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2 answers

download dvd shrink from www.dvdshrink.org, easy to use and its free

2006-09-12 13:38:09 · answer #1 · answered by oshag03 2 · 0 0

download dvd shrink but first you have to do a couple of things first in order to download it and install it properly. This is what you must do.

you need to clean out your pc this is what you need to download in order to fix this problem. System Mechanic professional 6 : use DriveScrubber® 2 first that will prepare your pc for all the scans that has to be done. DriveScrubber2 is a very good product along with System Mechanic professional 6. After you have preformed the Drivescrub2 then you will have to restart your pc. After that is done you will have to preform all the other scans. Then you will have the fastest pc in the world.


You need to preform drivescrub2 first this is a must if you dont then all the scans will be meaningless. After you have run drivescrub2 and restart it then you can run all the scans on System Mechanic 6 deluxe edition.

2006-09-12 13:46:12 · answer #2 · answered by wiz_on_line 3 · 1 0

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