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How long did it take until the baby came? What was it like when you checked into the hospital? Please tell me any info. I'm 39 weeks and my doctor told me to check into the hospital TOMMAROW and she will try to induce me. What do I expect? I know I should have asked her more questions but I was in shock when she told me and excited so I couldn't really think at the time, she just told me today. Any personal experiences would help! Anything that would help to ease my curiosity would be GREATLY Appreciated! If your interested in points I will be picking the best answer for an extra 10 points today.

2006-09-13 06:20:44 · 22 answers · asked by NIKKI 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

22 answers

Mine wasn't that great...I had to be induced at 39 weeks. I went in at 8 am...they inserted the prostaglandin gel onto my cervix...you have to lay still for 1/2 an hour. No labour...8 hours later they inserted more gel...no labour...about 2 hours later my uterus started spasming...they couldn't start the oxytocin drip because you need a 1 on 1 nurse...there were so many women in active labour, that there wasn't one available. Uterus still spasming (like really bad period cramps that wouldn'e let up) They gave me demerol to help me sleep...still no labour..they sent me home Wed afternoon (still too busy to finish what they started) I get home, and have been home for a couple of hours, I get up to go to the bathroom, and as I was sitting down...my water breaks...back to the hospital...still no labour. I wpent the night in labour and delivery...finally at 8 am Thursday morning they have to start my labour because my water had broken the day before. They finally get labour started...give me an epidural (didn't work the first time, and had to have antoher) Finally get the labour started...I fall asleep .i was in labour for 6 hours I start to shake uncontrollably (like very heavy shivering) and start vomiting Since my water had broken the day before...infection was setting in...I pushed the baby out in 1/2 an hour but he had to go to the nicu because I broke a fever at time of delivery and he had to be monitored...All in all...I met a lot of peoplrin my 3 day ordeal with my induction...But thinking about it now...it doesn't seem all that bad...

2006-09-13 07:08:33 · answer #1 · answered by mommy_2_liam 7 · 0 0

I was induced, because I was late having my daughter. The doctor has a few options. He/she can give you a vaginal suppository (Cervidil, probably) to help you begin dilating..that is usually the first step. Another option is Pitocin. This is a drug given through an iv....it's a natural substance produced in our bodies...given in larger doses, it helps labor to start. This is what I had. It was nothing, nothing, nothing.....and then it was like I was hit by a truck. Sorry. Not trying to scare you...but being induced....it pretty much sucks. My contractions were about a minute to a minute and a half long...with about a thirty second break in between. Yikes. Thankfully, it only took a few hours of that, and then my daughter was born. It can take a lot longer though. My advice..since you are 39 weeks, you aren't late. If there are no health concerns for you or the baby, I'd ask your doctor if you could just hold on for a while. Let things start naturally if you can.
Relax, though. Yes, it hurts...but it also changes your life...which is necessary. And...it's worth it..you'll see.

Best of luck!

2006-09-13 06:32:42 · answer #2 · answered by loubean 5 · 0 0

I have had the opportunity to witness both.... induced labor and natural labor. Doctors tend to lean on the side of caution, thus some readily induce to mitigate liability issues. If your baby is not far overdue, I would wait and let it happen naturally as long as there are no signs of fetal distress. With induction, once the mucus plug is released, it becomes a time issue if the baby won't come out on its own. This too can cause fetal distress. If you feel fine and are feeling small contractions, that is a good sign. These contractions will build over time... become more frequent and stronger... then I would stay the course and have it naturally. Cesarean is full-on surgery with the possibilities of its own complications. I feel that babies have been born for thousands of years before doctors and nurses were around, and long as you are not at high-risk, your body should work as designed and deliver just fine. You will feel so much better after the birth if you don't have surgery. Good Luck!

2006-09-13 06:46:26 · answer #3 · answered by jnmcmlln 2 · 0 0

I was and it was nothing really so don't worry all it did was bring on my contractions faster then normal really and it wasn't all that bad because I got to kiss my son and no matter how painful it was he was worth every little twinch. I wouldn't have missed it for the world good luck and don't worry about the little things its worth it in the long run you'll be a mommy tomorrow wow that's great!Oh yea and for the record it isn't the same for every person so you can't really go by what ghappened to other mothers. I was in labor 15 minutes just all really depends on the baby and you. This can be a good experience or a bad one stressing can make it worse and hard on you and the baby. Walking and stretching helps some having someonme there beside you who can make the time go faster ;they make you laugh or take your mind off of yourself and on to them or other things helps. If you do arts or crafts take it with you. Take phone numbers in case it does turn into along time which sometimes happens. Try and be nice to the staff because they are only there to make things better in other words the nurses are not a punching bag and have feelings too! lol It might help to take your mind off of this and go to the store and buy thank you cards for the staff and family friends who come and go. I hope it all works out please let us Know when you get home and how things turned out. Youll be fine and so will the baby! Oh one more thing which they don't generally tell you is they won't even give you an epideral until the baby is crowning so by that time your darn close to being over the pain so tough it out in 2 minutes it is over and if you don't get the med's you'll be up shortly holding your child if you get the med's guess what it takes hours and hours for them to wear off in which time you don't hold the baby everyone else does lol.

2006-09-13 06:24:43 · answer #4 · answered by yahoo 5 · 0 0

I was induced with my son, ans this is how it happened for me, and usually the normal protocal. You check into the hospital usually around 7:30 in the morning, in labor and delivery. Then the nurse will take you to the room and you'll change into a gown, and she'll hook you up with monitors to monitor the baby, and contractions you may be having. A phlebotomist will come in and take your blood and do all the labs that have to be done, its just protocol. When your doctor gets ready to induce she will put some medicine(like seaweed) on your cervix to get them to open up, and possibly start an iv with labor inducing medicine as well. You can never tell how long it wil take for your cervix to dialate, it took me 15 hours and it eneded up going into a c-section. I will tell you this, when you get induced , rather than your contractions going from period cramps to really strong cramps, it is strong all the way once the medicine starts working. The doctor cannot give you an epideral until you dialated to atleast 4 cm and like i said that can take hours. Then your doctor will brake your water and you'll wait until its time to push.

2006-09-13 06:37:13 · answer #5 · answered by angelfire 1 · 0 0

Well, my episode was also totally unexpected -- I went to the doctor for routine weekly check up and found out I was dilated 4 centimeters already! I checked in the hospital at 6 a.m. the next morning and was given an enima (yuck), then my water was broken. Neither procedure was painful, just uncomfortable. I was in bed by 8 a.m. and started feeling heavy contractions at noon. By 2 p.m. I was in excruciating pain and hubby asked my doc to give me an epidural ("I" had decided I could do it without, but I couldn't!) He said I had almost waited too long to get one! I labored until 8 p.m. and then was ready to push, which I did with my hubby and Mom's help (they had to hold up my lets) and my beautiful son was born at 10:03 p.m. It was a long, long day, but I was healthy, the baby was great, and my husband strutted around the hospital like HE did all the work! LOL It was great! It's funny - I have no hips to speak of (picture a very athletic build with big boobies), my 2 sisters have hefty hips - they both had to have c-sections! Go figure. He's 11 now and is still the joy of my life. I hope all goes well for you tomorrow - God bless!

2006-09-13 06:38:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When you first check in you will be hooked up to an iv, then you will be asked to fill out a lot of papers. The iv will probably have the stuff called Pictocin in it which induces the labor, the Pictocin will make your labor pains a little more intense. I asked for an epidural, but that didnt even help as much until they lowered my pictocin intake after i was givin the pictocin the labor didnt take too long. Good luck and congrats!!

2006-09-13 06:30:28 · answer #7 · answered by gonja_blossom 2 · 0 0

I was induced with my 1st. 18 hours of labor (30 minutes of pushing) because I had too much pitocen too fast and got my epidural very early (at 3 cm) and I stalled. I was induced on my due date, but I had several different dates to go by so Dr made the decision to use the earliest. I was only 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced when I went in and no previous contractions.

I had a c-section with #2 (breech), but had a successfully induced vaginal birth with #3. I was already almost 3 cm dilated this time, 80% effaced and also induced on my due date that I knew to be correct. I was also having pretty good contractions on and off for about a week. I told the nurse to go slow with the pitocen and I was able to labor in a rocking chair and hold off on the epidural until I was 6 cm. By that time, they broke my water and turned off the pitocen. 10 hours of labor (15 minutes of pushing) this time and a perfect delivery.

Good luck!

2006-09-13 06:29:23 · answer #8 · answered by luvmysoldier 4 · 0 0

Being induced will make contractions stronger but make you progress faster. I was induced twice for both my kids, I have one friend who has 2 kids, one came naturally and the other induced, and of course being induced was more intense.

THE only thing I want you to remember is that the contractions do pass, will your partner be there with you to help countdown when the contractions are fading.

What I did as a focus point. I had a picture of my husband when he was a baby ( cause we were having a boy ) and I could focus on that and try to concentrate. Fact is, labor hurts but you can deal with the pain, it's amazing what you and your body and mind can do.

Do you have your bags packed for the hospital yet ?

with my son it was 7 hrs of labor,, 8 minutes pushing, my daughter was 7 hrs of labor and 1.5 push and she was out,lol

GOOD LUCK and remember it's a day you wont forget, but you will forget the pain of labor when you see that beautiful baby =)
(( HUGS ))

2006-09-13 06:31:38 · answer #9 · answered by wilowdreams 5 · 0 0

I wasn't induced, but my close girlfriend was induced yesterday morning. She had to be in the hospital right after her ultrasound because they found there was little to no amniotic fluid left in the sac. The night before she was induced they put a special gel on her cervix to help it shorten. The next morning they gave her potosin, which she said as soon as it kicked in made her contractions absolutely horrible, every contraction until she got her epidural was so bad she vomited and tears would run down her face. She was in full fledge labor for 4.5 hours before she began pushing. She was pushing for a half an hour after that and the baby came out. She said she was sore after that, but it much better as soon as she finished pushing.

2006-09-13 06:29:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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