You are absolutely right about this one! I feel exactly the same as you do.. I have said all along that the republicans and most white people have this fear about 911. What is even worse is that they over react to everything cuz of their fears. In fact, the reason the middle east is in such turmoil is cuz of the fearful US. This is mainly due to Bush and his administration play on words to pump even more fear in the American people so he can have an excuse to go to war with Iraq and other countries. Osama Bin Laden and Alqueda have really won this whole war on terror cuz he has accomplished exactly what he knew that would work and that was to inflict fear on the US and he has indeed succeeded in doing so. And he always says this in his videos. This is cuz Americans , especially white people never learned how to deal with adversity , and they certainly aren't used to planes flying into their buildings. I mean, who or what will Bush attack next cuz of his fear. If you have fear you go see a shrink or psycho, but not to bomb every country in your sight. We already lost our freedoms and liberties in this country. This is totally ridiculous and stupid of George W. Bush. The man needs to be impeached immediately!
2006-09-08 17:53:25
answer #1
answered by Jediyoda 1
Fear is what the current administration has. The Republican party should not be smeared with the same brush as more and more Republicans are dismayed by what Bush is doing.
There was no link between Bin Laden and Saddam. There didn't need to be since Bush had decided to go into Iraq and finish what his father started. Of course, the reason Bush Senior didn't finish it was because there was no viable government other than Saddam. He was left in place because it would have created a power vacuum and lead to civil war.
As for all the terrorists that have been caught in Iraq, not all are Iraqi. Every radical Muslim from the mideast countries has gone to Iraq to fight Americans because they aren't allowed to do it at home. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria etc., don't want war themselves and they've taken the opportunity to shove their troublemakers on to poor Iraq.
The few Iraqi who have joined the resistance are undoubtably calling themselves patriots. They see the US as an invading force and they're kind of right.
The criminal element in Iraq complicate the issue by kidnapping wealthy citizens, particularly their children, and killing Iraqi police every time they get a chance. The more chaotic the country is, the more money they can make.
2006-09-09 00:28:49
answer #2
answered by loryntoo 7
First off, what is terra, terra, terra? The war on Terror is to get rid of as many terrorists as possible if not all of them. If you live in America, do you really feel comfortable knowing there are people out there who hate and are ready to kill us in less than a moment's notice of an opportunity? They would treat us as bad as Hitler treated the Jews (along with several other groups of people) if given the chance. I don't care if the memory of September 11, 2001, became boring for you. I care that countless people died. These people had families and others who are still mourning their tragic loss and all you can say is that it is boring to you? It amazes and disgusts me how so many can just brush it off. As for the terrorists not being from Iraq they probably got support from there and anyone who supports terrorist actions needs to be stopped.
2006-09-09 01:19:59
answer #3
answered by shea_8705 5
I'm not afraid. There's a lot of 9/11 talk and shows on now because of the anniversary on Monday. Should we ignore it? I don't think so.
And what the heck is "terra, terra, terra"??
2006-09-09 00:22:21
answer #4
answered by mocha5isfree 4
What do u think the bottom line is?
Money, money, power, money, power.
Create hysteria amongst the people so that people will be more inclined to believe we should go to war because of "terra" when the bottom line is really oil, money, power.
2006-09-09 00:39:39
answer #5
answered by cheetah7 6
OK The people that attack us were Iraqi's and this war was going to happen with a republican or decorate as president. Is war was necessary.....iraqi's have hated americans and then 9/11 we needed to go to war a long time ago.
2006-09-09 00:42:10
answer #6
answered by D'reux 5
They have been playing that card since 1949 when they started telling us the Russians were coming (which they never were). It's the only thing they know besides screw the poor for a profit.
2006-09-09 00:28:01
answer #7
answered by Perry L 5
Oh, golly, gee... I guess that there aren't any scumbags out there sawing off heads & such... there are no countries that are promising to end the existance of Israel and the US... You really should find out what is going on in the world...
2006-09-09 00:21:57
answer #8
answered by lordkelvin 7
The sad thing is that I only vote for them because I hate taxes.
2006-09-09 00:19:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2006-09-09 00:19:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous