My besfriend Lucy is getting very annoying. She's not the prettiest girl in the world, but she acts like it. She acts like a snobby rich girl. She's not rich. We had a fire drill and she says in a annoyed preppy voice If my purse gets burned I'm suing. She acts imature. If I accidently step on her foot or whatever I'll say sorry and she yells in an anoying voice you better be. She talks about people behind their back all the time. She laughs at everything, and always says she needs a mirror. She screams if a butterfly comes near her. We were playing volleyball and she threw a fit when my serve didn't get to her. She is not very pretty, nor rich. I'm not trying to be mean, but she's acting all preppy. I'm not like her. I'm the one who should have that role of preppy (I'm rich and pretty) but she acts like a snob. She hurts boys because she thinks its flirting, and attracts unwanted attention to her and I. So pleassseee help me. She's soooooooo annoying!
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Some people called me a snobby *****. I'm not like that, I have confidence, thats why I said I was rich and pretty. It comes out two ways. Her change of behavior was so sudden. I love being with her I just want to know if somethings up. Like if theres something wrong with her at home. I AM NOT CONCEITED I HAVE CONFIDENCE THATS WHY I THINK I'M RICH AND PRETTY.
11:00:39 ·
update #1