Every conspiracy has been disproved in some manner.
It is a shame people are allowed to post lies with no recourse.
2006-09-12 11:50:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have done extensive research, and I don't like to point at any one source, but rather the fact there are so MANY reasons to doubt the official story. It is simply, impossible, in my mind, that so many factors put together could merely be a coincidence. Why were our skies unprotected? Why couldn't the airforce have shot down at least ONE of those planes? Why were there no bodies found at either the pentagon or in Shanksville, PA? And of course, how did the WTC towers collapse? I might be inclined to believe that one of the towers could collapse from a chain reaction caused by the impact of a plane, but BOTH? Come on, that's a little bit too much coincidence for one day, for me to swallow whole without asking any questions. And then, on a side note, how did WTC building 7 collapse, when it wasn't even hit by a plane? Add all the pieces together, and it doesn't add up. Furthermore, if the government has nothing to hide, then why are they hiding everything?
2006-09-13 14:43:41
answer #2
answered by thecrisman 2
I've read things on both sides, and honestly although no source is entirely correct, I believe the conspiracy. Things don't make sense. You can see the small floor-by-floor explosions as the towers go down. The "jet" that hit the Pentagon left no marks on the greens and no marks for the wings in the side of the building. The administration had a lot to gain from the tragedy, and we know that our government has done similiar things and planned similiar things (Project Northwoods, Pearl Harbor, ALTHOUGH Pearl Harbor WAS NOT planned by the government, and it was a MILITARY target, NOT a civilian target, otherwise FDR would have NEVER allowed it to happen).
I'd say it's time people woke up and started asking questions and protesting our fake wars.
2006-09-12 18:56:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. Within the first few days of the attack, I was already thinking that there was some sort of conspiracy. Too bad I didn't research it though, but I decided to put my two cents in anyway. Deal with it.
2006-09-12 18:53:16
answer #4
answered by iwannarevolt 4
9/11 wasn't staged by the Bush Administration, but there's a hell of a lot of questions they won't answer, so that's a breeding ground for conspiracy theories.
2006-09-15 12:46:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I watched several movies on the subject and I still couldn't make up my mind. "Loose change 2" talks about how the collapse of the towers looks like planned demolitions. But I never got a response from demolition experts. Of course, everyone thinks they're experts in politics.
2006-09-12 18:58:03
answer #6
answered by jarynth4 1
I know just about everything there is to know about 911 conspiracies. Good advice for people interested, watch the film "loose change"
2006-09-12 18:50:16
answer #7
answered by Nolyn Hill 2
Something obvoiusly going on.
The explanations don't work.
Police always look for motive. Neo-cons have wanted Iraq
for a long time. They just needed a scared and willing public.
Motive established!
2006-09-12 18:55:55
answer #8
answered by wlday2002 2
Well you need to go back and check Clinton's record and see how may times the CIA had Bin Lad den in their site and would have been able to capture or kill, but he either said no or just did not answer the phone
2006-09-12 18:54:12
answer #9
answered by Right Wing Extremist 7
the only nation who got useful from 911 attack are jewish by war against people who call thier freedom from occupation over 50 years by calling them terrorism
they attacked palstinians by name of attacking terrorism so why u dont get out from this occupied lands and if they attacked u then u can call them terrorism
they attacked lebanese who call thier land back
israel still occupy sheba the lebanese part that israel say its syrian land whatever if its syrian land why it didnt want to get out from it
israel occuping lands and united nation didnt interven because of american veto
terrorism is occuping lands
israel is a democracy country then why still occuping and control the freedom of palstinaians over 50 years
they still build settlements inside palstinian lands why ?
for democracy offcourse
america used the veto in the united nation many times to stop other nation share in decisions in united nation
that is also democracy
the problem is israel calling who defend their lands terrorism to kill them without any sense
Because most Americans are ignorant and functionally illiterate. So, they must rely on the Zionist controlled media (tv, radio) to tell them what to think.
If an Israeli stubs his toe on the way to his stolen land, it is front page news accompanied by banner headlines condemning "Muslim terrorists."
If Israel murders 400 Palestine children, it is buried in the back pages of the newspaper with a small headline, "Israel defends herself against Muslim terrorists."
That is an exaggeration but is generally how the US media reports Israel's atrocities against Palestinians and anyone else.
2006-09-12 18:55:27
answer #10
answered by micho 7