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Im 13 weeks pregnant with my first child... Im 26 years old and am absolutely terrified at the thought of giving birth.... i dont handle pain well (even period pain makes me vomit and cry).... Im losing sleep at night worrying about this. Is there any way to go through labour without feeling pain?... Id take any drugs offered!

2006-09-13 01:28:10 · 60 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

60 answers

I was 17 when I gave birth to my first child. I didnt even know I was in labor for one because I was only 34 1/2 weeks and for two the contractions were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. I went to the hospital and they tried to stop the contractions but they just wouldnt stop. So the nurse checked me and I was 5 1/2 cm. SO there I went into L and D. I had my son in 6 hours which is really fast considering that it was my first child and that they gave me that medicine to stop my labor. The only thing I kept complaining about was that I had to crap! LOL which is common i guess. BUT I got myself all worked up through-out my pregnancy listening to stories and watching those birth stories!!! So just expect the worst ... because its not as bad as I thought it would be ...

And I might add I am a big baby when it comes to needles and pain!!!!

Good Luck!!!!

2006-09-13 02:25:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Giving Birth Pain

2016-12-15 09:09:43 · answer #2 · answered by tobias 4 · 0 0

Not to worrie!! As a childbirth educator and mother of two - I can tell you that with the help of a childbirth class that teaches self-hypnosis, your first birthing can be comfortable - very, very comfortable. You don't need and epidural (these can and often have side effects!!! which lead to more interventions!!! - that hurt !!!). Mainly, epidurals can slow down the process of labor - which then creates a situation where the mother needs pitocin to 'spur' labor along again - and pitocin (which is used much too much - (ref: the PDR or Physicians Desk Reference for the risks - this should only be used if there if mother and/or baby are at risk for some reason!!!). Note: Pitocin can create much stronger contractions. So - here is the good news - look up www.HypnoBirthing.com and begin to read the birth stories! If you find this kind of childbirth class of interest, the site has a referral system to practitioners in your area. Ladies - your bodies were made for birthing!! The indiginous cultures don't experience the pain we do simply because they do not experience the fear we do. Consider this - The uterus is a muscle which like all muscles needs blood and oxygen to work well. The 'fight or flight' state that our cultures moms perception that birthing HAS to be painful, creates a situation where the body does not have the blood and oxygen it needs for the uterus to work well! What happens then? - the muscles (uterus) cramp and do you know what? - that hurts. There is your pain. Please look up the HypnoBirthing site - this is the original Hypnobirthing and has been around for years - not a copy-cat program. My second birth - I experienced light pressure - not pain - these birth stories will be similar; wish I had used this program with my first birthing. My own experience was soooo amazying I became certified to teach this program to couples - Love it and so do others!

good luck and hope this helps!!

PS: had a mother birth a breech-baby recently, butt first, naturally, no medications, and only pressure instead of pain. The couple were elated!

2006-09-13 02:59:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How Painful Is Giving Birth

2016-11-10 07:58:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would just like to say that there are people who have babies with relatively little pain, or none at all. I am one of them. The only painful part was the week before I had my baby, I would get a pain in my lower back, and it was so bad once it almost made me cry. The couple days before I had her, I had really strong crampy feelings, and they were very uncomfortable, but not really painful, and not unbearable or anything. That was the worst of it. Contractions and labor were uncomfortable, but never painful. And pushing and having the baby was like nothing, seriously. It was like I never even felt it. So strange, I almost wonder if that was normal for some people. Anyway, the only thing you can do is relax and deal with it when the time comes. You can't do anything about it in the meantime, so there's no sense worrying yourself. And when the time does come, just take it as it does, and remember that eventually it will be all over, and you'll have something so truly worth the effort! Congratulations, and good luck with everything!

2006-09-13 04:07:29 · answer #5 · answered by angelbaby 7 · 1 0

I had the same fears the first time round but due to fate I had a horrible labour ending in and emergancy section and the second time had to have a planned section because of the problems the first time round.
Basically I had the dream pregnancy and was thinking of having a water birth etc but fate took over and things never went as planned.What I am trying to say is you can't plan for it because you just do not know what will happen! I was daft and was thinking I will not have any pain relief at all and a water birth but things did not happen as planned as it is beyond you control!
What I can say is that gas and air are fantastic!
I ended up with an epidural as the pethadine made my son's heart rate drop so my only option was an epidural,I only wish I had had it asap as I went 8 hours in labour before I gave in! at the end of the day why should you put yourself through pain just because of some daft belief.Take everything they offer as they are looking after you aswell as the baby.
I have two 100% healthy children and have had 2 sections,please just relax and take it as it comes as it is beyond your control no-matter how much you try to plan it.
What I can add is that a few of my friends have had completley natural births with hardly any pain relief(despite the fact thet they would have had it had the situation been different) and have had lovely healthy children also!
Worry is not good for you and just think about it women have been ginving birth for thousands of years without the facilities we have so just go with the flow!

2006-09-13 01:50:26 · answer #6 · answered by Poptartash 4 · 2 0

No one can really tell you... Everyone has a different pain tolerance..

I will share this with you..
Before I had my first son I had heard all of the normal horror stories about how it is the worst pain you will ever feel.. I was terrified.. I cried sometimes at the thought of the pain that I would go through.. And then came the day.. I was actually scheduled to have a C-Section because I am so tiny and the baby was just too big.. but as it turns out.. I was able to give birth vaginally.. And it really wasn't that bad... I mean, it was no walk in the park.. .but I can actually say that it was nothing compared to what I thought it would be. My son was 9 and a half pounds and didn't have time for an epidural.
Just remember this is what our bodies were designed for..

I'm sure you'll do just fine..

Also.. I am sure some very judgmental women here are going to try and convince you that getting drugs during delivery is wrong of you.. Don't listen to their crap.. It is all about personal choice and there is nothing wrong with you getting pain meds during delivery.

Best of luck to you.

2006-09-13 01:40:02 · answer #7 · answered by Legs 4 · 8 0

You can't even finish pregnancy without some pain, but you will be OK. I have had 3 boys all unmedicated births. I cry and vomit with my period too, I am the biggest baby with pain. It is something completely different because it has a purpose! Think of it like climbing a mountain, the climb sucks, it hurts and your sooo tired but the view from the top makes everything worth it! You also many medication choices be sure to talk them over with your OB to find what should work best for you. You can make up a "Birth Plan" give it to your OB and the hospital about how you want your birthing experience to be and they will do their best to help make that happen for you. There is sometimes issues that prevent it from happening though. You can do an online search for birth plans the web is full of them. Also hook yourself up with an online Due Date Club having people to talk to that are having all the same issues and asking all the same questions is a great way to help you get though. Congrats! I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy and easy labor!

2006-09-13 01:45:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Hi there, I'm 9 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. All I can say is, giving birth is very painful, but it is so worth it! I have had an epidural each time, and while it helps, I don't think there is anything that could take all or even most of the pain away, or I would have tried it~ that would be a miracle drug! My last baby was 12 years ago, this pregnancy was very unexpected as my husband was "fixed" years ago, but I'm very happy about it. I admit I am scared too about going through labor again after all this time.
But, it is really not good for you or the baby to be so scared that you are losing sleep, etc. I would talk to your dr. about your fears, maybe taking a lamaze class would help. I've never taken one but they are supposed to be very good. Every mother goes through this, and I've never heard one say it wasn't worth it. Good luck and God bless!

2006-09-13 01:50:55 · answer #9 · answered by cynshyn 2 · 0 0

Well you cant not feel any pain. Sorry! But I have had two kids and with both of them I had the epidural and it worked great. I didnt feel any pain after I had that epidural. But before you get the epidural you will feel the pain. Its kinda like when you have to go to the bathroom cramps but way worse. But if you have back labor then it goes all the way around you and thats way worse. I had both but if you get the epidural you wont feel the pain at all. All you will feel is the baby comming out but it shouldnt hurt. Man I would never want to feel the pain of the baby comming out. I highly recomend you get the eppidural. Dont worry about it everything will be fine. I was worried the first time because I didnt know what to expect but the second time around I wasnt worried a single bit. Trust me you will be fine.

2006-09-13 01:36:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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