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12 answers

You have to take in account everything - not just the goverment. It is three folds...

1) A Democratic Government.
2) A Capitalist Economy.
3) A Socialist People.

People will always move toward freedom, people always want a better life, and people must give to others for their children and their own survival.

People who learn to give, become very successful (family, career, money and everything inbetween) in a free world.

People always want to know the secrets to being successful...well, the biggest and most hidden secret - is the "Act of Giving". Once, you learn that - thier is nothing you can't do. Learn to give and you will become very successful in life.

ADD ON: Instead of everyone stating thier opinion, why don't you state how you are living? If you believe in something, then why not live it?? If you believe in communisiam -- live it (yes, even in America - right now, where you stand, you can find ways to live like a communist) or if you believe in Anarchy - live it. It doesn't matter what you believe in -- just live it and then see what happens. I state what I live - not what I think. I practice it and it works. Practice Anarchy and see how far you go before people get sick of you and pound you dumbass into the ground. Great Anarchy works for you, go for it, but the day you use it on me and my family is the day of reckoning for your behavior. You can preach what ever you want, but to get people on your side and insure it works, you must be willing to work with other people. bureaucracies?? Practice what I learned and watch bureaucracies fall. If your so, concerend of what others are doing or what is not working - your life is meaningless. Stand where you are and take care of yourself - then watch what happens. (Taking care of yourself is not selfish - it allows you to be able to take care of the ones you love and others in your life. Taking care of yourself and not caring about others is sellfish. Just thought I'd mention that because people always tell me that taking care of themselves is selfish -- I always reply with "Not taking care of yourself is selfish, thoughtless, uncaring towards the ones you love and just plain lazy".

Hit me up in a year and you can tell me how your idea for goverment works for you.

2006-09-13 04:21:51 · answer #1 · answered by karadansu 3 · 1 0

Yea, I like Cicero's De Republica also.

Anarchy is supposed to follow, but between Monarchy and Democracy are Aristocracy and Republic. From Anarchy we go back to Monarchy again as the cycle repeats itself.

Basically, you have a mass of people that want a leader so the easiest way to do so is as a despot, but despots aren't revered forever and neither are dictators. The illusion of a monarch is that he has a grandoise mandate behind him.

From there, the monarch gets over thrown due to some conspiracy (look at the French revolution with the transition between King Louis and Napoleon with the directorate). This group of people maintains the mass' support by saying it protects them and is concerned. Ultimately though, some internal strife brakes the government down from within (usually officiated as "corruption").

From here we can look further into French history and see how there is a period of Empire followed by decline. Usually, the masses get fired up for some sort of conflict, but their overexpended energy leaves them worn out. For the French, this lead to a sense of paranoia following Napoleons 2nd exile. For Prussia and Bismarck, they unified Germany BEFORE this happened so the "2nd Reich" was never even fully realized in the 19th century.

The masses can sometimes transist with a moral base here into democracy (other times the cycle resets here back to a monarchy such as in China with regards to the competing dynasties). Other times they may become a democracy because they feel confident in their abilities and want peace (such as the Brits after establishing the empire where the sun never sets - they had enough conflict and wanted to relish in their success which was disguised and excused with moral grounds i.e. the White Man's Burden). Before becoming a democracy though, a people needs to figure out what it stands for as a Republic where conservative thought prevails in order to maintain structure in political discussion.

Democracy usually crumbles though because of how the people become greedy and excited. Roman history is a perfect example for this as the Empire came into being only because the people became apathetically lackadaisical with watching over their government.

A note on empires: these can only exist when aspirations can cover pragmatic or ethical deficiencies. An empire will never exist where the people can figure some way that the goverment is not performing in their interests. This is why America has never existed as an empire (the dual-party system always provides unified opposition against those in control) although we have been involved in imperialism such as in the 1890s with Teddy Roosevelt.

Democracies turn unto themselves and become anarchaic. The question here is how fast the transformation is which can only be answered by the effectiveness of communication technology and efforts. Because countries move from anarchy to monarchies, countries can sometimes bypass this reset since communication moves ideas faster than they can be executed. The masses then become confused and rather than split up into many micro-factions, they just want an answer through a sovereign leader.

A major point on communism:

Communism is an ideal that can only come into reality with substantial inhumane social and genetic engineering. Adam Smith got it right when he argued that a society is best off when individuals are working for their own self-interest.

A true communist society would not have a goverment at all since that would delegate authority to a group of individuals who have their own objectives (no human being is immune from his imagination and desire). Also, workers need to be able to trust one another without depending upon prior experience. Ants can do this since they only see another ant when they see another ant, but people have to consider personality and character when seeing (or rather judging) another human being.

Ultimately it's really just that simple: communism doesn't work because people aren't ants.

2006-09-13 04:40:25 · answer #2 · answered by Mikey C 5 · 0 0

The next system of civil governing is already here. Thanks to instantaneous communication and a really convoluted legislature, we have entered into the golden age of the Bureaucracy. Today, the raison d'être of any good bureaucracy is not to full fill whatever function it was originally designed to, but to simply guarantee it's own continued existence. The ultimate consequence of this mentality, is that the bureaucracies that we have created will simply continue to consume resources at a rate vastly disproportionate to their output. For example: It becomes more profitable for an organization like our FBI or CIA to disseminate fear of a terror plot, than actually stop it. (This is purely conjecture meant to illustrate my point) If America actually becomes secure, then we'll have no need such systems, and all those people would be out a job; and what good bureaucrat would choose to make themselves obsolete.

"You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." -William Randolph Hearst (Look up the Spanish American war and you'll get the reference)

2006-09-13 04:36:18 · answer #3 · answered by rwalker5037 1 · 0 0

This season quite did pass by way of way too speedy, yet congrats to the Giants on a tremendous season. The Lions get an A because of the fact they made the playoffs for the 1st time and ten years and are ultimately correct lower back. All we could desire to do is stay healthful and draft nicely. If we draft/sign a nook and re-sign Tulloch and Avril we would be severe contenders subsequent 365 days.

2016-12-15 07:21:28 · answer #4 · answered by lindley 3 · 0 0

You have grossly over-simplified history. There were ancient democracies and republics, and there are modern monarchies and dictatorships. History doesn't work in the straight-line, clear-cut way you seem to imagine it. You are not sufficiently informed to be able to make any meaningful guesses about where the world is headed.

2006-09-13 05:59:54 · answer #5 · answered by BoredBookworm 5 · 0 0

I would like to see a socialist-technocracy, where everyone tries to advance the human race, support each other and be promoted according to contrabution and knowledge.

I think global anarchy (as in the political system, not just everyone running around naked stealing DVD players) or regional despots are more likely.

A feudal system is also possible.

2006-09-13 04:25:51 · answer #6 · answered by smelly pete 3 · 0 1

Communism. World-wide communism. In theory, it's the perfect system. But eventually it will be corrupted, and that's why I'll remain an anarchist.

2006-09-13 04:15:48 · answer #7 · answered by DC_Taco 2 · 0 1

Total slavery,,
The Aliens from the MOON will take over soon,, they are preparing their bases now.
Since we can't join together to solve the problems on Earth they see us as an easy take over as divided people's.
Watch for them,,,
Be afraid,, be very afraid!!!!

2006-09-13 04:15:50 · answer #8 · answered by neil r 3 · 0 1

communism. we will see how bad capitalism was and how we were all slaves and we will become better people. We could make it work. It's time the people ruled once and for all. ? maybe?

2006-09-13 04:12:02 · answer #9 · answered by one glove 3 · 0 1

No one knows for sure. History is full of surprises, & your guess may be as good as anyone's.

2006-09-13 04:15:06 · answer #10 · answered by yahoohoo 6 · 0 1

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