They are bad liars..thanks for the vids
2006-09-09 13:06:35
answer #1
answered by preciousmoments1962 7
These clips aren't proof of anything. The first one, with the guys on the phone, doesn't show an explosion just a loud noise that may or may not be an explosion.
The other clip is catching the firefighters in mid conversation. It sounds like the guy is saying the collapse was LIKE a controlled demolition. The only way to know for sure what was said is to see the entire video of the conversation.
These videos are not hard evidence. You can't even call them circumstantial evidence because they are so open to interpretation.
2006-09-10 15:50:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I love that you get your evidence of world events off of Utube. I dont think that qualifies you to discuss ignorance. Americans are better educated than most people in the world, having a wide background and a very democratic system that educates everyone in the country. We already know here that governments lie, our whole government was founded on the idea that those charged with its leadership must be closely scrutinized at every turn, lest we end up with a disaster like Bush. I guess that idea was shocking for you, what third world did you crawl out of?
I’ll take it you never saw the twin towers. There were plenty of explosions on 9/11 and stuff burning. There were thousands of tons of debris being pulverized into a choking and lethal dust cloud that came through the streets like a pyrosynclastic flow. Cars exploded, things fell off the towers and created explosions, or hit with such force that they were similar. Of course, since you weren’t here you wouldn’t know that would you?
Before you advance some idiot polemic in the guise of a question why don’t you learn some basic chemistry, engineering, physics, history (if you think the USA has no experience with lying presidents) and well, that should do for a start. An American high school education if you will. Just the science classes for now. Then come back when you have enough knowledge to formulate a reasonable question
The real lesson of 9/11: Religion causes these abhorrent crimes against humanity. Religion breeds these nut ball terrorists and power mad dictators who let them into this country. Religion rules these poverty stricken slave societies that allow so few to spend millions of oil money under land not their own, while they force their people to fall on the ground 5 times a day or live as slaves covered in filthy sheets. A religion makes those same people so brainwashed and ignorant that they would die for their oppressors and the system they created. Religion makes people destroy democracies that provided them with so much. ‘God’ allows men to create atrocities in the name of good. Bush thinks he was appointed by God. The Muslims think their God gave them the world and they can therefore kill or subjugate anyone in it. The war between the ignorant religious nuts and the enlightened men, women, and children of the world – now that’s an old war, and on 9/11 we all saw it in color. And before you feel you are 'though the looking glass' remember that the majority of the world's media, the text books published in the US, and tv shows produced (and internet funding) is controlled by: the house of Saud. Muslims brainwashing, with their old buddies the Christian right. The people of the book: all at war with free thought for over 2000 yrs. Because if we all thought for ourselves we wouldnt follow the religions that provide these nuts with their power, would we?
But to get back to your, um, question - wrap your mind around this: large tanks of jet fuel - now figure out what temperature that achieves when it explodes and find out the difference between using bolts and doing joint welds without asbestos. You never saw the world trade center, believe me explosions the first time weren’t enough to bring it down but nothing can stand at thousands of degrees. Learn the science, engineering and math, and then figure it out for yourself. Did the US gov help this happen - certainly, was it committed by the Muslim global gov - why yes it was. The CIA came up with plans to use planes as missiles decades ago. They taught this trick to our allies in the cold war - including the taliban.
Learn the science, do the research. Stop trying to mislead people with ignorance, you pro Bush hypocrite.
2006-09-09 21:12:15
answer #3
answered by kazak 3
There were explosions at the WTC, I saw when the plane went into the tower, it blew up. That was an explosion.
I am a little tired of these conspiracy theories. Is it impossible that a gas line blew, or a car, or a truck?
There was an explosion so it MUST mean the evil republicans did all of this and the war on terror is just a farce!!!
Also I would not be so quick to call Reps stupid, because even IF you are right, they tricked you, therefore your dumber than they are.
2006-09-09 20:19:17
answer #4
answered by sarge 3
George Bush told the 9-11 commission that he saw the first explosion at the world trade center,, he said he remembered thinking,, that guy can't fly
2006-09-09 20:10:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That video doesn't prove a "controlled" explosion just an explosion.
Why don't you read the Popular Mechanics report about 911 from an engineering perspective instead of using a couple of seconds of video to prove your "point".
2006-09-09 20:10:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Look I know your right - I know the US government in some fashion did this and killed 3,000 of it's own to get security measures in place to make whatever gas price you were complaining about look soo damm good in comparison and to invade a series of nations that couldn't wage a credible war against Cuba let alone the US of A.
But I as I am sure you must am getting tierd of talking to these brick walls brainwashed by Bush.
It will soon be ilegal to question like this -
Thank you for the link Good luck
You do know I trust that they are going to do it again soon
2006-09-09 20:20:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ok you must be so impressionable. Ok first one, think about it. Imagine the WTC towers ok. Now imagine what would happen if 2/3 the way up the metal finally gave way to all the intense weight above it. How do you think it would sound?
Second video, what do you think it looks like when a building collapses on itself.
Its not american ignorance, conspiracy theorists thrive off of people like you who do not think about it. Just try it, please
2006-09-09 20:13:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
my opinion only..there are a lot of things that could explode like oxygen tanke all kind of canesters that would not be considered a bomb a fire such as this big it could be anything not put there by someone..i think the goverment is refering to a bomb not going off..if they are trying to cover something up it is for a good and i dont need to know all because that would be a danger in its self
2006-09-09 20:23:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I guess there will always be a conspriacy on this, the important part is that we didn't lose our American spirit or the right to believe there is a conspiracy.
I, for me, have a hard time with believing it was not a terroristic act.
2006-09-09 20:10:14
answer #10
answered by Gothic Martha™ 6
it is simply the huge slabs of concrete falling on top of each other , do a little research on the contruction of the building and why/how it fell that way, this has been proven already years ago and makes a lot of sense if you pay attention , nobody with even a tiny bit of intelligence is debating the fact there was no bombs
2006-09-09 20:14:06
answer #11
answered by Anonymous