Many Americans recognize that global warming is not caused by human pollution, but by the Sun. NASA has plenty of photos of the polar ice cap on Mars shrinking over the years, and that is not caused by any earthly pollution. The rocks brought back from the Moon show signs of cycles of brief intense heating caused by solar flares and longer, slow heating and cooling caused by other activity on the Sun. That is not caused by earthly pollution, either. Don't listen to politicians who are trying to smear their opponents by blaming them for a natural phenomenon that nobody can control.
2006-09-09 00:05:36
answer #1
answered by cdf-rom 7
Mass categorisation is unfair.
However american values are fuelled by the media portrayal of issues.
The American media (certain circles) do not believe in global warming so 'censor' the subject. The US president, supposedly the most powerful man in the free world believes global warming to be phooey. So can you blame the American stereotype if the feeling by the rest of the world is that the good ol USA is negligent in this key area but will go to war over the same said oil to fuel its wasteful populace.
2006-09-09 09:20:37
answer #2
answered by ScottishWalrus 2
Like anything else, it's impossible to generalize about what Americans think about global warming. There are many people who care deeply about it and are working hard to do something about it. There are others who don't even know what your talking about.
Don't be so smug. I would bet that there are plenty of people in the UK who don't care in the least about global warming or any other environmental issue for that matter.
2006-09-08 23:57:40
answer #3
answered by Ellen J 7
Many Americans care deeply about Global Warming. It just isn't a priority for the US Government.
2006-09-08 23:30:05
answer #4
answered by ? 5
I agree with fact I dont think americans give a toss about anything thats outside of america
2006-09-09 06:18:53
answer #5
answered by Lone Wolf 2
do you mean you don't give a toss about global warming or you think the americans don't care?
If the latter, I agree, they don't care at all the idiots.
2006-09-08 23:30:15
answer #6
answered by rachel 2
i do think the american people care about global warming but the current administration does not
2006-09-09 06:23:38
answer #7
answered by trish uk 2
Obviously enough of them dont or they wouldnt let the government get away with ignoring the problem. It will only hit home with them when they are having their Big Macs cooked by sticking them out the window and then having to wait 500 million years to allow the radiosctive levels to reduce enough to eat the damn thing
2006-09-09 07:21:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You might get an accurate response if you would write and speak english properly. If you meant to ask, do americans care? The answer is yes, we do. And you say WE crucified the english language...
2006-09-09 03:03:57
answer #9
answered by ? 6
I think they worry more about the fact the next door neighbour has half a dozen guns in his house.
Your not going to start an argument over their dog taking a dump on your lawn, are you?lol
2006-09-08 23:55:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous