No, not always. Many are born into poverty, and hence have very little control over their lot in life.
It is true that in many modern, industrialized cultures, opportunities are manifold for those with ambition, drive and a good work ethic to improve their station in life in great and marvelous ways.
But you cannot ASSUME this is always the case. Every life is a story, and no two stories are the same.
2006-09-09 12:41:37
answer #1
answered by Timothy W 5
Unexpected medical emergency's are the number one cause of bankruptcy in America.
If those people had invested wisely this would never happen.
I recommend a strong diversified portfolio with a solid anchor of Bonds.
For a family of 3.4 people a minimum of $13,6 million should cover most unexpected events.
Go big Red Go
2006-09-09 13:01:15
answer #2
answered by 43 5
Sometimes, yes. Other times, no. When I was kicking around on the streets for awhile, I saw a lot of prostitution and drugs. I saw people who had NO desire to pick themselves off the street, get a job, and begin supporting themselves. I wanted to see what it was I gave myself over. I used the spare change I begged off people to do my laundry, took showers at the YWCA, and also used spare change to buy food.
During that time, I spoke to hundreds of homeless people. We talked about how we wound up where we were, and I heard a lot of stories. Most of them were poor because they CHOSE to be poor.
Then again, I've met many families who wanted more than what they had, tried to get it...but fell short.
I would say it's half-and-half.
2006-09-09 12:44:08
answer #3
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
I think most of us are at least partly the authors of our own situations. Are you a billionaire? If not, why not?
I was fortunate enough not to grow up poor. If I had, I don't know if I would have been able to accomplish what I have. I think college is the key to success in many cases. If my parents hadn't paid for my education, would I have found enough scholarship/work study money to go? I don't know.
2006-09-09 12:41:43
answer #4
answered by mollyneville 5
I don't know if I necessarily believe that. I do believe that each generation should have it better than the previous...espeically in america.
We all make choices in life that end up impacting our futures. Some of these choice include, whether or not to study for a test, whether or not to join a gang, whether or not to push ourself and graduate from high school, whether or not to go to college, which college to go to, whether or not to go to work, whether or not to learn english, whether to come to this country legally, whether or not to apply for a better job, etc... Each of these choices builds upon the previous one. We can build a career - or build our own trap. There are many opportunities in this country to help us, tutors, etc...
Certainly, we should be able to build a better life than our parents did...even if it is only marginally better.
2006-09-09 13:21:11
answer #5
answered by BAM 7
In many cases (not all). But the problem is that most of them don't realize it. Until they do, they will not have the confidence to rise above it, knowing that they possessed the "tools" all along, kind of like Dorothy and the ruby slippers.
2006-09-09 12:41:19
answer #6
answered by Rvn 5
No, its all a goverment and big buisness conspiracy.
Big Companies don't get their name in the news unless they are helping a charity or the poor. They help...Their stocks go them more money.
There has to be poor people in this world or our government would collapse.
Everything is based on poor people.
2006-09-09 12:42:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Not all the time...Sometimes they were raised not to think for themselves, thus not have the skill to progress in life. It starts from parenting.
So parents must teach their children survival skills early on.
2006-09-09 12:44:02
answer #8
answered by deep_crawl 3
usually no, I think its pretty random really
if people are smart and healthy and lucky and beautiful, its difficult to not be wealthy also. If and when those attributes are missing, its difficult just to get by.
2006-09-09 12:43:27
answer #9
answered by kurticus1024 7
Yes."Remember,the reason the rich keep getting richer is that they keep doing the same things that made them rich in the first place -ditto for the poor." -Neal Boortz.
2006-09-09 12:45:27
answer #10
answered by Michael 6