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If they read the constitution a little harder, they would find it says that we have the rights to bear arms IN A MILITIA, not just to collect or own. If they read a little more, they would find out that the NSA spying program is unconsttional.

2006-09-09 13:13:16 · 27 answers · asked by FootballFan1012 6 in Politics & Government Politics

John16, tell that to my city with over 250 gun murders this year.

2006-09-09 13:19:04 · update #1

well, Jonny Yuma, 1. The man would have detonated before I could pull the trigger, and 2. My house hasn't recently had the threat level rasied to "code red" by homeland security. That is one dumb answer

2006-09-09 13:23:19 · update #2

27 answers

They need their guns because they lack the sexual equivalent

2006-09-09 13:18:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anarchy99 7 · 2 6

Well maybe you also should read a little harder. In order to grasp the meaning of anything said or written in another time period, it is essential to understand the context in which it should be taken. When our constitution was drafted, we had just became a soveriegnty by raising up against an oppressive government. How did we do this? With citizen militias. Militias weren't government entities, but organized citizenry. We are gaurantied the right to maintain our ownership of firearms so that we can protect ourselves from government tyranny, hence the third part of the 1st ammendment, "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". The only time the word people refers to a government entity is in a socialist or communist system of government, where the people (subjects) are more or less government property.

2006-09-09 13:25:21 · answer #2 · answered by Casey J 3 · 1 0

Even the most liberal constitutional scholars will agree that the 2nd amendment applys to individuals not militias (i.e. Alan Dershowitz and others) in the way we think of them in modern time. Apparently you don't like the answers you are getting but this issue has been debated by the most liberal of courts and has be upheld, if you don't like it move to Canada. Brazil has completely outlawed guns for all civilians and the murder rate is 6 times that of the United States, about 28 murders per 100,000 compared to 5.5 for the U.S., Mexico has completely outlawed guns for civilians and has a murder rate 4 times that of the U.S. and yes Canada has a much lower murder rate than we do but it's also larger than the U.S. in area and has less people than the state of California, so it's not a fair comparison, if you take a city like Portland, San Diego, San Jose or Seattle which are all comparable in size to all the major cities in Canada you will find very similar murder rates and remember you can't take one year to get a statistic, there will always be individual years where murders skyrocket so you have to take 5 to 10 years and average them to get a more accurate picture of the issue.

2006-09-12 18:25:37 · answer #3 · answered by martin l 2 · 0 0

I'm not a neocon and I love guns. They are fun as hell. I don't see anywhere in the 2nd Amendment where it says "ONLY IN A MILITIA".

I don't know where this ridiculous idea that people only started murdering each other when the gun was invented came from, but it's stupid. How far do you anti-gun people plan to take this? Are rocks going to be outlawed? You can pick them up anywhere in the world and bash someone on the head with one. Rocks kill people (by anti-gun logic, by mine people kill people). In fact, rocks have been killing people since the beginning. That makes them worse then guns.

If I knew of any militias that weren't run by ridiculous azz Neo-nazi's or other fanatics I just might join. Even though i'm sure if a decently run, non-fanatic militia ever was formed all the anti-gun people would be rushing out to try to take that right away from the people as well. You people are anti-American. You fight against the very soul of the U.S., her Constitution. That document was well thought out by wiser, better men then you or me. The Founding Fathers would not consider you their ally.

You're right about the NSA spying program. Wrong about guns. Guns are safe. It's the people that aren't.

Oh, and as much as I don't like the neocons (or hardcore liberals) You rarely hear about any 45 year old, obese, hunters going wild in shopping malls with guns. In fact, most of the people who commit gun crimes seem (to me) more like people who would vote (if they did vote)....Democrat......

2006-09-10 09:00:26 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Bojangles 5 · 0 0

1. You need to reread the amendment and then research what it meant by militia back when it was written.

2. Why are you so scared of my gun. It is an inanimate object that is used for my defense and target shooting.

3. Why are you mixing 2 different topics in your question. ADHD much?

4. Since you are such a stickler for wording, it doesn't say anything about not having prayer in schools, or ten commandment memorials in courtrooms etc.

2006-09-10 05:25:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sorry my copy does not say militia, guess I did not get the new version that the ACLU wrote. It says that we ahve the right to bear arms ( see the comma, new thought)

The right to bear arms was improtant, and one the liberals should want more than anyone, since it was there so if the government ever got too powerful and evil the people would have weapons to use to overthrown the evil goverment.

so I would go back to the actual constitution, not the one the ACLU writes and see what it really says,

I can tell you were taught this and don't know better. so study on your own for a while.

2006-09-09 13:17:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

The right to bear arms (which is in fact in the Constitution so you read a little harder yourself) is essential to a free society. A gun means you have the ability and the right to protect yourself, family and property.

My response to your comment about your city having "250 gun murders" is would you be happier if they were all pushed out of windows little girl?

2006-09-09 13:16:57 · answer #7 · answered by John16 5 · 8 0

Whoah......an armed population is a safe population. Guns protect us not just from each other, but from the gov't. In history, any dictatorship has been accomplished first by the mandatory regristration of guns, then removal of guns, then conquer. You want to complain about guns, most of the guns are owned by responsible citizens who understand and respect their guns. What f*cks it up is the very very few who act like retards and shoot someone, whether accidentally or on purpose, and blame it on the gun. A gun is a tool. Only people are dangerous. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

2006-09-09 13:24:01 · answer #8 · answered by roman_ninja 3 · 3 0

What it says verbatim is as follows...

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

I am a Liberal, mostly of a Libertarian bent. I believe in the right to bear arms, especially for personal protection. It has nothing to do with being a Neocon. Plenty of people feel this way. Self-defense is a sacred human right. One of the main reasons our country's founders included the concept of bearing arms was so that we, the people, could defend ourselves and our homes against any enemies, foreign or domestic, including criminals who might harm us, as well as officials and police who might be tempted to excercise "absolute power" over us. Yes, this right was placed there so we could defend against rogue elements of our government at any level should they attempt a fascist takeover of the people.
If you have a problem with defending yourself, your family, or your home, you do a discredit to all those good citizens who fought and died for that right. And to yourself.

2006-09-09 13:23:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

And if you read a little more , you'd know about the Militia Act of 1786, which is still on the books .
Welcome to the Militia , you are part of it !

Regarding the constitution , where does it say I can be taxed for the benefit of another .

I'll keep my guns , you can have the illegal taxes .

2006-09-09 13:21:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

This kind of question shows the thinking that occurs when the liberal judges rule "constitutional". They interpret it to mean what they want it to mean. If this idiot thinks the constitution says we may not privately own guns, who knows how he would interpret the rest of the constitution.
I'm sure coragryph has some smart *** thing to add to this.

2006-09-09 13:32:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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