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2006-09-13 00:35:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

12 answers

yes because friends are good

2006-09-13 00:38:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you can trust everyone up to a point. That point is different for each person, it is never a complete, "I trust you with all my secrets" trust, not even between husband and wife, I can promise you!

Just as you never give anyone your debit card pin number, some secrets have to remain secret. Real friends can be trusted not to embarrass you, not to betray you and not to tell your mum that you smoked a joint last night. But if your girlfriend has fallen for a boy that you like, all bets are off, she will go for him.

Some friends are forever, most are just for a while, until you change college, get a new job, move house.

2006-09-13 07:46:56 · answer #2 · answered by XT rider 7 · 0 0

Remember this, you will only have only one or 2 true friends in your whole life that will remain with you your whole life. The closst people to you will be your family. mny other accoiates will be just that, don't confuse them with real close lifetime friend that you can trust.

2006-09-13 07:50:48 · answer #3 · answered by Dolly 5 · 1 0

well, personally, i don't fully trust anybody but hey... you can still have friends and they'll come to you with open arms! friends help get rid of the insecurity...

2006-09-13 07:39:01 · answer #4 · answered by misery 7 · 0 0

yar if u can't trust frndz den whom can u trust. u need to show dem that u belive them.don't be insecure bcos wat is gonna happen is gonna happen nd after dat happening u will remain alive. have faith that atleast u was sincere to ur frndz leavind dem dat wat they ve done or will do. may be u have met a wrong person who really is not d person who should be trusted but i have heard of true frndz also who die 4 d sake of der frndz. trust me first and only den u will be able to trust ur frndz. if a saint *** to u and say u r gonna die i m sure u will sahow high reaction nd belive him whose not visible all d time but d frndz who r supposed to take u to right path u can't belive dem. bye take care

2006-09-13 10:33:49 · answer #5 · answered by swati M 1 · 0 0

Yes you can, but remember it takes time to develop real friendships. Everybody that smiles in your face is not your friend. I say, start with your guards up and let how they treat and interact with you slowly bring them down over time.

2006-09-13 16:45:53 · answer #6 · answered by divaxl 2 · 0 0

No. Don't even trust your family. Don't even trust my answer or any other answer. Just trust yourself

2006-09-13 09:46:52 · answer #7 · answered by Baby_Apocalypse 4 · 0 0

By deffinition a real friend IS somebody you can trust. That is one of the key parts that makes them a friend. A friend will back you when you are down. You can disagree with a friend and remain friends. A friend helps you because you are you not because there is something in it for them. A friend is somebody you help because they are a friend not because there is something it in for you.

A friend is somebody who likes you for who you are, not trappings you display, not because you guys like the same music or politics or something else. Those are all ways to meet friends, they do not define the friendship however. A friendship will transcend such things and evolve into something much deeper.

Normally friendship takes time to build. You meet with some commonality. It might be having to be in the same place. A school, an institution, the military. It might be having to face the same travail and with each other's help you overcome the situation or circumstances. You might both be fans of the same music or sports team. You might share political opinions. Doesn't matter once you meet with a certain level of commoness you then do more things together. You help each other out at times, help willingly without asking for anything back. You recieve help willingly without asking for anything back.

As a friend you tell each other the truth. It is the friend who can tell you your fly is open without you worrying about it. They are a friend. There is no embarrasment to a friend. Everybody does stupid things and you've seen your friends stupid things and helped them when they did that. You did not judge or condemn your friends for thier stupidity and a real friend isn't going to judge or condem you for yours. You may disagree. Even argue. But a friend is there after the smoke clears. Aquiantences are not. So a friend is somebody you can be completely open with. You can tell them about the aliens in your bathtub and while they make think your a coot they'll do so in a friendly way.

Friendship is always about give or take. If you are always giving to somebody and never taking or somebody is always taking and never giving thats being used. That aint friendship. A friend always finds a way to give back sometimes even when nothing is needed. They do so just to show appreciation for your friendship.

A friend really cares about your well being. If somehting happened to you they would truely mourn your loss. If something happened to them you would truely mourn thier loss.

Time does not dull friendship. You can go years without seeing a friend and then pick right back up when you meet them again.

When all the world is against you, it is your friends that will stand with you even if it means serious personal loss for standing with you. You will stand with them when all of the world is against them. Even if what they did was wrong. They are your friend. You back your friends. You might chide them, tell them they are an idiot for doing xyz. But you stand with them.

Friendship is unfortunately getting rare today. Most "friends" are aquintences. People you share something in common with. People who will eventually fade from your life never to heard from again or who will turn on you the instant something goes wrong or something heavy goes wrong.

So security or insecurity doesn't matter. If you are honest with you friends they'll understand why you do some of the things you do and you'll eventually relax and no longer be insecure with real friends. You will also make mistakes and trust people you shouldn't. We all do that. Sometimes it causes great harm in our lives. Sometimes you find out you really do have a friend when you thought they were just an aquantence. The only possible way to find out is to take chances. A certain percentage will work out. Might only be 1 in 100 but one friend is enough. If you make just one real friend in your life then yours and thiers are the better for it.

There are some ways to screen out people you never want as friends. First do they lie to you or thier "friends" or family? Never lie to friends of family (The exception being a teen or somebody else under economic dependancy on a parent. There is a time when a person cannot live thier own life without contradictions to the life the parental authority figure attempts to force upon them. Once independence is achieved then that dependancy is broken and it's time to be honest.) A real friend does NOT lie to another friend. Lie to the Gov, lie to authority figures like the boss, a principle a professor. Don't EVER lie to your friends.

People who talk bad about others on a reguler basis. If they are saying that about so and so what are they saying to so and so about you? That is just how it works. It's easy to get into the dissing of others behind thier backs. It's a vicious cycle and soon lies or half truths can destroy the reps of people for no other reason than people likiing to gossip. Everybody will vent about another at times. They get frustrated. That's different. Often it's really a means of them asking you to pass along that frustration to the person they were venting about. A way of resolving the situation. Of course you present a kinder version. Instead of "That #$*#)(*$(# low life two face *(#$*(#) you say so and so is kinda upset with you LOL. When every convo is about other people and it's mostly or always bad disassociate from that person period. They are talking bad about you behind your back or will be.

If people use others don't bother associating with them. They are incapable of true friendship. They are too selfish to be a friend to anybody even themselves. They also have such little self esteem that they are not going to stand with you when you need them the most. A friend will never use another human being. There are business deals, there are people who lead groups. To pretend friendship with another purely for personal gain. No you don't want to be around that person period. As long as they are doing that they will never be anybodies real friend.

After you meet somebody your going to find that you help each other. Every so often take stock and say am I always helping this person or is this person always helping me? If so balence it. If you are never helping your friend then you are using them. That is wrong. Even if there is no obvious way to help find a way. Even a token gift just for appreciation. Do SOMETHING for them. If your "friend" is never able to help you then your being used. Find ways they can help, if they are unwilling to sacrafice even a little for you something is wrong. Don't do it all the time. Maybe every six months or once a year. After a couple years it will be completley uncecessary. You'll have proven friendship to each other beyond a doubt in the first couple years.

Hope this helps. Most importantly remember that you personally have things to contribute to other people's lives. Important things. You will possibly save anothers life before you are done and what is more important than that? You have that ability within you. All you need to do is find those worthy of such a gift.

2006-09-13 08:50:43 · answer #8 · answered by draciron 7 · 0 0

Well, if they're truly your friends, you can trust them.

2006-09-13 07:44:17 · answer #9 · answered by Dawn Treader 5 · 0 0

you only have yourself to trust .

2006-09-13 08:42:54 · answer #10 · answered by jsjmlj 5 · 0 0

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