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2006-09-12 02:42:57 · 7 answers · asked by lau 1 in Science & Mathematics Biology

7 answers

There are several orders to choose from in the lists below... and many more you could find (for instance by looking at amphibia).

The Phylum Chordata includes:

Subphylum Cephalochordata (about 20 species)
Subphylum Urochordata (=tunicata), about 3,000 species
Subphylum Vertebrata (about 42,000 species)
Superclass Agnatha

Members of Class Mammalia: The Class Mammalia is subdivided into the following Orders (Source: Burnie and Wilson 20):
Egg-laying marsupials (Order Monotremata)
Marsupials (Order Marsupialia)
Insectivores (Order Insectivora)
Bats (Order Chiroptera)
Flying lemurs (Order Dermoptera)
Elephant shrews (Order Macroscelidea)
Tree shrews (Order Scandentia)
Primates (Order Primates)
Anteaters and relatives (Order Xenarthra)
Panglodins (Order Pholidota)
Rabbits, hares, and pikas (Order Lagomorpha)
Rodents (Order Rodentia)
Cetaceans (Order Cetacea)
Carnivores (Order Carnivora)
Seals and sea lions (Order Pinnipedea)
Elephants (Order Proboscidea)
Aardvark (Order Tubulidentata)
Hydraxes (Order Hyracoidea)
Dugongs and manatees (Order Sirenia)
Odd-toed hoffed mammals (Order Perissodactyla)
Even-toed hoofed mammals (Order Artiodactyla)

CLASS : Reptilia

SUBCLASS : Anapsida

ORDER : Captorhinida*, Chelonia ^

SUBCLASS : Parapsida

ORDER : Ichythosauria^*,Plesiosauria^ *

SUBCLASS : Diapsida

SUPERORDER : Lepidosuaria

ORDER : Spenodonta, Squamata

SUPERORDER : Archosauria

ORDER : Crocodylia^, Saurischia^*, Ornithischia^*, Pterosauria *

SUBCLASS : Synapsida*

SUPERORDER : Pelycosauria ^*

SUPERORDER : Therapsida^*


2006-09-12 02:45:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This is the site for the intro to all the taxonomy:


This is the link to the phylum chordata:


2006-09-12 02:45:14 · answer #2 · answered by finaldx 7 · 0 0


2006-09-12 02:59:28 · answer #3 · answered by Tom D 4 · 0 0

examples: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, tunicates, lancelets

2006-09-12 02:47:11 · answer #4 · answered by Cops 3 · 0 0

The main taxa within Phylum Chordata include:

Subphylum Cephalochordata (cephalo = head), which doesn’t have a “head.” This subphylum includes Lancets, so-named for their shape. These are in genus Branchiostoma (branchio = gill, fish; stoma = mouth) which was formerly know as genus Amphioxus (amphi = on both sides, double) Lancets look a lot like the generic chordate described above. They have a notochord, but no bones. They are about one inch long, and live in the muddy ocean floor.
Subphylum Urochordata (uro = tail) are called the tunicates. Their larvae show typical chordate characteristics, but the adults have lost many of these organs, and what they do still have have become highly-modified.
Subphylum Vertebrata may have come from an Amphioxus-like ancestor, however vertebrates have a definite head and Amphioxus doesn’t. Another theory suggests that vertebrates may have come from a larval form similar to tunicate larvae that were capable of reproduction in the larval stage, that is, they are sexually mature prior to metamorphosis, which is referred to as paedogenesis (paedo = child — same root as in pediatrician; genesis = origin, birth), defined as the precocious attainment of sexual maturity in a larva. Vertebrate characteristics include:
vertebrae, the skeletal units surrounding the nerve cord
a brain, enclosed within a skull
an endoskeleton which will grow along with the animal (unlike arthropods which must molt).
a closed circulatory system with a ventral heart
excretion via kidneys
separate males and females with sexual reproduction in most, with a few cases of parthenogenesis
The Classes in Subphylum Vertebrata include:
Class Agnatha (a- = not, without; gnatho = jaw) which is the lampreys. They do not have jaws, are eel-shaped, prey on fish, and have larval forms which are different from the adults.

Class Chondrichthyes (chondro = cartilage; ichthys = fish) which includes sharks and rays. They have a cartilage skeleton, not bone. They are not buoyant like other fish so they must swim or sink. Like other fish they have a lateral line system which detects differences in water pressure, the equivalent of our hearing.

Watch Jeff Gordon’s shark movie.

Watch Jeff Gordon’s stingray movie.

(You need to have RealPlayer loaded to view these.)
Class Osteichthyes (osteo = bone) is the bony fish. This is the most numerous of all vertebrate classes. In fish, O2 is exchanged via the gills, which are covered by an operculum which helps to draw water across/through the gills. Their swim bladder is an air sac used to control buoyancy, thus unlike the sharks, bony fish can hold still at any depth and not sink.

Class Amphibia (amphi = on both sides, double; bios = life) is frogs, newts, and salamanders. They were the first land vertebrates. Frogs, especially, go through metamorphosis. Their eggs have no egg shells, so the sperm can swim through the water to the eggs, and the embryos must develop in water.
Class Reptilia (reptili = creeping) is the dinosaurs (dino = terrible ), snakes, turtles, crocodiles, and lizards. Reptiles have scales and are dry to the touch. Their eggs have leathery shells. Reptiles are exothermic (exo = out, outside), that is they maintain their body temperature through external means such as sunning on a rock or seeking shade. Reptiles need less food/energy to live and live longer than a comparable-sized mammal. Some dinosaurs may have been endothermic.

Class Aves (avi = a bird) is the birds. It is thought that birds are descended from dinosaurs, as evidenced, in part, by the scales on their feet. Also, feathers are modified scales: a key characteristic of birds is that they have feathers. Birds’ bones are light weight for flight. Birds are endothermic (endo = within, inner), that is, they control their body temperature from within (they’re “warm-blooded”). Birds’ vision is the best of all vertebrates: soaring hawks can spot small mice scrambling through the grass in a field far below them. Birds have shelled eggs and so must have internal fertilization — the egg muct be fertilized before the hen’s reproductive tract secretes an eggshell. Generally, mating is accompanied by an elaborate courtship ritual. Eggs and often young birds are more exothermic (are not able to control their body temperatures from within) and so must be brooded/incubated by parents.
Class Mammalia (mamma, mammil = teat, nipple) is the mammals. Key characteristics of mammals are the presence of fur/hair and mammary glands, derived from modified sweat glands, which produce milk for the young. Mammals have a diaphragm to aid in respiration. They are endothermic. Most mammals bear live young.

The subclasses and orders within Class Mammalia include:

Subclass Monotremes (trema = hole) includes the platypus and spiny anteater. These mammals lays eggs like reptiles, but do have fur and milk. However, they have no nipples: their mammary glands just secrete milk onto the fur, from which the babies lick it. They have one posterior opening for their digestive, urinary, and genital tracts, hence the subclass name.

Subclass Marsupials (marsupi = a bag, pouch) includes opossums, kangaroos, koalas, etc. The young are born as very immature embryos and must crawl to their mother’s pouch to continue their development. Typically, once in the pouch (marsupium) a baby would find a nipple there. Because of continental drift, there is a wide variety of marsupials in Australia, yet few elsewhere on Earth.

Order Marsupialia

Subclass Placentals (placent = a round, flat cake) contains most of the animals with which we are familiar. In this taxon, young complete embryonic development within the mother’s uterus and are nourished across a placenta.
Some of the Orders in Subclass Placentals include:

Order Artiodactyla includes sheep, pigs, cattle, deer, giraffes, and goats which have even-toed hooves and are herbivorous.

Order Carnivora (carni = flesh; vore = eat, devour) includes cats, dogs, bears, seals, walruses, skunks, and racoons. These are carnivorous and have pointed canine teeth and molars.
Order Cetacea (ceta = a whale) includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises which are aquatic/marine. Their front legs (equivalent to our arms) are fin-like, and they have no hind legs. They have a thick layer of blubber for insulation.

Watch Jeff Gordon’s porpoise movie.

Order Chiroptera (chiro = a hand, like chiropractor; ptera = wing, feather) is the bats. Their fingers are webbed to create wings.
Order Edentata includes sloths, anteaters, and armadillos. They have reduced or no teeth.

Order Insectivora (vora = to eat, devour) includes moles, shrews, and hedgehogs which eat insects.
Order Lagomorpha includes the rabbits, which have chisel-like incisors and hind legs modified for jumping.

Order Perissodactyla includes horses, tapirs, and rhinoceros which have odd-toed hooves and are herbivorous.
Order Primates (prima = first) includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and humans. These have opposable thumbs and eyes that face forward.

Order Proboscidae includes elephants which have long, muscular trunks and thick, loose skin. Their upper incisors are elongated as tusks.
Order Rodentia (roden = gnaw, gnawing) includes squirrels, beavers, rats, porcupines, woodchucks, guinea pigs, and mice. These have chisel-like, constantly-growing incisors.

Order Sirenia includes manatees which are aquatic herbivores. Their front legs (“arms”) are fin-like, and they have no hind legs.

2006-09-12 02:58:15 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

it be to long so try here......


2006-09-12 02:47:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I hope it will help you ; http://www.sms.si.edu/IRLSpec/Phyl_chorda.htm

2006-09-12 02:45:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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