The Plame leak.
Not only did Rove, Novak and other unnamed co-conspirators reveal a non-official cover CIA officer working on combatting non-proliferation, they blew the cover of a CIA company tracing terrorist financing. This occurred during a period when the country was supposedly fighting a war against terrorism. After promising decisive action against such leakers, the President remains silent, now that Rove has been exposed as at least one of loose-lipped members of the White House. Meanwhile, a furious campaign of spin to save Rove has been launched.
38 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
This is a different question. take your own advice an shut up if you dont like it. dummy.
14:25:29 ·
update #1
wtf my questions are NOT THE SAME. get a different eyeglass prescription if you cant read.
14:41:19 ·
update #2
Because they only care about themselves.
2006-09-09 14:44:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't think they hate america...they just hate.
Did you hear about the statement made as announcement that there would be a Plame/Wilson civil suit? It was priceless! It quoted former head of the CIA Geo. H.W. Bush saying that outing a CIA agent is treason. I wonder what daddy thinks of Rove and Cheney. The Bible said to guide against bad association!
2006-09-09 14:53:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why Are Democrats Mostly Political Retards ? You Seem To Hate USA Judging From The Questions You Ask,You Just Seem To Want To Stir S*it Instead Of Solving The Countrys Problems It's All The Republicans Fault ?
2006-09-09 14:35:52
answer #3
answered by CRAZY 2
Did you forget to take your Topamax? The Republicans didn't start this at all. Do you remember our last President, Bill Clinton. While he was in office for 2 terms, there were 4 attacks of terrorism against our country. The bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. Everyone forgets about that. The American Embassy's overseas. Lastly, The U.S.S Cole. Maybe Bill Clinton was working secretly with terrorist that's why he never fought back? What about the $ 500,000.00 dollars Bill & Al took from the Chinese goverment for his re-election campaign that was funnelled into the Democratic fund? When peaople found out they had to return it. Maybe you need to check your facts first, Tweeb.
2006-09-09 14:33:11
answer #4
answered by Tanker 4
The Republicans who currently occupy the White House are extraordinarily obsessed with command, control, secrecy and deceit and will do anything or say anything to hold onto power and further their agenda.
The *only* qualification to work in this adminstration is loyalty. Competency and intelligence have no value.
Be careful to avoid painting all Republicans with the same paintbrush as the clan from Bush & Co. There are a lot of disgusted R's who are beginning to see through the lies. Unfortunately, it has cost this country more than 3000 military lives and $400 billion to learn that lesson.
2006-09-09 14:31:16
answer #5
answered by Tom-SJ 6
Hey ebee don't you watch the news. Can't remember his name but he owned up to this inadvertent leak, told his superiors (liberals) and was told to keep it to himself. He says he really felt guilty about this and the President, Rove nor anyone else in the administration had anything to do with it.
Be sure of your facts before you start spewing off. You show your ignorance.
2006-09-09 14:27:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
On the contrary they LOVE America! Where else can you rob the nations coffers and give the people a scare thrill for the money.
I'm looking forward to hearing about the next boogey man of the month - while they drain us dry! Corporate America never had it so good! They will build monuments to Bush and that whole team from "Emerald City". We're paying those crooks with borrowed money to the tune of 3 Billion dollars per week in just Iraq alone!
2006-09-09 14:32:37
answer #7
answered by worriedaboutyou 4
Don't you read anything? It was ARMITAGE that leaked the info about a low-level CIA NOBODY who finagled her loser hubby a gov. job- The special investigator Fitzgerald knew about this from DAY ONE but instructed Armitage to keep his gossipy mouth shut until he finished's even in the Times.
You people amaze me with your "talking points" from 4 months ago...
2006-09-09 14:29:10
answer #8
answered by R J 7
Why do Democrats/Liberals continue to believe things as being true when they have been proven to be a lie? You're apparently not caught up on current events.
2006-09-09 14:46:05
answer #9
answered by Saved 3
why do democrats still worship internal spies like the julius and ethel rosenberg 50 years after they revealed secrets to the Soviet Union?
btw, 'non official'? don't you mean 'insignificant.' ie: exactly what valerie plame was with regards to the war on terror.
2006-09-09 14:29:44
answer #10
answered by kujigafy 5
dude your questions are the same over and over again!!!!
We don't hate America, it is the lying left the will destroy America (bill and the damnocrats trying to ban Path to 9/11) and the cuddling and hugging of terrorist has to stop . The left is the real enemies!!!!!!!!
2006-09-09 14:29:12
answer #11
answered by Anonymous