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I have limited HTML knowledge and I was to learn how to create my own auction templates, or at least find pre-made templates that I can play with. I have my own designs in mind and I want to use them for templates. For example, if I have a picture I would like to use as a backgrouund for an auction template, how would I do that? There is so much confusing software and pre-made templates for sale on the internet, I want to weed out the useful stuff. Also, the software would need to be compatible with my computer, which has an Windows XP 64 OS.

2006-09-12 06:29:37 · 3 answers · asked by xicanaocelotl 2 in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

3 answers

There are quite few,, but most will be .php perl scripts..
perl scripts are not held in as high of regard as.php
You can get some cheap ones off of ebay

Some top line ones are

I also have the GPL of the last one listed if you would like one to get your feet wet with write me and I'll send you the link "Free"

2006-09-12 06:51:05 · answer #1 · answered by Rusty Nails 5 · 0 0

Dominant Ad Creator


2006-09-12 06:36:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Any HTML Editor will do. DreamWeaver allows you to view the code or work on it like it's a word doc. Front page as well. If your looking for free use webdwarf v2 that you can get at www.download.com

2006-09-12 07:19:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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