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Jane Macartney has a short report on what she sees as increasing government censorship in China. The article mentions MS and Google's preemptive search censorship.

2006-09-12 16:14:12 · 5 answers · asked by vivathecatdx 1 in Computers & Internet Internet

5 answers

Main Entry: pre·emp·tive
Pronunciation: -'em(p)-tiv
Function: adjective
1 a : of or relating to preemption b : having power to preempt
2 of a bid in bridge : higher than necessary and intended to shut out bids by the opponents
3 : giving a stockholder first option to purchase new stock in an amount proportionate to his existing holdings
4 : marked by the seizing of the initiative : initiated by oneself
- pre·emp·tive·ly adverb

Simple answer: I see the bully is clenching his fist... I punched him first in a preemptive strike, then ran.

2006-09-12 16:18:00 · answer #1 · answered by Ken G 4 · 0 0

1. of or pertaining to preemption.
2. taken as a measure against something possible, anticipated, or feared; preventive; deterrent: a preemptive tactic against a ruthless business rival.
3. preempting or possessing the power to preempt; appropriative; privileged: a commander's preemptive authority.
4. Bridge. pertaining to, involving, or noting an opening bid or an overcall in a suit that is at an unnecessarily high level and that is essentially a defensive maneuver designed to make communication between one's opponents more difficult: a preemptive bid; to give a preemptive response.

2006-09-12 23:17:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Usually we hear it in the news like "preemptive strike", which means striking before the enemy has a chance to strike. So you can guess what preemptive means. It means doing something before someone else asks or forces you to do it.

So Google for example went ahead and censored their search service in China because they knew China would want them to do that (or else ban the Google service in China).

2006-09-12 23:17:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

taken as a measure against something possible, anticipated, or feared; preventive; deterrent: a preemptive tactic against a ruthless business rival.

They aren't going to wait for it to happen; they will strike first

2006-09-12 23:16:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its probably preemptive in that it doesn't even return search results.

2006-09-12 23:17:07 · answer #5 · answered by want2no 5 · 0 1

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