kk weve been friends for 2 years, we always talk to each other, always smiling at each other. we always have good times when we're with each other. just lately in classes he stares at me (not psycho-ish). everytime i look up at him he looks away quickly or gives me a smile. ive noticed he tends to stare at me with a smile on his face. something about the way he looks at me his eyes look happy and giddy. he looks at me in a way that he looks at no other girl. when we talk in a large group, its like he sees noone else there. and when we're one on one which he presses for a lot, he looks into my eyes constantly, always smiles. and lately hes putting his arm around me or touching me in a way that would suggest he likes me. he gives me cutesy little notes and texts. and lately hes always joking about being in a relationship with me- always hinting that he wants something more but never acutally tells me that he does. HELP?!?! does he like me or is he just a good flirt.
11 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
When noone else is in earshot tell him with a smile, "I've decided, you're my boyfriend from now on".
If he smiles and acts pleased then yes, he likes you. If he says he was only flirting, that's okay, tell him you were only kidding. And then ask his best friend out.
2006-09-12 12:42:35
answer #1
answered by RazzleDazzle 2
This guy is definitely more than a good flirt by far. Think about it he is always smiling when you are around, he wants to look into your eyes meaning he has nothing to hide, and he wants to be alone with you meaning he truly wants to know who you are. Sure you guys have been friends for 2 years, but how well does he really know you? How well do you know him? Ask yourself these questions first. If you don't want to pursue a relationship, but just remain friends make it known soon in order to spare his feelings. In life you will have only a few real friends, so please cherish them. If he becomes resentful because you don't share the same feelings then stay away for awhile. Trust me a true friend will come to their senses and be back by your side where they belong.
2006-09-12 20:21:00
answer #2
answered by Miss Lady 2
It seems that you two are really good friends. Now there are a couple of things that you could do. You could always talk to him about his feelings. But then again, some guys are afraid of emotions and so on. You need to decide how he will take it. Is he going to open up to you or will he shrink away. You know him best, use your judgement. Second you could always just remain friends. Think about, what if you guys went out and then it didn't work out. Would you remain friends after that? Is your friendship important enough to ruin by dating. I guess that in the end it's up to you. Hope I can help!
2006-09-12 19:39:32
answer #3
answered by Brittany 2
It sound like he really like u if there is no gf. The real question here is do you like him enouth that u could maybe ask him on a date for coffee and maybe get down to the real questions almost leaving no way out for him. Don't forget not to have fun while on this date and whatever comes from this date don't overthink things that are said from this guy
2006-09-12 19:45:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It sound to me that he likes you, so if you like him I would suggest that you would get to know him, because some people never get the chance, but I would be careful, because in a way it sounds as he wants something else to.
2006-09-12 19:45:35
answer #5
answered by angelfire 2
Well if he keeps looking at you and smiling at you and giving you all these hints it's because he truly likes you but he's scared to tell you thinking that maybe you won't like him that way.If you like him just talk to him straight forward and tell him about your feelings about him and i bet you he would tell you about his true feelings towards you.GOOD LUCK
2006-09-12 19:46:36
answer #6
answered by ANNIE 1
sounds to me like this guy really likes you as more then a friend and it hinting that you two should be bf/ and gf should try it sometimes it might be good for the two of you...
2006-09-12 19:38:37
answer #7
answered by Da Q 3
obviosly he likes u, my teach talked to the whole class about how someone behaves around someone they like and my teach says they would touch alot like hugs and hand on shoulder ext.
2006-09-12 19:59:48
answer #8
answered by chinoex123 2
He likes you....it;s love birds in the air.
2006-09-12 19:37:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2006-09-12 19:39:53
answer #10
answered by Twiggy 2