as a result of the struggle.

5. Rumsfeld quotes Churchill: "Truth is so precious that it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies."

The Governor of Pennsylvania, the state where the plane terminated and a man not known for his expertise on terrorism, nor anything much else, is appointed 'terrorism czar' for the whole of the US. The Governor of Pennsylvania? Gimme a break.

6. After initial reports from two vague witnesses... silence. We don't hear anything more of this aircraft. No more winesses are questioned and we see no more shots of the crash site.


- The hole in the ground could be a hole in the ground anywhere. Actually, the TV footage looks like an out take from a cheap science fiction movie shot in a landfill.
We never see any bodies.

- Much larger pieces of wreckage are recovered from the WTC site, along with parts of tied up stewardesses and the black boxes. Neither I, nor anybody I've queried, have ever seen an aircraft crash site where there was no wreckage. No seats. No luggage. No pieces of wing nor fuselage. "No piece bigger than a cigarette package." And spread over nine miles.


It would seem that this plane was taken out by a hell of a missile. Perhaps one designed to destroy a nuclear armed bomber and cook the payload. This was the last plane to go down and was a long way from its assumed target, so the US military had plenty of time to scramble a fighter and blow it out of the sky. Initial reports put a fighter on the scene. Further, Cheney announced that the President ordered it shot down... but then the PR disaster reared its ugly head. The Passengers were trying to retake the aircraft and given a few more minutes might have succeeded. They decide to circle the wagons and lie but the Governor of Pennsylvania has either been informed or has found out on his own so they appoint him to the position of 'Terrorist Czar' and sign him to the 'Official Secrets Act.' He is effectively silenced. The Administration quickly praises the brave passengers and claims that the struggle caused the plane to crash.

2006-09-14 04:51:09 · answer #1 · answered by Honey 2 · 1 0

To answer some people's questions, they would do that if they thought that they were going to hit a building. It is better to only lose the lives of the plane's passengers than to lose thousands more with another Twin Towers kind of incident.

Your question is a valid one, despite people's mocking.

My biggest thought on this, is that the President gave the shoot down order after he learned two more planes had been hijacked (other than the two that his the WTC) and it is recorded fact that several F16's were launched... so where did they go? what did they do? why launch them for nothing?

I guess it is something we'll never know - it is perfectly reasonable to think they may have done, however it is also perfectly reasonable to think they might not have. They would only do it to protect more lives, and it would be a very last resort, but its certainly not impossible.

Oh and xxxxxkikixxxxxxxxxxx - mobile phones (or cells as you call them) work on board any airliner, the risk is that their radio signals will scramble the airline's own radio signals - that's why they dint let you use them - however, they will still work, there are recorded calls from passengers that were aboard several of the hijacked airliners

2006-09-13 12:32:03 · answer #2 · answered by ministe2003 3 · 0 0

None of the jets were shot down. 2 went into the World Trade Center; 1 into the Pentagon; and the fourth went into the ground outside Shanksville, PA.

2006-09-13 14:20:10 · answer #3 · answered by celticwoman777 6 · 0 0

No, that is the flight that crashed in PA. The air force was called and given orders to shoot it down if necessary, but from what we know, the plane crashed before the Military Jets even arrived.

2006-09-13 12:36:12 · answer #4 · answered by Kelly O 2 · 0 0

Now the last post is worth serious consideration. anyone seen the stuff on the web about what hit the pentagon - could no way have been a plane? - hole was only 18 feet wide! No my friends, that was a missile and since when were America's defenses that lax? Some serious business going on but only the people of America can stop it.

2006-09-13 19:05:13 · answer #5 · answered by william john l 3 · 0 0

For merchandise 4 - all you should do is study the descriptions of the 1000's of folk who watched the airplane hit the development. They watched the airplane hit. there is not any way that the thought the airplane flew over the development while there have been actually 1000's of eyeballs locked on it. merchandise a million: may be debunked by way of hassle-free good judgment. How ought to the homes have been prepped with explosives with out each and every physique noticing? besides - each and every individual with 'real life' expirence areound severe explosives (like myself) might have the skill to become attentive to and hear the teltale explosive signatures interior the movies of the crumple. you could not conceal the sounds and seen cues that from an HE detonation. merchandise 3 - says who? merchandise 6 - impossible via tens of thousand of folk who might have had to have been in contact. Care to exlain how they might of long gone to the protection rigidity and solicited 1000's of folk who swore an oath putting their time-honored loyalty to the U. S. shape to commit treason - and not have ninety 9.9% of them arresting them on the spot?

2016-10-14 23:33:39 · answer #6 · answered by rochart 4 · 0 0

No--this is one of the silliest rumors of all time. We so bungled 9/11 that we were unable to do anything. When the hijackers saw the passengers coming they crashed the plane. I think the passengers were heroic, but I think most people would have done the same thing knowing what happenned to the previous planes.

2006-09-13 12:29:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No - the passengers had news of the twin towers
and noticed that the flight was heading in the
wrong course of their destination, so concluded
that the the flight had been hijacked and could
be heading to crash into the White House or the
the Congress, so they bravely smashed into the
cabin and forced the crash. God bless them.

2006-09-13 12:53:34 · answer #8 · answered by Ricky 6 · 0 0

United Flight 93 was brought down by the passengers fighting with the hijackers. They had been using their cell phones, so they they knew what was to happen if they did nothing.

God Bless Them!

2006-09-13 12:28:13 · answer #9 · answered by williegod 6 · 3 0

the fourth plane was taken down by the passengers after learning that 3 others had been flown into three buildings.. all aboard died heroes..

2006-09-13 12:41:51 · answer #10 · answered by bluedanube69 5 · 0 0

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