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I tell my children they don't hate anything because it isn't a good description of how they feel but how does hate feel like? I can't say i've ever hated anyone!

2006-09-13 09:21:24 · 28 answers · asked by ? 2 in Social Science Sociology

28 answers

you should meet my ex, my sons dad...then you would have the true feeling of hatred....abusive prick he is..

2006-09-13 09:25:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hate is the opposite of Love. If you are in love now then you know that feeling you get when you are just completely and totally drawn to someone and you are on top of the world when you are around them... you know how difficult love is to put into words... Well, hate is the complete opposite of love. You are completely and utterly consumed with anger for another person/thing... Hate is another feeling that is very difficult to put into words. Most people say they hate someone but they really do not. Hate is just as strong of an emotion as love is however for some reason both get thrown around like nothing. You are right for teaching your children not to use the word hate because it really is not a nice thing at all.

2006-09-13 09:40:08 · answer #2 · answered by Atana 2 · 0 0

Some say that hate is the opposite of love, but I think indifference is the opposite of love. Hate is an intense emotion toward someone who has (whether purposely or not) hurt you. You can't let go of the anger & it eats away at you. (& actually hurts you more than the person you hate, who may not even realize how you feel). Sometimes you hate someone because you loved them & they broke your heart. Or maybe they're just nasty to you. Or perhaps you're jealous or resentment over something they have that you lack. It's a terrible feeling. It makes you shake & grind your teeth. Your blood boils. Your stomach feels like a ball of ice....You seethe when you see them. The worst is having to force a smile to them...

Not that I would know of course, I love everyone! ha ha

2006-09-13 10:11:48 · answer #3 · answered by amp 6 · 0 0

People have their own description of how hate feels. I would decribe it as an overwhelming feeling of dislike toward a person or something. I don't think I've ever hated someone even though it feels like it sometimes. It just kind of consumes you. That's why you shouldn't hate because it just makes you seem like a bad person. I hope this helps.

2006-09-13 09:32:49 · answer #4 · answered by peek a boo 2 · 0 0

I think, HATE, like LOVE has no definate definition. I've heard that hate can be taught (inbred) as in between races, but hate based on personal happenings is a feeling of very powerful continuous anger toward the person or thing that makes you feel like destroying or abusing it(slapping etc). It kinna feels like being in love (1st head over heels, nervous type) minus the stars and glitter and add blood boiling anger, resentment. Almost like a stomach knotting, choking at the same time experience.

2006-09-13 09:40:07 · answer #5 · answered by ayanagin 3 · 0 0

I do not know, but my girl does... Her husband went out to the driveway to break up a guy and his girlfriend fighting on New Years eve, 2000... The guy was high on acid, and was beating her... He then turned his attention to her rescuer, and punched him around his heart... he had a stint in it, and the blow caused it to explode...He died laying on the snow covered driveway in my girls arms . They were high school sweethearts, and married shortly after high school......She was devastated, understandably...But there is more... The guy was in jail two days, and was set free on a technicality... Not only that, but he frequented the place where she worked, and she was forced to act pleasant to him because her boss was a very mean woman and threatened her with firing if she showed him any negative feelings...she had two daughters to raise, and was forced to treat him civil in order to make a living... She truly hates this person, I believe, but i also think it is totally justified... There... you have read my story, completely true. I believe if hate really exists, this is one justifiable case, and that is how it feels... By the way, this scumbag has since been charged with manufacturing methamphetimine, and his since born downs syndrome child got taken away from him and his girlfriend after he was found wandering around the neighborhood... they were both passed out and he just went through the door and took off wandering...Her husband was a good man, worked in the steel mills in Gary for 25 yrs,a dirty and difficult job, retired at 43, died at 45... Go figure.....

2006-09-13 11:10:56 · answer #6 · answered by mobileminiatures 5 · 0 0

Hate is the absence of warmth or tolerance in your heart for a person or thing. Hate can burn, sear, and eventually consumes the person doing the hating. Burning out ones compassion and caring. For example if someone hurt my daughter (in a horrible and sadistic manner) The law better catch that person before I do. That is the best definition of hate I can come up with.

2006-09-13 10:01:43 · answer #7 · answered by Stinger Lupine 1 · 0 0

Hate feels like hell-if the descriptions we are familiar with is anything to go by.

2006-09-13 09:35:54 · answer #8 · answered by Daruse 1 · 0 0

in my opinion, there are two kinds of hate. the first kind is when you love sb, st and then start hating it because he/she/it dissapointed u in some way. this hate is not really destructive, except for the personality itself. however, hate based on some beliefs or inborn is a feeling which u have towards sth and that sth u want to either avoid or destroy.....huh hope this helps

2006-09-13 09:26:00 · answer #9 · answered by LadyPandora 2 · 0 0

Mind thinking: "It'd be the best moment if I can go over there, push her to the side, slap her silly, spit in her mouth, rip her clothes off, push her on the most crowded place, video tape her being embarassed running around naked, secretly post it online, then blackmail her for the video"

That's hate. Hope you won't feel like that in the future! =)

2006-09-13 09:31:07 · answer #10 · answered by nissin67 2 · 0 0

I agree with what you told your children, I really don't think people should use it lightly as in, I hate brocolli, because real hate when you feel it is such a vile and ugly feeling.

I have only felt it once for about a week till it mellowed out into very intense anger, and then after I guess a lot of years finally no real feeling. My sister's ex boyfriend had been stalking her for awhile, which was bad enough but I kind of felt bad for him, he just seemed pathetic, disrespectful and clueless as to what love meant, trying to own another person as he was doing. But then he attacked her and cut her up with a knife, trying to kill her. He was cutting at her throat, I guess trying to make her bleed to death, and only stopped when she was covered in blood and lay motionless. Fortunately he didn't get in a cut that was deep enough, I am so grateful for that, although she had to have hundreds of stitches and months of physical therapy and reconstructive surgery on her hands and arms which she had used to defend herself.

But yes I hated him, in fact in the first day or so after the attack if I had seen him it was my intention to physically harm or even kill him if I had the chance, and even though he was bigger than me I'll tell you that feeling of hate is so strong, I think I would have had the strength to do it. As someone said it actually feels like there is a little bit of hell, real hell as described in religious texts, inside you. To me it felt like it was in my spirit/mind as well as my body, especially my stomach area. Its like a physical power that you feel too but in a negative way - sort of like if you had way too much caffeine and are so wired you're shaking, only much much stronger. And just, like the worst most intense anger you could imagine.

Anyway anyone who ever really experiences it, it is very traumatic and life changing in itself I think. I eventually found a spiritual path and the first thing I had to deal with was my anger issue that was leftover from that, it was difficult but had a great result, now I hardly ever feel even a tinge of anger at anything. When I think of that person who did that awful thing now, I don't even feel angry, just think of what kind of horrible suffering in his past would possess him to do such a thing, and how horrible it must have always been to live with whatever that was; and how his life can't have gone very well since then, with him having to live with knowing the damage he inflicted on one person whose life he tried to end and all those who care about her who were forever impacted by his horrible actions. I feel sorry for him I guess you could say, and naturally I feel he is someone I don't want to see or speak to ever again, but I no longer wish him any harm. I just hope he hasn't harmed and won't harm others again.

2006-09-13 11:22:57 · answer #11 · answered by kellyault20001 3 · 0 0

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