If you want ot know the Inidans and their culture ask the Inidians . If you want to know the opinion of others about inidians ask the specific group whose views about indians you want to know . Any how as an inidan i feel that you want to know about Inida , the inidans and the inidian culture , i would give a glimpse of the indian culture . By Inidan culture I am talking about the majority population who are ahindus as you as a chritian might be knowing the christians and their culture generally and the culture of the muslims also .
Just like amny other foeigners and locals of other religons , youmight be wondering at the plurality of th egods in the hindu religon.
The reason is as follows:
The hindus believe genuinely and honestly m,that /god is OMNIPRESENT .
the omnipotence and omniscience follow the qualityof omnipresence.
This belief is purely scientific .
according to the hindus , nothing in this unverse is independent of God and God is in everything from dust to diamond and from grass to gold . nothing excepted . God is even in a dead body. Because even the dead body is made of the matters composed of the elements of teh world and elements are indestructibel . you might have studied in Chemistry that matter is is indestructible . matter is only mutable .Changeable from one to another and it never gets destroyed .So accoring to the hindus man is never out of sight of God and God is never out of sight to man. Nothing in the world exists or moves without 'God and God is the life of every being and God is inanimate and animate things .. No exceptions . For this reason the hindu sees God in any form and he is capable of feeling the presence of god in any thing . he can worship a stone , an animal or even tree . he can imagine God in any form that pleases him and appeals to him and he can call god by any name that pleases him. Becaus of this one rason , the hindu alone can visualize God in his mind and even when he is asleep. because it is the mind that sees things . The person who believes that god has no form can see nothing in his mind when he things of god , He does not see god .. When in distres , man needs some consolation that other humans do not offer him or some relief from somne disteress caused by other huamns . the hindu can see his god in his mind and chant his name and feel that the /god is physically with him and seek sure consolation. Becasue god is ominipresence , god knows weverythig . one who si not omnipresent does not know anything and everything . so such a god has to ask a man what he did when the man's soul goes to him . in the case of the hindu god , he does not ask anybody for any information for he knows by his omnipresence aht everyman has even in his mind .
So he is really omniscient . So he ios omnipotent too. for he is never abscent from anything .
The hinuds knew that all the matter in theuniverse m=were madeof the same and one thing . withour exception. Scientifiaclly it is proved to be true.Take any element and see it under the electron microscope . you will see elecron in the atoms of every lement running around the proton. youwill see that there is no difference between the electron in the atomof one element and another. It is only with the variation in the count of the electrons and protons that elemtns change in their qualities. en in the tissues of the dead body, efen in the dirt the elemenrts are there in some form or otehre and every thng is madeof the same components of the elements .even in the dead tissues , the water molecule has atoms and the carbon and other elements that are making the tissues have atoms in which the electron is in action continuously without cessation. So matter is indestructible . they onely change and get recycled . that is the resurrection of beings and no being is ever raised from the grave at any time . Theother religons do not beliee in theomnipresence of god . Omnipresence means present evrywher withour exception. and Science also has proved that the basic components of the atoms are everywhre and neer abscent from anything . te oehr religions do not believge that god id in animals . perhaps they wanted the animals to the killed for food .When they say that god is not in animlas , and so many other objects like stones etc , theuy deny th eomniprsence oif god and scientifiaclly also they ar proved wrong .
Some religons that say that ?god is formless , call him as HE. What does that word HE means . They say tha god made man in his image . so god has an image like man.But they say that God has no form .this is contrdictory .they say God made the universe in six days and took rest on the seventh day. but the hindus beliv that the universe was created over aperiod of a thousand eons , that they call half-a-dayof Brahma and that they they sink in darkness 9 that is the whole universe goes into a cycle of annihilation by /god ( the Balck hole stage ) in another thousand eons. An eon runs to several billions of years .
For this reason the Hindus are able to respect the faith of all religons as they see god in everything . Tha toi the reason for their tolerance to all religons and their philosophy is that they should not disturb the understanding of any poerson hopwever ignorant he might be and should respect him as God is in him also.and he is also god's creation.
This is the genral and over all picture of the hindu culture that is purely inidan. people othr religons do not understand them as the hindu philosophy was based on scientific truths that w=were far ahead of its tiome . The scientific facts relating to the atoms ,mattr . space , etc were known to the westerners only in the 19Th and 20 the centuries and their religon condemned the knowledge of scient=ce and evenkilled the scientist who revealed the scientific truths .
The nature of the hindu culture is too deep and subtle for anyone including any hindus to understnd fully and this forum would not be sufficient to speak about it .For this reason the religon has prescribed several ways of worship and practice for people of different levels of knowledge to realize their fullness of life . these are called yogas. A numberof yoga markas ( ways ) have been suggested in the scriptures.
For a better understanding of the hindu philiosphy . please read any good translation of the Bhagavad Gita .preferably the one by the Sanskrit professor of an American university by name "Barbara Stoler Miller" Book "Bhagavad -Gita , krishna's counsel in the battle field .
2006-09-12 14:23:31
answer #1
answered by Infinity 7
First off, william b, wow...that was the most irrelevant answer to date on Yahoo! Answers. Not to mention a racist remark. I have had the same thing happen with other cultures, so I guess its not an Indian thing...jacka$$
ANYWAYS, to answer annie's question in a respectful way, India is a great country, its people are nice and great to get along with and the culture is rich. The customs, the clothing, jewelery, dances, everything is great. You should do a google search on Indian customs for a more thorough description. Also, depending on where you live, in about 2 weeks Indians celebrate navrathi (a nine day festival that leads into Diwali -festival of light), so check that out if you have an Indian community in your area.
Ignore william b and his idiotic response...
2006-09-12 13:34:45
answer #2
answered by The First 3
India: Some parts of their country are among the most beautiful places on earth. Some parts are terribly dirty, dusty and filled with beggars running after every tourist.
Indians: Some are among the most beautiful people on earth. They are kind hearted, smart, clean and well educated. Some are dirty, pestering and would do anything to cheat 5 rupees from you. I assume it is due to poverty. I generally find the gap between the rich and poor very big. The impressions that Indians give me are either dignified or trampled.
Culture: They have the most beautiful arts I have ever seen! Their religious philosophies have the most depth. Sadly such things are only exclusive to the privileged classes.
I am very sorry if I sound bad, cos my feelings are actually positive but I am sharing my experiences honestly. I have met some really great Indians and I absolutely love Indian culture and Indian food is yummy. Its just that, every country and culture (including mine) has their atrocities...
2006-09-12 13:52:07
answer #3
answered by Ttraveller 3
Hi. Wow, your question brought out a lot of strong feelings. I hope this does not upset you. There are such strange, and strong, opinions that we all have about one another. And the bad experiences with others always make us blame the whole lot. India is an ancient and noble culture. It has old roots and a tradition worth preserving. It is marred by social prejudice, intolerance and ignorance like all other nations. It is not a pretty thing to talk about, but it is important for the sake of the justice that every human being deserves. I like India a great deal and respect it even more. I believe Indian people are basically good people with the desire to love their families and extend their inheritance.
2006-09-12 13:37:32
answer #4
answered by Isis 7
Being an indian myself I am sure I'm just a 'little' biased, but I personally love India, Indians and the culture.
India: the longest I have been able to stay in India has been for 6 months, but I had some of the most memorable moments of my life in that short period. Just walking down a street or riding down it in a motorcycle (which is what close to 70% of Indians drive), you are hit by so many things. There is never a dull moment that's for sure, with so many people there cant be! The sights...the beautiful nature that surrounds you...the sounds...the differents honks coming from different automobiles, all the conversations that seem to be going on all around...the smells...ok some of them not so good, but usually it smells like petrol (gasoline) to me and I love the smell of it! Whenever I smell that here at the gas pump, it takes me back
Indians - im going to get into generalizations now. I just think every Indian guy is handsome. I have yet to see one that I think is ugly. I always say this...God knew exactly what he was doing when he created them! like i said, i just 'may be' a little biased. As for the ladies, do I even need to get into this, we have had how many "miss universe" and "miss world" from india? I lost count. I do know that we have had 3 just in the last decade. Aishwarya Rai, Sushmita Sen and Priyanka Chopra. This is a contest of beauty in the whole world may i remind you, and to have the most beautiful woman in the world come from India three times out of 10 (with the entire world in the running) that is something! enough said!
Finally the culture. what is not to like? the clothing? I love it. All the colors, textures, designs....and come on you know any woman would look dashing in a saree regardless of size or race. I have seen white women rock it in a saree more than they can in a mini-skirt. The jewelry that goes with it, so beautiful. So much variety with the gold and gold looks good on everyone. Bindis (the "dots" on the forehead) are eye-catching in a exotic way. Anklets (the traditional silver ones with bells on them) make that ever so light tingle with each footstep which just exudes feminine grace. The smell of Indian food cooking (which you can smell from miles away) can make even the most lacking of appetites mouth watery.
That my girl is a the nutshell version of what I think about india, indians, and the culture.
willaim b: i know you cant be serious! you know what I am so sick and tired of ignorant and racist remarks! you basically just labelled all indians and put them in a category with negative implications which is what racism is all about. I actually feel sorry for you. I am sorry that you are surrounded by indians who are smarter than you it's sad you covet their intellect from up close and insult them from afar. Maybe you wont get so "screwed" if you just learn to think before you talk!
2006-09-12 13:31:57
answer #5
answered by Missy chandrasekar 2
Living in the USA I find the Indian culture very interesting. Their History, culture and religion. There is so much to learn.
2006-09-12 17:33:08
answer #6
answered by abbyrose 3
Indians are one of the most tolerant people in the world. The Indian culture is a mix of many religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity) and Indians have been able to imbibe the best from all these religions and have slowly become one of the most tolerant, hard working people in the world.
2006-09-15 18:30:41
answer #7
answered by Rahul 6
India is a great country & Indians are great people. Our only enemy has been Pakistan, as it is a terrorist Country. Now I think we have a new enemy in William. Its a pity that he speaks without knowledge. If he has really seen India and Indians, he will never say what he has said about our Great India.
2006-09-12 17:51:53
answer #8
answered by 50+Brat 3
A vast country having a great heritage fo phylosophy, with full of natural beauty and abudant resources, People are generous, kind, loving and helpful. The youth potential is misguided, directionless, infested with petty politics. The governance is in the hands of rowdys, who loot the country and politicians enjoying their life at the cost of Nation and its people. The people are not educated on the values of life and love for the country. People believe in aping the western countries, have no self respect for their own culture and rich heritage, and are spineless, who can not fight injustice inflicted on them by the politicians.
On the whole a resouceful, beautiful country with good people is getting wasted in the hands of dirty politicians and the politics.
2006-09-12 16:13:10
answer #9
answered by nadkarni_chaitanya 3
I admire any nation of 1billion plus people living w/in their own boundaries, having 10 official languages, remaining essential neutral internationally, and not being in a civil war given their abysmall social structure.
I loathe any such culture which denigrates women, is segregated far, far more than America ever dreamed of being, kills converts to other religions, and lets millions starve while allowing cows to wander around loose.
2006-09-12 13:31:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
india is vast country with different culture,religion,languages,ancient history,dialects,but we are all united. as indians are scattered all over the globe doing wellfor themselves and our country proud,economy is buoyant.we are hard working people,get united against any disaster,and working as cohesive group,make ourselves available to the country as the situaton arrives. we follow different cultures but we respect each other.
2006-09-12 20:32:19
answer #11
answered by rak492 1