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Pre-requisite to answering this question is a brief synopsis of your own personal experiences with drug use, including alcohol, especially marijuana use, if applicable.

I mean,,,, anything from "I have smoked a few joints at parties" to "never touched any of the stuff" to "i get plowed and swerve people off the roads driving home after NASCAR events" to "I dropped LSD with Timothy Leary in the 1960's" to "I AM Timothy Leary" to whatever degree of anything

I think it should be legalized and I have had quite an extensive array of experimentation with a variety of things in my lifetime - and I still smoke pot. I quit drinking 4 years ago.

2006-09-13 05:05:24 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

36 answers

I would support it and watch crime go down and the need for Prozac to go away, not to mention Viagra also. The main reason why pot was deemed illegal is because the benefits outweighed those of cigarettes and the tobacco industry wanted it banned...not the public. The main financial backers for the propaganda film "Reefer Madness" was the tobacco industry.
You see, it is proof that what the people desire does not count...only corporate Americas needs count.

2006-09-13 05:12:35 · answer #1 · answered by Charlooch 5 · 4 2

I have not smoked pot for about two years, but I miss it and wish it were legal because there's no reason for it not to be and I personally enjoy it... I drink more whiskey now than I would if pot were legal. maybe that's why it's not.

I have done a few different drugs, drawing the line at physically addictive substances, except alcohol, and will never smoke cigarettes. I have also done one drug most people here won't have heard of, which is highly intoxicating, putting you in a
waking-dream state, and makes your brain unable to process written words for about a week afterward (they don't hold a shape when you look at them). It is common in old people's gardens. It was highly spiritual, and I'm glad I did it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they're locked up pretty tight.
I won't mention the name of this drug as it is easily found and when the word gets out people seem to start using it without understanding the risk.

2006-09-13 05:22:09 · answer #2 · answered by Aleksandr 4 · 1 1

Don't drink, smoked pot in the past...I would be for legalizing it.

I'm one of very few people that don't see marijuana as a 'gateway drug', I've only ever done marijuana and wouldn't want to try anything else out, if you're happy with one thing why move on?

Marijuana will lose it's hype anyways once (if ever) it is legalized. Some younger kids do it because it is cool and there's a chance of getting caught.

It would just be one more thing the government could tax and make money off of, you'd think they'd be all for it.

2006-09-13 05:08:40 · answer #3 · answered by dodgylilminx 2 · 4 3

If it ever came to a vote, I would be for it.

My own personal use Is I started when I was 16, traveled to Amsterdam 8 times, participated in the cannabis cup. It was a daily habit for about 22 years.

I quit because it is illegal. After my son was born I went to my dealer and got a half. When I left a police car followed me for what seemed like 10 miles. He went turn by turn with me through a busy part of town. He flashed his lights at me and u-turned. My 1 month old son was in the car and I began to think about him going away with CPS if I were arrested, my wife leaving me for doing something illegal with my son and how the rest of my family would react to my irresponsible action.

After the cop turned around, I thanked God for not letting me go to jail, vowed that after I finished smoking that half I would quit. And I did.

I don't drink and would love to get high again.

2006-09-13 05:28:40 · answer #4 · answered by Kelly T 4 · 0 1

Alcohol, I'm in college... you guess...(lots), I've got a 5 gallon bucket of cheap liquor hidden in my apt.

Marijuana, like 10 times in high-school, only once in the 3 years of college. Love it, but it takes away all my inspiration for life... which i love more.

It depends on a lot of things weather or not i would support the legalization of marijuana. First, we know who would reap the profits, Tobacco companies. Now I have no problem with this seeing as how they have legally copyrighted all the good slogans for weed in the last 50 years. However, I hate the American Tax system, and the way that our social programs are operating. (Income taxes are illegal, or unconstitutional rather... THANKS FDR!) I would prefer there to be a large specialty tax on Marijuana, such as there is on Hunting products. There is a 10%+ (depending on your state) tax on these products, that goes towards "Conservation." Well i say that we do the same for Marijuana, but just like the hunting tax, which taxes recreation for the ability for people to keep the activities, we should apply the tax to an "Anti-Complacency" program of some sort. Seeing as how hunting takes away from the national forrests (theoreticaly), Then the marijuana takes away from the GNP (gross national product). However the hunting in some respects aides the forrests, in that it thins overpopulated herds. The same could be said of marijuana, it inspires many people to create very insightful works of art, music, and compositions.
So I say this:
Get rid of 80% of welfare and that wil cut away most of the income tax.
Use the new taxes from Marijuana sales to create a "Get your *** to work" program.
You don't have to force people to work of course, thats evil, However, if they want some sort of gov't Assistance, They have to help themselves first. The program will give them the inspiration, direction, and personalized job opportunities to get themselves out of any ditch they are in.

2006-09-13 05:30:17 · answer #5 · answered by zack32460 3 · 0 2

Everyday smoker myself,recreational use only for myself,my husband on the other hand..has CRPS and needs it everyday to help with the shakes and such. Do I support the legalization of POT no.....why because once the goverment starts taxing it and regulating the THC levels ,they won't stop! BOTTOM LINE they are bloodsuckers that will take advantage of the sick that need it and charge those of use for rec use through the nose in taxes.....could you imagine the taxes they'd put on a pound of good BC POT ! good lord I don't even wanna think about it.

2006-09-13 05:12:37 · answer #6 · answered by vanislandwitch 3 · 1 1

Yeah! what's the large take care of vast authorities? If i prefer to slather an afternoon-Care middle with Lead Paint and %. the walls with asbestos even as Ichronic inebriated as a skunk to artwork in my uninsured smog belching motorized vehicle it really is MY correct AS AN AMERICAN!

2016-11-26 21:22:17 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No personal experience of pot myself, but I have friends who do. I would support it's legalization for two reasons.
1. The money for organized crime and terrorism largely comes from drugs including pot.
2. People should not be free to make their own choices in life. Far better to try to make people responsible in their choices than to say you should/should not do this.

2006-09-13 05:18:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I have used a variety of drugs in my past (3 yrs clean), but when it comes to marijuana: LEGALIZE IT!!! It has always been around and always will be. Our goverment wastes millions of dollars fighting a losing battle, filling jails and prisons with people who do not even belong there. The alcohol you purchase at your local store is much more damaging physically and socially than marijuana could ever be.

2006-09-13 05:21:52 · answer #9 · answered by kandekizzez 4 · 2 2

never smoked pot, never wanted to.. although I believe that someone who's high would be much safer to himself and other people than I would be when trashed from alcohol at a girl's night out.
So why not legalize it? Let other people legally destroy their health like the rest of us....

2006-09-13 05:16:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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