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The image of America seems to be slipping around the world, yet so many people flock to our shores or slither through our borders each year in hopes of a better life here. How do you feel about living in this country despite its increasing poor image?

2006-09-09 12:30:04 · 23 answers · asked by gizzardout 3 in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

You said it, it is just an image that is portrayed. People around the world have not forgotten Americas glories and generosity just yet. They all know deep down despite our problems, this is still a great and generous nation despite its perceived mistakes.

2006-09-09 12:44:31 · answer #1 · answered by american p 1 · 2 0

America gets most flak becuse it takes a leading role in the fight for quality of life around the world along side the uk.
some of the problems are created by self interest conflicts such as iran.
You are dammed if you do and dammed if you dont,remeber the outcry around the world during massacres around the world by dictators??People were screaming at America and the West to take action.!! This is the same people who are now screaming for taking action..
I put a lot of the blame at the hands of our French friends who have displayed extreme weakness since their evolution, they scream for help whenever in trouble but never give it when the world needs them to be strong, we should cut all ties with weak countries and leave them to fight their own battles,, maybe they would then buck up their ideas,
Shame on the french and their leaders who sit back and take all the benefits that come form unity, but refuse to assist when needed,,

2006-09-09 12:39:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

people love united statesa. as interior the extensive opens areas. there is loads of room. there are a number of distinctive climates to come to a decision on from. Its no longer high priced to stay. there are a number of possibilities. people LOVE our us of a. they do in comparison to our government. those are 2 completely countless issues. i think of this is the great element right here. yet another point of view may be precise too. assume you have a neighbor that has extra money than you and is usually a million uping you. you purchase a sparkling motor vehicle and he has a much extra appropriate motor vehicle. He has a bigger abode, a boat, a pool, and so on. you start to purely no longer purely like the guy. that's the case with some countries. The have nots continuously have disdain for the haves.

2016-11-07 00:14:38 · answer #3 · answered by rangnow 4 · 0 0

Perhaps u can try to live in other countries and u will see the truth about America.

Basically world do not hate american people but world mostly do hate all the American "innocent, caring, democracy" FAKE agenda that their authority brought in other countries. They just pretending all the time when most of the time they r the devil of the world.

If u asked non-western people, everbody will said.. "This world will be in peaceful if America's FAKE agenda does not exist".

2006-09-09 13:59:22 · answer #4 · answered by sweetzy 4 · 0 0

William E has the right idea, I suppose, but I have seen the living conditions around the world. From what I have seen, I think most people see Americans as they see them on our own TV shows. They see our greed, crime, and corrupt society (We make these mostly to put emphasis on the story's plot) and see how really awful we really are. They don't see the wholesome family entertainment that was with us in the sixties. What we rate R is totally an X rating to our earlier standards. The people see our own newscasts and see how we are actually inundated with daily crime and evil of Biblical proportions--- how we capitalists Revere the almighty dollar. (There is more).

2006-09-09 13:02:13 · answer #5 · answered by butch 5 · 0 0

I don't see anything out there that looks better. I have traveled allot and there are things in other countries that I like ...but not enough to leave the USA. If we try to be more ARROGANT, and increase our I'M BETTER THAN YOU attitude...we might be able to make everyone hate us more. But I hope that we try to improve our behavior. The behavior of the Americans in Europe actually embarrassed me. It was all I could do to keep from telling them how retarded they looked and behaved. We must all be good Ambassadors for our Country. We have the Internet and can make friends in every country. We can stop acting like fools. We can use our votes to get rid of some politicians who embarrass all of us.

2006-09-09 12:58:24 · answer #6 · answered by kar_summers 3 · 1 0

Yes it is the most hated nation on earth

That is why so many people try to come here. They all want to be part of the most hated nation on earth.

Really, less people would care if India nuked Pakistan than the US.

2006-09-09 12:32:10 · answer #7 · answered by Bill 6 · 3 0

It is not America, the country. It is not the average American, man or woman but it is the damned foreign policy of the United States government which pisses off people all over the world.

2006-09-09 12:37:18 · answer #8 · answered by William E 3 · 2 1

Real americans, unlike the commie libs, don't care what other limp wristed countries like France for instance, thinks of us. America is hated until one of these wimpy countries needs a handout. Screw them!

2006-09-09 12:58:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sure France is way up there also.

But I care less what the world things as long as I know we are still a Great Nation and doing what is right. Being liked and wrong has no value what so ever

2006-09-09 12:32:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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