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My initial question was why do ghetto people cuss and yell so much. Some counted me as racist. It is racist to assume all ghetto people are of one race. I don't do that. These folks are ghetto: These women were on a talk show and said they deserve more welfare, not need but deserve - That's ghetto!! Some people who live behind my home blast their TV and yell and cuss right in front of their toddler children - That's ghetto!! These kids at Wal-Mart seeing who could cuss the loudest -That's ghetto. Don't have to be from the poor side of town to be ghetto. Brandon is ghetto!!!

2006-09-13 11:33:01 · 11 answers · asked by hartovalion 3 in Social Science Sociology

11 answers

People are so caught up in trying to be politically correct these days no one cares what is obvious and right in their face anymore. They turn their head and cough while the real racists (you know what them, up the you know what.) For a lack of a better way to say it, it is none the less very true.

It used to be that the classes and races had their own things and everyone minded their own business and therefore it was none of anyones business what one group was doing in their own place and space. Now days everyone has to be all up into everyone elses business, this one telling that one they are right or wrong this once calling names this one is this that one is that...

It used to just be that obvious was obvious and certain distinctions were ignorant no matter who was saying them.

I feel the way you do to a certain extent. I however believe that the idiots who squalk the loudest about this are the ones that are the bleeding heart liberals who are "friends with blacks, and friends with Middle eastern people, friends with asian people." (just to name 3 of a hundred) (being that you have to say that now so as not to get accused of racial ****. Even when it doesn't mean anything I picked No specific races for any reason!

See... Everything you say now days has to come with a disclaimer!

and then you have the idiots who know this, about that and them because of some class they took in college. It is usually some 20 something college student who took the truth and wrapped it up in gross pretension and took yet another word out of the dictionary and turned it into something it isin't to "Please" everyone. Well, you know what? You can't please everyone all the time and I believe that is nt what tolerance is or should be about! Tolerance and temperance is not getting pissed off because someone has an opinion. That opinion should never change or hinder yours for any reason to make anyone happy about being an obvious as*shole! It is patronizing and personally, I would rather be called an as*shole because at least you know where you stand with someone like that!

Yet ask these same people who is better looking and or more attractive and they are all, each and every one, quick to answer... as long as they don't say that they think THEIR race is the best looking because that would just be wrong! Why?

They are idiots with fake opinions and biased realities with no clue about anything other than what someone else tells them. They are too afraid to use the N word yet black people use it and call it okay because they have conviently changed the meaning for themselves with the addition of a vowel. What is that? It is an ignorant word and NO one should be allowed to say it! A white person can't say beaner, but Carlos Mencia can? Come on now! Like no one ever calls white people "whitey or cracker? Give me a damn break!

It is ignorant and phony... all of it and I have always and will always call a thing what it is. A white person, a mexican or a lation, an african american or a black man, an asian or a middle eastern. OUCH... now tell me Im a racist!

Ghetto doesn't just apply to one race or social class either you're right.

I have seen plenty of little rich bastards turn a perfectly decent condo into a trash heap in a matter of a few months with their parties and their friends (Of all races) Ghetto is as ghetto does. If Forrest Gump can figure that out... everyone else should be able to as well... Ghetto is actually a german word it started in the time of Hitler.

It was the black people that adopted it and then got pissed off because everyone used it to describe what they were themselves calling it already then they started using it as a adjective! But we can't do it...

Ut ohhh the birth of yet another word no one is allowed to use BUT them... Hey, you know what.. if it is an apartment building that looks like a war zone and sounds like a war zone and has bars on the windows and not a tree or a bird in sight because the drug dealers killed them all... It is a ghetto. Hate to tell ya! Personally, I don't care to use it as a noun, verb or adjective because I try to stay the hell out of them period!

Sorry... Im not playing that game. I speak my mind where and when I want to and if you're too ignorant to understand that its the same word no matter who says it or why for the same thing we are both standing here looking at, then go away! I haven't the time or inclination to sit around and listen to your crap...

The world is full of phony *** fu*ck wads... what are you gonna do? It is the age of the politically correct moron. Everyone is too afraid to be themselves so they adopt fake as a mask and all go home at at thier dinner tables everyone calls everyone else every name under the sun. AND YOU KNOW IT!

2006-09-13 11:54:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ghetto - 1. A quarter of a city in which Jews were formerly required to live. 2. A quarter o a city in which members of a minority group live esp. because of social, legal, or economic pressure.

Obviously, in America social and legal discrimination is being battled against(a loosing battle). But the economic pressures on the poor is getting worse with the inflation and growth in America with the population from other parts of the world oving here. When the rich(relative speaking) from other countries move to America to avoid conflicts in their countries(they proably started, economically or socially themselves) they cause the gap to widen between the haves and have nots.

The poor and under privilaged have to have somewhere to live and if it is in the ghetto's then be it. Recognize that humans and animals alike will gather where there is food and shelter.

If you didn't have enough money in your pocket for dinner tonight or no place to sleep, you would be homeless and on the streets. At least the people in the ghetto's are not homeless.

2006-09-13 11:56:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The definition of the word "ghetto" is so misused these days - it's sickening. Originally, a ghetto is a neighborhood where immigrants from European countries (Italy, Germany, Russia, etc.) lived when they moved to the U.S. in the early 20th century. Ghetto is a noun. It's not an adjective. Just because ghetto is a widely used term to describe people doesn't mean it's right. A ghetto is a neighborhood - people can't act like neighborhoods.

2006-09-13 11:44:18 · answer #3 · answered by chocolate-drop 5 · 2 0

Good sense and good morals have nothing to do with where you live and using ghetto in this context is at least insulting, at worst very racist, it is not what you say it's what you imply

2006-09-13 11:46:15 · answer #4 · answered by gobobgo55 3 · 0 0

that is one of the only ways "ghetto" people have to feel like they have power

2006-09-13 11:36:48 · answer #5 · answered by work_thenplay 3 · 1 0

wow.. calm down with the word ghetto.. if you want to be so literal, the word ghetto is the place the jewish lived in the holocaust..

2006-09-13 11:35:38 · answer #6 · answered by Well i Say.. 3 · 3 1

Thankfully you are not one of these people.

2006-09-13 11:37:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

.........Why don't you ask them, however its really none of your business. You don't have someone telling you how to live your life, what you do and why. Worry about yourself.

2006-09-13 11:42:07 · answer #8 · answered by jassygirl00 2 · 0 2

you don't know about ghetto mans

2006-09-13 11:37:33 · answer #9 · answered by Paragonius 1 · 0 4


2006-09-13 12:20:03 · answer #10 · answered by mobileminiatures 5 · 1 0

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