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23 answers

Which is better is like comparing apples and bananas. Both might make a good snack, but they definitely don't taste the same.

Men are fairly simple creatures; it's in our biology. Men are geared to reproduce quickly and often. That is why sex can be so short for us; and why a picture of a hot woman is enough to get a man aroused. Men are capable of multiple relationships with multiple women. They can stay in a serious relationship, but only if they are willing to make the commitment. The biggest problem with men is that they often think with their lower head, rather than the one that sits on top of their neck.

Women are more complicated. They need to carry a baby to term and raise it. A picture of a hot man can get some women excited, but not for long--they need a relationship. They want to know a man, and they want to be able to trust him to possibly raise a child. Women are geared to hunt for a mate that they can raise a child with; it's in their biology. Women want a stable relationship with one man. A woman often seems to get less out of sex because their biology requires either multiple sessions or they require a longer session to insure that the male has a better chance of putting his sperm where it can create a child. This explains the women’s greater need for foreplay. They need to build up to a climax.

Humans are one of the few creatures that are always in “season.” A human can breed all year round. This makes it better for the male to spread his genes, and lets the woman use the allure for sex to hold on to their mate. When sex becomes less frequent the male’s attention may wander. Generating sperm is easy to do, and men do it in the thousands for most of their lifespan. Women have a set number of eggs and a period of youth and adult stages when they can get pregnant. Carrying a baby to term is a difficult, and often dangerous task, one that can only be attempted by someone who is very fit. This is why women have menopause and why after a time sex starts to lose its attraction.

Some women are attracted to the dangerous man. While at first this doesn't seem like a good idea, the dangerous man is more likely to win in any competition. If a woman is with such a man then she can be assured that another man won't try to take her away from him. Again it's all in the biology. Look at the lion pride. The strongest male has a harem of females. He gets them pregnant and they raise their cubs. The male has to defend himself against other rival males. He spends most of the night making loud growls to show the others that he is the dominant male, and he will fight off any competing males. When a new male takes over, the first thing he does is to kill all the old male's cubs. This puts the females into heat, and he can breed with them.

Unfortunately, since women are complex creatures they think that men are. This can lead to a lot of misunderstandings. Men are simple creatures; they look for the simple and straightforward solution of problems. Since men are less complicated then women we tend to have problems understanding them. Complexity doesn’t mean smarter than simple, it means that a different approach is being used.

Men like sports because it is a trial by combat. They may claim other reasons, but the most basic one is the combat. A male biology gears the man to be able to defeat his rivals and hold on to his mate(s). This is why men are better fighters.

Humans may be reasoning and intelligent beings, but they still have the same instincts that they started with. We are a lot closer to animals than we think. The difference between humans and the animals is that mankind can rise above their instincts. We can use tools, and change the environment to suit us. Once that happened though mankind became immune to evolution. We can attempt to improve the breed, weed out problem genes, and turn others on or off, but we cannot escape our instincts.

Our intelligence lets us rise above our instincts. A woman can be a soldier, but she may prefer a more caring approach. A man can be a homemaker, but he may prefer to go out into the wild and hunt (he often does this by getting a job). Women and men can do each other’s jobs, but their biology has defined roles for them and their instincts have to be overcome.

Men are better because they can see the simple solution to a problem and they will solve it without wasting too much time thinking about it. Men are better hunters and fighters.

Women are better because they can find a solution to a complex problem. They don’t mind taking the time required to think something out. They are more caring and nurturing. They are also able to work better together (except when hunting for a mate).

Comparing men and women is like comparing the heads and tails of a coin. They are two opposite sides of the same coin. They represent two different approaches to survival and civilization.

The biggest problem with men is that they aren't deep thinkers, they can do it, but our default mode is simple and direct. So women have a hard time trying to understand them. The second biggest problem with men is that they can't understand the complexity of a woman's mind, which is why the question, "Does this dress make me look fat?" Is such a problem for them.

The biggest problem with women is that they are deep and complex thinkers. They try to work though all of the problem and think that everything has a deeper and more complex meaning. The second biggest problem with women is that they can't understand men. They look for the deeper meaning that often isn't there. Those that realize this think that men are stupid, they aren't; they just think differently. They don’t understand the extra meaning behind the question, “Does this dress make me look fat?” The male’s default response is a simple yes or no to only that question, and not to the deeper meanings of that question.

It’s all in the genes and our instincts.

2006-09-13 07:08:36 · answer #1 · answered by Dan S 7 · 1 0

From a mans point of view. I believe that all men look at life differently than a women in a few different ways. With the way that the wold is TODAY, it is all messed up. I believe that a woman should not work unless she wants to and that the man should be responsible for all the bills and the life style of the family. And if the woman is happy being with the man then she should make the man as happy as she can. But times have changed so much that I think the hole world is messed up, there are so many styles of life some people just don't know what to do? I guess what my question is for you is, what is you specific answer?

2006-09-13 11:28:19 · answer #2 · answered by eskysoulreaver1 1 · 0 0

Not only men and women, but we all do. Are we all not different? Wouldn't this be a boring life if we were all the same?

2006-09-13 11:19:43 · answer #3 · answered by wmkinger 2 · 0 0

Cause it doesnt make life so predictable. Can you imagine if women and men see things exactly the same, the world would be a mess.

2006-09-13 11:19:19 · answer #4 · answered by baby_luv 5 · 0 0

Coz they r born differently ...they have different kind of nature & evrybody has diff point of view in life....women take lIfe very deeply & is full of emotions...men r having pride,they hide their emotions,they think they can beat anyone & wana try to take revenge in place of forgiveness(sum men)... they r physically strong & have ability to do things well sometimes & so God has made them different so that different people meet in life & discuss their diff life..& b 2gether &live happily... (my answer is not so gud but i really thot to reply u so dont mind nething)

2006-09-13 11:24:10 · answer #5 · answered by ur frnd 2 · 0 0

women run on emotion and men run without it. like the area of the brain the is stimulated by pornography in men yeah you can get that to stimulate in women with a conversation. we are very very different

2006-09-13 11:19:40 · answer #6 · answered by gsschulte 6 · 1 0

Women have parvo cellular retinas where men have more magno cellular retinas, that 's why boys choose blues and silvers and greys over the softer colors that women like.

2006-09-13 11:21:03 · answer #7 · answered by Billy! 4 · 0 0

well, you have to remember that men are from mars and women from venus .( Venus being a planet with highly intelligent beings.if you know what I mean)

you might want to check it out......................

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex - by: John Gray

2006-09-13 11:23:13 · answer #8 · answered by wonderwoman 4 · 0 0

Women are the smarter species. However comprehension is based on the person and their upbringing man or woman people have different morals.

2006-09-13 11:20:46 · answer #9 · answered by mizsinister 3 · 0 0

Men see things in more black and white perspectives. Football good, Fondue parties bad. Farting on your friend's head after eating a burritto good, crying with your friend after watching Bambi bad. Women think more grey, everything is good and bad. We think more from our hearts.

2006-09-13 11:28:32 · answer #10 · answered by jdecorse25 5 · 0 0

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