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Recently I was astounded by a simple concept introduced to me by a fellow traveller. It concerned the unanserable question "Is there life after death". His concept was so logical it made perfect sense. Can you guess what the concept is and furhter, can you come up with a novel one of your own? Thanks PP

2006-09-13 04:27:24 · 65 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

65 answers

actually they didn't have to go that far.

according to the question: is there life after death... the answer of course is "yes".

think about that.

of course there's life after there is death.

look around ya.

2006-09-13 04:35:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is there death after life? If so there would be no continuing life; therefore there must be life after death.

...Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

My first answer is but a construct of language. The true answer to the question is found in the divine concept of seed time and harvest.

Not only does this concept, as a revelation, speak to life after death but it negates the linear argument of evolution and dualist necessity of creationism.

It also explains Solomons conundrum; "that which is now has been before." It also negates the argument between vegans and meat eaters; reincarnationists and purgatorians; and lets us know without a doubt that the egg came before the chicken.

Prof. When you see the beauty of this you might consider keeping your day job. lol

2006-09-13 05:45:28 · answer #2 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 0

There is no life after death. I have always felt that we just simply cease to exist, but our energy or soul is reused by nature. Heaven and Hell and the concepts of religion were developed because man needs to feel he has a reason to live and they provide basic rules for governing a society of people.

All of the religions came from someone teaching man how to treat his fellow man. It was not so much a higher being as much as it was a person of great thought trying to do his best to make the world better.

I believe that "karma" or what ever you want to call it exists. You will receive from life what you put into it. And mother nature will win in the end. So we must respect everything and everyone around us and treat our fellow man like we would want to be treated.

2006-09-13 04:37:38 · answer #3 · answered by Just Another Guy 4 · 0 0

Concept rubbish... I would be a seriously outspoken sceptic, save for the fact I've had the proof all my life and the 'gift' of speaking with, and seeing, the so called dead... ever since the age of eight and my first of many NDEs... and of 'meeting' people, who would enter my life in the future.

The past, the present and the future, are all linked as one... that was the strangest part to grasp for me... and I never asked, nor dabbled to try and make it happen, nor wanted to be, what the Bishop of Peterborough UK, labelled me back in 1973... a natural psychic medium.

I mean, the very word 'medium' is 'bland' and I can assure you, my life experiences, are anything but mediocre and bland because of this strange gift!

Terrifying for my first 28 years of life, would be a better description of them... all because, I inherited societies and my parents, morbid fear of the unknown!

I am now a more together, very life and death learned lady, completely unafraid, at 61 years old who, doesn't need to guess about the final question inside semantics... and does not fear the time it will come to me either... well, perhaps the 'way it happens' is a little scary to envisage... since no one wants to linger, or suffer unnecessarily, as we leave this mortal life, but afterward, it's brilliant, I've been there and seen and felt and kept it in my heart.

My advice to sceptics of all leanings... whether about God, or ghosts, or afterlife... is to take serious stock and start to trust the creator of our universe... because we are not alone every second of our lives...

I surely do, after what I've seen and shared:-)

God bless everyone!

2006-09-13 04:50:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a lot of speculation on life after death. Near death experiences of people, claim to see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. They see past love ones who have died before them, or if they are on an operating table they have an out of body experience and can remember what the doctors were saying and give detail on the operation.
I am stuck between two theories. The first being that there is life after death, heave and hell. The second, is that we (our soul) is a ball of energy that is released after death and is regenerated to another embryo to start life all over again (the basis for deja vu sp). Maybe this is his concept.

2006-09-13 04:40:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What a brilliant question! But unfortunately I'm not sure I agree that its an unanswerable question I'm afraid. Nearly 2000 years ago Jesus died on a cross yet there are still millions of people all over the world who claim to know Him and talk to Him, the Bible clearly says that He rose from the dead thus answering the question that there is life after death and that it can only be found in Him who has been through death and come out the other side

2006-09-13 04:39:19 · answer #6 · answered by no better than no one 1 · 1 0

The bible says the dead are concious of nothing at all. Ecclesiastes 9:5. But John 5:28 & 29 promise a resurrection for all the dead. Revelation shows this to be a future thing 20:12 - 15 and 21:3 & 4.
Check Matthew 24:7 -14 to see how near we are to that prophecy becoming a reality. Email me for more info. 0plush@blueyonder.co.uk

2006-09-13 05:00:38 · answer #7 · answered by hollymichal 6 · 0 0

Life is constant. Shapes, beings form and dissolve within it's realms.
Conciousness likewise illumines uncountable beings ,and will do so after this form has passed.
This form has passed .This form is new . 'I' call them both 'me', but only the light of conciousness is really the same, since it is not an object ,and therefore subject to change.
Probably conciousness is co-arising with an energy phenomenon,such as a body, to support it, and be supported by it. And prehaps some more subtle energy phenomenon can co-support conciousness, and carry some seeds from the previous bodily form, but as in life there is no continuation of forms. Only patterns continue ,following their life-cycles ,consuming energy, and laying down seeds, with slightly modified patterns ,to repopulate the new present moment.
There is no continuity of form through time .
The universe is constant ,and each form reflects the whole . Each form is a reflection of the whole universe, including future and past .
That's how I see it ,anyway.

2006-09-13 06:27:00 · answer #8 · answered by GreatEnlightened One 3 · 0 0

This Question takes me back five years when I was admitted to hospital after suffering an heart attack, while in hospital I suffered a further two attacks, while recovering from the second I recall saying to the nurse that I was feeling a bit down she was giving me an injection of something when I recall her shouting “He’s going,” who to I have no idea, it felt as though a plug had been pulled and that all the blood was draining from my body, I felt no pain, the next thing I knew was the nurse calling my name I had been dead for as long as it had taken them to get the shock machine together she said later about 3 or 4 minutes, I had heart surgery after that.
But back to the Question my recollection of life DURING death was NIL but that life after death five years on is great.

2006-09-13 07:21:36 · answer #9 · answered by jaybee 3 · 0 0

I can't guess the concept...something about being reborn?? But I believe in it, and that there is a soul, that goes through several life cyles, learning the lesson it needs...So my soul may have lived several lives before this one, trying to learn what it needs in order to hit heaven.

I can't decide whether I have an old soul or a brand new one...sometimes I feel quite wise, and sometimes like I know absolutely nothing about life!

Good question!

p.s. Let us know the concept of the traveller when you're done!

2006-09-13 04:40:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

YES, of course there is life. What would be the purpose of living if we are going to die and that's it!?? Life would be in vain.
There was life before we were born, and there's life after. You decided to born before coming to this Earth. Now, in this life, is were you decide were do you want to go next, even if you are not sure of what will be like exactly.
I believe in prayer, and I know that by doing it, we can ASK GOD to bless us with knowledge, I know he's the one that can and WILL give you the BEST ANSWER. (I have done it, and it works)
I know it's something difficult to understand, is a very hard subject for some people. But I promise you that you will get your answer IF you pray with REAL FAITH and that we will have life after dying, and is not going to be in this Earth. God has a plan of happiness. I really believe and know this.

2006-09-13 05:04:38 · answer #11 · answered by Double S 1 · 0 0

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