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Would you make new laws or revoke some old ones? Would you intervene in human follies? How would you deal with conflicting opinions? Where would you stand on personal responsibility?

2006-09-13 04:33:52 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

31 answers

Good question, first of all, I would overhaul the justice system and nursing homes, and schools. They suck! There are alot of laws out there that are for government protection, not the people, in MO its the Sunshine law followed up by others that lead to a less perfect union. The Sunshine Law says if you are terminated from employment, they don't have to give a reason and you can go from one dept, to another and do whatever you did to get fired in the first place, cops can harrass or abuse and then go be a cop in another town and do it again, nursing staff can do what they want and doctor up paperwork, ect...Minimum raise would need to go way up, just in order for a person to survive, not counting luxeries they would need about 12.00 hour. It would be mandatory that employers offer AFFORDABLE health insurance, not some plan that is so expensive no one can afford it with deductibles so high people can't pay that either. Doctors would be required to accept medicaid, no one should be without medical coverage. Lawyers would be required to take cases against cops, right now they don't have to, if some one goes to a lawyer for protection against the police, they refuse to touch it. The sheriffs position would be an appointed or hired position, not an elected one. Lawyers would be required to take so many pro bono cases per year, and there would need to be evidence before some one could be charged and/ arrested. Drug testing needs to be mandatory pre employment for nursing home, right now, it isn't, only required if you file workers comp, how sick is that? Could go on theres so much change needed, and would have to stretch beyond the US borders, but this is just an idea of what I would change. Oh and I would outlaw reality TV!

2006-09-13 04:49:28 · answer #1 · answered by marquita 3 · 0 0

I would leave things the way they are and be a consultant to those in power while I spent much time in solitude, prayer, and crying over such a huge responsibility. I would make new laws and revoke old ones after I learned what ALL the laws are and why they are.

I would intervene in human follies if given wisdom on how to do so without making things worse.

Conflicting opinions would be discussed until a resolution was reached -- no aggression allowed except for words in a closed environment. I would mediate these discussions to keep everyone focused on the problem and the present problem instead of the past with a sharp eye for the ramifications of decisions made now for the future.

I would stand on personal responsibility and take all the blame as all leaders should. I would not blame-shift, though I would be tempted and it may even be true that it "wasn't my fault". I would be King of the World and as such I really would have no one to blame except myself, would I?

I would surround myself with experts in every field with every personality, faith or non-faith, and culture as advisors. I would delegate responsibility to those most qualified instead of the popular to deal with issues in their field.

I would launch a massive education effort and cut "entertainment in half" until the world began to focus on the things that matter instead of "entertaining" themselves and avoiding the issues that loom before us.

I would stop the space programs world-wide and put all that money toward feeding the hungry and providing shelter and medical care to those who do not have it. What business do we have in space until we get our planet in order?

I would stop all non-environmentally friendly activity immediately and require that people use the environmentally friendly technology that is avialable.

Natural and non-invasive medicine and nutrition would become the primary field of medicine for preventative and post illness care. Traditional medical practices and pharmaceuticals would be a back-up and used in emergencies only.

I would encourage everyone with a message of hope each day and force the media to balance the news with stories of hope and human triumph over impossible odds. 50 - 50

I'd do much more but won't spend anymore time living in la-la land because this is a theoretical question.

Thanks for the opportunity to be King of the World if only for a few minutes.

2006-09-13 04:57:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that democracy for all it's value is also worthless if you want things done quickly and efficiently.
IF and it's a big IF you have a king who is actually fair, not corrupt, not incompitent, takes the role seriously, is a good diplomat, etc etc then you have a perfect system...... until he dies. Then you need that same near miricle kind of person to take over.

I would try to have laws of ethics and use that for the world. I know some parts of the world have very different ethics than others but it's a start to try and ensure there are at least some basics in place.

I would want all parties that are at war or have issues with each other to meet with me personally and hammer out the conflicts one at a time.

The other stuff you can delegate with your special guidance of what is and what isn't acceptable.

2006-09-13 04:45:24 · answer #3 · answered by __Roach__ 2 · 0 0

Stop the wars. Feed the hungry. Educate the people. Stop global warming. And start a world wide space program so we can see what is out there and determine if it is a place we want to live. Support stem cell research so that Alzheimers, Parkinsons, diabetes (etc) are cured. And play more tennis. I am not sure what you mean by human 'follies'. Conflicting opinions would be resolved by me as I am King, and well, I am educated and have the great blessing of possessing a tremendous amount of common sense. Personal responsiblity? Well, people can, should and could do whatever they want as long as it does not hurt anyone else. The main goal of my kingdom would be to encourage people to be productive, do things that are meaningful, worthwhile, and further the human experience.

2006-09-13 04:41:49 · answer #4 · answered by commonsense 5 · 0 0

I would change so much! Not that i think the world as it is now is such a terrible place! Well actually i do!

1). I would divert most of the funding for military to medical and technological research. I would keep a small military arm going as you never know if aliens do exisit and if they would be friendly. We need to be able to defend ourselves. However, weapons would not be available to the general public.

2). I would remove all races! By that i mean, we wouldn't be black, white, asian, etc we would all be classed as Human as that is what we are!

3). I would also remove all governments from power and have an earth government! We do not need seperate countries. If all countries where considered as one the we wouldn't have people starving in places and other people wasting so much elsewhere!

4). I would give animals much more rights than they have now. Most of them where here before us and will probably be here after us unless we kill them ourselves.

They would be the first things i would do as i think if we opperate as one race, the HUMAN race and don't have different nations all trying to compete against each other we have a much better chance of success as a whole!

2006-09-13 04:49:14 · answer #5 · answered by johnapdavies 2 · 0 0

Wow, How fun would that be to be queen of the world. The first thing I would do is set up a team to develop benchmarks. I would pull all the nutjobs leaders out of their positions and install rational leadership. This would probably affect Africa, South American, and the Middle east the most. There would be organizations set up to help people with agricultural growth so that the whole world can be fed. Illegal drugs would be eradicated from the face of the earth and drug lords would be put in concentration camps or work details. The only countries with nuclear weapons would be the US, China, and Russia. This is a good balance. Countries could have nuclear power for energy but could not enrich uranium. Terrorist could bring their complaints to me, but they could not harm innocent people. This would bring about their destruction very quick like. ........

2006-09-13 04:53:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honestly, if I was made King of the World, my first order of business would be to abdicate my throne. Any despot with that kind of power WILL get killed in rather short order. With so many mutually exclusive belief systems, any set policy will result in enough people getting pissed off sufficiently to kill me; and they'd be right to. In order to be at all able for such a daunting task as ruling the world (and doing it right) the individual would have to be a True Polyglot (speaking every language on earth) and would have to be simultaneously from every culture on the planet, so that everyone would be equally represented. The other option for holding power would be to maintain a constant state of global martial law (no personal rights), and fuel a bloated Industrial Military Complex (For further information on this alternative, please review American foreign policy 1948-Present, or North Korea)

2006-09-13 04:49:51 · answer #7 · answered by rwalker5037 1 · 0 0

defiantly make new laws and repeal old ones. not sure that i would directly intervene i mean im king of the world the plight of a million people would seem real small i reside over 6 billion. conflicting opinions would be real easy im king here is how things work now deal or be crushed(im king remember) and personal responsibility is kind of hard but if you set the courts up right then it is hit home. like having eight appeals and such is just ridiculous but if you make a prisoner labor force out of people who confess then why would you not just plead guilty and then go work out your crimes for the good of everyone else. but as long as you have a harsher punishment for murder and the like it should work out better. not sure would have to see how the first year went

2006-09-13 04:40:07 · answer #8 · answered by gsschulte 6 · 1 1


I would institute a republic form of government to survive my death. Second, I would eliminate all but one currency, then make that currency a gold-standard. Third, I would have no children so as to prevent a dynasty from attempting to assert itself over me. Fourth, I would kill the person who made me king of the world, because if they have the power to make me, they can take it away. Fifth, I would immediately work on matter/anti matter conversion for energy consumption so as to reduce the burden of the WORLD ELECTRICAL GRID I would start.

I would eliminate all nation states, and all income taxation. Sales taxation would be the means of revenue generation.

I would convert the nuclear fuel in nuke bombs and have it power nuke power plants.

I would call a council of nicea type conference like Constantine did for Muslims, and make a Muslim religion that is organized for once.

Those are just some starters.

2006-09-13 04:57:39 · answer #9 · answered by lundstroms2004 6 · 0 0

why might want to you push your beliefs on some different person i desire you do not devour fish because in spite of the actual undeniable reality that it's not meat this is nonetheless an animal and it suffers coming from my beliefs God says this is totally well for us to devour meat he has no difficulty with it so why might want to you? i'm very healthful and that i'm an omnivore thanks and also you assert correct and incorrect? what number circumstances have you ever sinned at present or contained in the perfect week isn't that understanding the adaptation between correct and incorrect if not even better look at our enamel why do we've "fangs" if our body is in accordance to vegetables and culmination we would not favor them! animals devour one yet another each and every of the time please provide up being so ignorant and discover something better to do

2016-11-26 21:20:14 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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