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Every question about George Bush I see has about a million answers from a million stupid people. Well...more ignorant, I suppose. Some of them give really long, in-depth answers, which mostly come around to saying "Bush has an accent I don't like, so that makes him stupid, and he happens to be waging a war against the same person as his father, so he's just trying to make his dad look good." Seriously, EVERYTHING Bush-haters say is speculation, and it all comes down to the fact that someone had to do something about Sept. 11th, and no matter what, stupid liberals would hate the person who did because it would mean taking action, and upsetting someone, somewhere in the world, and that's not right.

2006-09-13 12:10:41 · 18 answers · asked by grenworthshero 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Oh, and btw, we did find weapons of mass destruction.

2006-09-13 12:12:00 · update #1

Of course I expect the outcome of this question is everyone responding with "oh, yeah, well...Bush is stupid!"

2006-09-13 12:15:27 · update #2

actually, I revoke my comment about weapons of mass destruction. The media sucks and can never be trusted and there are too many news articles that tell the story both ways.

2006-09-13 12:18:40 · update #3

Don't make me out to be one who is so stubborn he refuses to listen to anything but his own opinion. I will absolutely give a best answer rating to an anti-Bush person if they can make a viable enough point

2006-09-13 12:31:16 · update #4

18 answers

You don't understand. There are no liberals who don't like taking action in any circumstances. I applaud your attempt at trying to seem moderate, it didn't come off though.

You can bash the stupid liberals all you want. Stupid liberals are an embarassment to the rest of us and to say that all liberals are stupid or communists or anything of the such is the same thing that the stupid liberals do when they call all repubublicans nazis.

Frankly, you can't fight stupidity with more stupidity. I'm not sure if you know that yet.

I dislike Bush because of his domestic policies and because of his reasoning for war. There are, of course, more reasons. Admit to me that [some] Republicans like George Bush (or say they do) because he is the president and we should have some respect for him. Though, they are the first ones to bash any democratic candidate or president in the past or present.

I'm not saying liberals aren't as hypocritical, I'm just saying that there are a lot of idiots on the conservative side. Take a few moments to seriously think like a liberal. Join the liberal side and look from our side at everything the conservatives say. If you did it right you'll feel like all conservatives are stupid, neo-cons and all they do is bash liberals. That's not what I think... but it's how biased politics are today. The country is polarized. Both sides are full of fools who rant and moan for no reason.


Liberals who yell that everything is a government conspiracy
Conservatives who respect this president only because he's the president but never respect a democrat president.

There are more, I'm sure people can list.

Just take into account that there are dumbass Conservatives as well. (Certainly not all of them!!!)

2006-09-13 12:32:05 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 2 0

First of all, THERE WERE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! Get over yourself.

I could say the same about you stupid conservatives anyhow, since you're no better than the 'stupid' liberals. Every thing YOU say is speculation and besides the only reason us 'stupid' liberals spoke out against that 'fact'(which is a claim that only an arrogant, ignorant and other wise idiotic conservative call a fact) was because the President was going about it was illegal and you know it! Besides, he's got plenty of supposed terrorists who are still in Guantanamo to this day and there is NO concrete evidence that most of them are terrorists aside from the fact that they're of Arab descent, from one of the countries that the plane hijackers were from, or that they practice islam. There's something called due process here, and to exclude that when they're trying to imporve on security is completely asinine, especially when it did manage to give his already low rating a boost. Besides, this Department of Homeland Security cabinet that he created is just a waste of time and money. The way that things are now, I'm not surprised if any of the overseas countries hate us because of the nincompoop who's running this country(he WASN'T EVEN ELECTED!!! His brother and Katherine Harris helped him win the state of FL by turning away democratic voters, minorities, or both. Ohio, well that was also another state stolen in the '04 election. Besides, this president running the country didn't EVEN fight in Vietnam unlike the opposing candidate John Kerry.)

Get over yourself mymadsky, if we were too lazy to look up our facts like you claim that we do, then why is it that almost every political campaign ad you see on TV about the Democratic candidate, there's usually something called facts? Then again, that could be because you'd be too damn lazy to read the small print featuring the citations in the commercial.

Cindy L, I hate to break it to you that those WEREN'T WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Those were fighter planes that WERE LIKELY to carry WMD's besides that piece of evidence there was from some dumbass who claims that the media is 'liberal' (liberal, my a**). Just because they found fighter planes doesn't mean that there are any WMDs laying about. Maybe next time you should consider reading the article that follows the picture.

Interested, I'm a liberal and just because I am one doesn't mean that I'm brainwashed. Much to your dismay because I just disproved your dumba** claim, but I DO THINK FOR MYSELF. I also speak for myself as well as defend myself.

Chris J, Your little claim about the liberals insisting that there was a link between Saddam Hussein and 9-11 is nothing more than pure fiction. The last time I checked, it was the conservative buffoons and the nincompoop who is running our country who believed that there was a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9-11. That's pretty much one of the reasons why we're fighting this sham of a war in Iraq, in addition to the oil reserves that they had before they caught fire.

2006-09-13 12:55:46 · answer #2 · answered by iwannarevolt 4 · 2 1

The answers in the post only go to showcase the people your talking about in your picture.

As for the CNN article, it says there were no "stockpiles" of WMDs. It also said that Saddam was trying to find away to restart his WMD program. Not a very useful source when trying to argue against the invasion.

And as for Bush "admitting" that he lied, that's a bunch of BS. Nobody has ever said (even though liberals keep insisting) that Saddam had a direct connection to 9/11. We went in to Iraq partly because of 9/11, because some dude who lives in a cave managed to knock down two huge buildings and kill a bunch of people. If a guy in a cave can do that, why would we not consider a man who knowingly despises us, has a history of human rights abuses and genocide and just happens to not be complying with UN weapons inspectors as a requirement of the last gulf war a threat. We couldn't take the chance. We had justification. Even the liberal god, Bill Clinton said that Saddam had WMDs and had to be dealt with. The only difference was that Clinton thinks we should've had UN approval first. That means, even Clinton thinks the US is right and the UN is wrong.

2006-09-13 12:38:01 · answer #3 · answered by Chris J 6 · 0 2

Im a liberal and I dont hate Bush ok? I know that its not him who is really in control of things. He is just the bottom tier of the industrial war machine. He is obviously not stupid, he is manipulating people, but what the **** most people do that every day. I honestly at this point feel bad for him, because sometimes he just looks like he doesnt want to say what hes about to say.
When 9-11 happened, and first off I believe the CIA created that attack, and they showed footage of Bush reading my pet goat to those school kids and he was told what happened.To me his reaction was holy **** they actually did it.He just looked stunned, you can't honestly look at what was happened since 9-11 and have some doubt that it was "terrorists" especially, especially knowing that we need the oil there.Whether you can admit it or not AMerica works with brutal dictators all the time, they worked with the taliban, Clinton did, and I love clinton but I know he worked with them to try to build an oil pipeline. Its so frustrating that people really believe our media is liberal when its not.Just read a newspaper from another country for gods sake, read ten newspapers from another country, then look at our medias take on the same story and you will see what I mean. Just stop blaming Bush its not Bush.Its the system.As queer as that sounds.

2006-09-13 12:24:38 · answer #4 · answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 · 2 1

I'm the against the law, and am a liberal, and literally drink Arizona iced tea everyday. Maybe you should explain who exactly is doing this, so that you don't sound like a dumbass republican. That way you wouldn't give off the impression that you have no idea what you are talking about and saw a Fox News headline that caused you to even care enough to spend 3 minutes to post this question on Y!A

2016-03-27 00:18:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think for the most part, the people that answer Q's with short "bush is dumb" type answers are not "liberals". I think they are mainly just kids and others on this website that have no clue about politics, they probably don't vote, wish they would. We know "all" the dumb republicans are always at the polls, wish the dumb democrats would go there too. But they're too busy watchin "the simple life" and making themselves even dumber..

2006-09-13 12:25:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Yeah we found them alright..in the White House! Are some of you serious?! I mean the man got away with so much if this was a previous president he would have been impeached not gotten a second term...Let me start with the violation of the Geneva Convention, ignoring your allies, and then later on realising that you should have gone this the diplomatic way, alienating your nation from the rest of the world, oh yeah you think the rest of the world hated us before think again..so many young men and women have died fighting for a war that seems endless....and then you turn around and pat Bush on the back...you might as well repeat what he said after Katrina "You'd done good Brownie", you make me sick.

2006-09-13 12:13:46 · answer #7 · answered by Tellulah 2 · 2 3

Whoa... dude... (you are a dude I presume?)

If you look at the threads, posts, questions, comments, etc. on the boards here, the majority of the ones seething in hatred; the ones that resort to the most immature name-calling; the ones that seem to be trying in desperation to change someones -- anyones minds.. are people --exactly----like-----you.

You are truly living in a fantasy world sweetums.

By the way... do you know that you used the term "stupid" five times during your rant?

You spew on about hatred... when in fact... to find it, you simply need go further than your mirror.

Sad, lonely human being you must be. I feel for you - I honestly do.

2006-09-13 13:22:19 · answer #8 · answered by HockeyGirl 3 · 1 1

there are MANY stupid folks on both sides... try reading one of those "why are libtards so stupid?" questions... you actually kill brain cells actually clicking on those questions...

and what exactly is speculation? you seem to be very confused on the facts and you just want to invade someone and you don't really seem to care if they are responsible or not?

the real fact is that we are focusing THE VAST MAJORITY OF OUR MILITARY on a country that has among the least links to 9-11 of any country in the middle east...

my question to conservatives is... why don't we focus on bin Laden? if you look at where the troops are, we aren't focusing the troops on him? why is that too much to ask? are 3,000 deaths not enough motivation?


for example: Bush said we're going in there for WMD built SINCE the first gulf-war... we haven't found any of the weapons that we went there for... only those that EVERYONE knew they had... that's a HUGE difference...

2006-09-13 12:38:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

you are confused.

how can you insist that weapons were found, then moments later retract it because the media cannot be trusted?

this alone should show you how you have divorced yourself from reality. i am angry at what bush has done with the power we trusted him with. it has nothing to do with his accent or his dad... i am judging him on his merits.

seriously, you wallow in ignorance when you forget he has had the reins for 5 years. i criticize what he chose to do, not that he did something. "liberal" does not mean "frozen with fear" and i am not afraid to make you look stupid.

2006-09-13 12:30:21 · answer #10 · answered by uncle osbert 4 · 2 1

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