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10 answers

there is always a section of humanity that is anxious to believe that there is a deep and secret truth to know. life is pretty uncertain and it is hard to know how every decision has panned out... this is a response to that uncomfortable uncertainty.

i can't see it. i have tried really hard, and i've asked true believers to help me see the outlines of the conspiracy they fear... and i can't do it. there is too little there. i feel like i'm explaining why i'm not a born again.

here is a response to the claim about marvin:

i find it very unsatisfying, but i can't summon enough of my brain to believe that either the government can save us or that they could fool us so effectively.

2006-09-13 12:04:47 · answer #1 · answered by uncle osbert 4 · 1 1

There is no doubt it was a conspiracy. The only doubt is whether it was the conspiracy which the government suggests, or a different one.

Let's take a look at the biggest conspiracy theory, as proposed by the government.

This conspiracy theory suggests that 19 Arabs, who had been under surveillance, conspired together, walked onto four commercial aircraft without being detected, and without having their names appear on a passenger list. Then that they could overcome over 250 people with plastic box-cutters. And not only that, but with no previous experience of flying large jets, they could navigate from 30,000 feet and hit three out of four targets precisely, meantime conducting flying manoeuvres that fighter pilots would find difficult. Then, the amazing thing is that 7 of them survived the events and are known to be alive today.
Also for the first time ever in history, three, not two, but three steel framed buildings collapsed as a result of fire which could not possibly have burned hot enough to melt steel, and caused the buildings not to topple over, as one might expect, or to fall a little at a time, but to fall within their own footprint at the speed of gravity. And one of those buildings (WTC7) was not even hit by a plane.
Not only that, but the four aircraft disappeared completely without a trace of their 16 large engines, or any of the black boxes. This has also never before happened in history.

This theory is so amazingly full of holes that it is impossible for any sane thinking person to believe, yet that is what the official 9/11 commission report.says.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)

That's why people do not believe the government's story

2006-09-14 02:27:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It started in the Arab press as anti American propaganda.
The Socialist and Communist press picked it up and passed it on to the fringe groups of the left and very extreme far right.
Corrupt people here saw it as a great way to bilk the gullible of their money by selling books and tapes and giving seminars on the Conspiracy of 911. Just as they did on the Area 51, UFO conspiracies, Channeling, Sasquatch, etc. In the areas close to the Universities one could start attending these seminars within a year of 911.

The political groups like the Democrat party do nothing to correct the record and actually help it along. Remember Howard Dean, head of the DNC, saying Bush knew about the attacks? The frightened people who believe the conspiracy constitute a voting block for them of Americans who fear America, fear our Government, and only trust the Democrats to protect and save them.

You might notice Hugo Chavez the Socialist/Communist leader of Venezuela and no friend of America has just recently repeated the same conspiracy. As have many low level Communist politicians in Europe.

Bin Laden said,"One way we will defeat America is with a media campaign to divide the American people from their Government." "They will be told they are being sacrificed to serve the Big Investors, especially the Jews".

2006-09-13 19:18:53 · answer #3 · answered by Gone Rogue 7 · 0 0

Someone posted this today and they made a really good point-

big-broth...About Me
Member since: June 24, 2006

You know George Bush but do you know MARVIN BUSH?
Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center!!, United Airlines!!, and Dulles International Airport!!.

Two planes hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001 were United Airlines planes, and another took off from Dulles International Airport; two, of ocurse, slammed into the World Trade Center.

According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down." Last day of the years-long contract was SEPTEMBER 11,2001!!

So if you swallow the official truth of 9/11, please tell me if you have ever heard this name before in the media coverage, and if not, why? Its a huge link.


The Securacom/Stratesec company was publicly traded and backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corporation whos pricipal shareholder was MARVIN BUSH


2006-09-13 18:52:22 · answer #4 · answered by Egroeg_Rorepme 4 · 0 0

For anyone interested in 9/11 check out this site: http://www.wanttoknow.info/9-11timeline60pg

Its a time line of events surrounding 9/11 from the 70's to the present and each entry has references from the main stream media to back it up. No theories, just facts. Excellent reading.

2006-09-13 19:43:15 · answer #5 · answered by Jagatkarta 3 · 0 0

9/11 was conspired to generate a platform for Republicans and their machiavellian strategies. George W. Bush was failing to convince the American public and world that he actually won the first Presidential election. Therefore a red-hearing (9/11) was orchestrated. People's intentions and fueled angry was subsided and focused on terrorism. Five years later Bin Laden manages to evade our sophisticated eavesdropping and spying techniques. Saddam Hussein and Iraq had no MWD. Our troops hands are tied to do the job they were sent to do and Halliburton (Dick Cheney) is richer now than ever.

2006-09-13 19:28:17 · answer #6 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 0 0

I can sit for hours folding a dollar untill the images on it look like they are about 9/11 but the dollar bill has been around how long?

Point is...if you look hard enough you will find questionable topics for just about anything.
Doesn't mean the two are linked.

2006-09-13 19:14:00 · answer #7 · answered by Dave 3 · 0 0

I think it's because some people have to control their world and 9/11 is uncontrollable the way it really happened. So, they have to look for ways that make more sense to them.

2006-09-13 18:49:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Sadly it is due to the dumbing down of Americans. And some have just gone down too far.

2006-09-13 18:56:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

look at it this way: there is still The Flat Earth Society.

2006-09-13 18:48:48 · answer #10 · answered by arkie 4 · 1 1

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