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why am asking is because it seems nowadays everyone especially celebrities seem to be in for ceaserian, why? is it true it has to do with not damaging your vagina?
i dont have kids but planning to have some day.

2006-09-13 05:26:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

19 answers

It CAN be damaging for the vagina, trust me, personal experience. There are some women who walk away from the process without one stitch, they suck! But they have vaginal reconstructive surgery now, if that's the issue. I believe in natural birth because it's, well, natural. It also starts that bond between mother and baby. When you do all that hard work and see the fruits of you labor, literally, it's the most monumental moment in motherhood. Alot of doctors push for c-sections because it cost more and it's faster so they can go play golf or something. Some women can't have a natural birth be it birth canal or disease or whatever reason. There are some women who opt for ceaserian because child birth is just too painfull, my opinion on that is CHICKENS!!!!!! The healing process honestly is faster with natural, I was up and walking around 20 minutes after my son was born. My sister in law had a ceaserian for health reasons and she couldn't move from bed for days. I'm going to school for midwifery soon(in nursing program right now) because my birthing experience was that inspiring and beautiful that I wanted to be a part of that process for other women.

2006-09-13 05:39:42 · answer #1 · answered by bird_e80 4 · 0 0

Being that I've had both a vaginal delivery & c-section, I would like you to know that with this pregnancy (which is my 3rd) am desperately trying to do a VBAC - which is a vaginal birth after cesarean. My experience is that vaginal (natural) birth is MUCH BETTER than c-section. Emotionally & physically. I found that after the natural birth I was able to bond immediately, my recovery was MUCH quicker - I mean, I was out of bed being active within an hour and once I was home it was great. After my c-section (2nd baby) I was not able to bond with the baby right away because you have to get closed-up & into recovery (it IS surgery), and you are on pain meds which make you drowsy & groggy, and it's hard to get up & walk around, cough, laugh, move.... I thought it was horrible. It took me a good 3 weeks before I was feeling somewhat 'normal' and able to be active. I know everyones' experience is different. It's definitely a personal choice. The way I see it is this... natural/vaginal birth pain is just that moment when you are laboring/pushing & then 90% of it goes away once the baby is here. C-Section pain can linger for weeks & even months w/recovery. And that's my 2cents! LOL!

2006-09-13 05:39:17 · answer #2 · answered by princess4castle 2 · 0 0

I think it all depends on the person. I had a normal and good pregnancy but when my due date came and went and then was 2 wks overdue I had my labor induced. Even with an induced labor of 13.5 hrs my water didnt' break and I never dialated. I eneded up with a C-sect. It was later found out the the baby's head to my pevic bone ratio didn't match so I could not have gotten her out natural anyway. When I got preg again and had my second child 13 months later I opted for a scheduled c-sect instead of another induced labor and going over-due again. I would not have done it any other way. For me I cant' see having a natural birth. Even though I won't be having anymore kids(tubal) if I ever did get preg again it would definitely be another c-sect for me.

2006-09-13 05:34:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anjanette A 3 · 0 0

Absolutely not. Celebrities have them because they can afford not to push and prefer not to. It is actually much healthier for you to push your baby out it is exactly why your body is made the way it is. A c section is a serious surgery where they cut through muscles and into the uterus. It is also better for the baby to be born naturally . When baby is in the uterus their lungs are full of fluid, pushing them out squeezes out the fluid and helps them breath better many babies after c section must have a tube put down their throat to suck the fluid out.

I think if it is not a emergency a woman should really consider natural birth. There is nothing like watching your baby come out and knowing you did it by yourself. Very empowering after that you know you can do anything!!!

2006-09-13 05:35:44 · answer #4 · answered by dreamgirl4myboy 4 · 0 0

Actually a c- section is the easy way out. When you have a c- section you are left with longer recovery time and more pain than what you want. With natural birth you have less recovery time and less pain. There's always the epidural to lessen the pain of natural birth. I had to have a c- section with my first pregnancy. My next pregnancies I went with the vbac (vaginal birth after c- section) I'd rather do the vagina. Also remember a vagina will heal. I walked around for weeks humped over because I was scared to stand up straight for fear of everything falling out of me. With the vaginal birth I was up after giving birth ready to go... i hope this helps you in your decision of c- section versus vaginal birth.

2006-09-13 05:38:45 · answer #5 · answered by rfcnorton 1 · 0 0

I've had both of mine c-section with a trial labor before the second one. Honestly,a huge part of your physical and emotional well being is what you put into your pregnancy. If you think negative, it's harder. Positive thinking and attitude is key for a pleasant pregnancy and delivery.

All surgeries have risks and remember whatever you take into your body goes to your baby. For the most part, c-sections are used for deliver because it's better/safer for the mother/baby in a specific situation. You don't usually really have a "choice" of what you want to do to "save" your vagina.

2006-09-13 05:33:48 · answer #6 · answered by eehco 6 · 0 0

Natural birth has been proven to have the lowest level of risk for the mother and baby unless there is an emergency.

Surgical birth triples the maternal death rate over natural birth, and increases the rate of deaths in the infants as well. This was studied by comparing outcomes of uncomplicated pregnancies with planned elective (not medically indicated) c-sections and uncomplicated pregnancies ending in vaginal births. This showed that unless there is a clear medical reason for surgery, vaginal birth is safest.

As far as emotional wellbeing, many mothers who have had c-sections have a lot of sadness, anger, or trauma regarding the event. The same is also true of traumatic natural or vaginal births.
http://cesarean-art.com/ (WARNING! These are graphic and possibly disturbing artistic renderings of one woman's perception of her traumatic caesarean section. Proceed with caution.)
The women who experienced the MOST satisfaction after childbirth had these things in common:
They felt respected by their caregivers.
They felt that they were well-informed of their options, and given the opportunity to discuss their concerns.
They felt supported in their wishes regarding natural birth, use of drugs, etc.

More women report feeling pleased and satisfied with their birth experience when they see a midwife for prenatal care and as birth attendant.

Use of a doula for labor support has also been shown to greatly improve outcomes, both physically and emotionally.

I guess I "suck" because I have given birth without needing a single stitch three times. It's all in being allowed to push as your body tells you to, not having some drill sergeant of a nurse yelling in your ear "PUSH!!! 1 2 3 4 5! AGAIN!!!" Totally disrespectful and totally not necessary.

2006-09-13 05:46:56 · answer #7 · answered by Kathryn A 3 · 0 0

I've had both of mine naturally...Can't even begin to tell you how amazing it feels to KNOW you can do it the way it was designed to happen! Talk about a feeling of accomplishment and strength...I literally felt new confidence and an inner knowing that what ever else I was faced with in life I COULD DO IT!!!As far as damage to your you know...I had to have stitches the first time (three) and none the next. I requested NOT to have an episiotomy (which is where they cut you to 'give the baby more room'-Barbaric!)I healed at least as good as before. (My husband enjoys me better now)

2006-09-13 05:38:18 · answer #8 · answered by someone 5 · 0 0

It's because they are scared. Or at least that's why Britney did it. She was terrified of vaginal birth and decided major abdominal surgery was better. Nuts! Who would CHOOSE to have their belly slit open and their organs all moved around!? It there is a medical indication, GREAT! Thank God that man figured out how to perform a c/s to help moms and babies who might die without one. But why in the world would anyone CHOOSE that?

2006-09-13 05:41:55 · answer #9 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 0 0

It depends on the situation. If the doctor sees a C-section is needed because of a chance of complication to the baby or you it is okay! Natural birth can also be risky. Ask your doctor for advice!!

2006-09-13 05:33:34 · answer #10 · answered by kolowski4 3 · 0 0

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